Zhang Yi was at home with a few people to eat with Bobo this day.

Of course, the rice is made by the chef here who specializes in cooking, and Zhang Yi specially equipped them with the best team of chefs, aunts and female bodyguards.

For girls like Bobo and Zhao Shixi who are almost ignorant of housework, they can live a happy life as long as they eat and sleep every day.

At this time, Wei Zhiguo called suddenly.

Zhang Yi's heart moved, and he quickly went outside to connect.

"Uncle Wei."

"Zhang Yi, I will tell you good news today."

Wei Zhiguo said with joy in his tone as soon as he came up.

Zhang Yi smiled slightly, "Let me guess, has the Wu family been investigated?"

He had already submitted all the evidence of the Wu family's crimes. It would be unreasonable if the processing speed above was still so slow.

Because at this time, the only thing that needs to be done is arrest.

As for other considerations, Zhang Yi still believes that it is impossible to condone the existence of that huge family crime force.

The Wu family is a huge cancer to Jiangnan Province and must be removed.

Now that the time and place are right and people have both, so the processing speed is also quite fast.

"Well, that's right! I want to thank you on behalf of Conquer. It was you who provided very comprehensive evidence that allowed our arrest and interrogation to be completed quickly."

Wei Zhiguo said very seriously.

Regardless of this time, they were operating very fast, and they controlled all relevant personnel in just one week.

But if Zhang Yi did not provide detailed personnel and evidence involved, they would not even dare to move a member of the Wu family. It's not a trivial problem that the whole body is moved because of the pull.

"I am also a good citizen who abides by the law! These are what I should do. I don't need the awards anymore. It's just that the Wu family has been stumbling our company through various channels recently. . Could you please speak to Secretary Hu and take care of this."

Zhang Yi leaned on the railing and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Wei Zhiguo was silent for a few seconds, and then asked in surprise: "How do you know that this matter is related to Secretary Hu?"

After Wei Zhiguo got the information from Zhang Yi, he indeed contacted Hu Yuming, a senior official in Jiangnan Province, immediately.

However, on the surface, the relationship between Hu Yuming and the Wu family has always been very good. Even Wu Huaiyi was still a college classmate and had frequent contacts.

Telling Hu Yuming to the Wu family, no matter how you look at it, it is not an insurance act.

However, Wei Zhiguo knew that Zhang Yi guessed it right. The person presiding over this overall situation is actually the tallest one in Jiangnan Province.

Zhang Yi shrugged: "I didn't know, but now I know."

"Oh, tell me what you think?"

Wei Zhiguo was a little curious and wanted to hear Zhang Yi's analysis of this matter.

"On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore. The power of the Wu family is too great, in Jiangnan Province is intricate, there are many in-laws and friends. Even to say an exaggeration, their influence may be greater than that of Hu Yuming. As a high-ranking official in Jiangnan Province I don’t believe him if he wants to say that he doesn’t want to get rid of the Wu family that hinders his authority."

"The reason why I am so convinced is because of the processing speed of this matter. Without Hu Yuming's backing support, and simply communicating with Shengjing, I am afraid it would not be possible to finalize it so quickly."

Zhang Yi said with a smile.

Although Tianhai City has a special geographical location and rapid economic development, it is one of the largest metropolises in the country. However, the identity of the city's high-ranking official is displayed here after all, and it is still difficult to report to Jinling if it leapfrogs the ranks.

But the incident went unimpeded, and the trial was quickly arrested within a week, which only means that someone nodded.

Who else is on Wei Zhiguo? it goes without saying.

Wei Zhiguo didn’t hide anything, and said, “What you said is very reasonable. It’s a shame that you don’t come to the officialdom to fight for your mind. Wu Jiashu has deep roots, but he also violated big taboos. Relying on their huge faction, even Secretary Hu didn’t pay attention to it. Jinling even had a saying that the secretary of Wu Jia Liushui called Iron Dao. You know how arrogant they are!"

Zhang Yi smiled, "I can see it from Wu Nanping. But now their retribution is also coming, isn't it?"

"This time, it is impossible for the Wu family to turn over. You will handle the affairs of Xiaoyan. I hope she won't be affected in any way!"

After Wei Zhiguo said these words, Zhang Yi vaguely heard a sigh.

Wei Zhiguo called him specifically, not for himself, but for Bobo.

Only when Wu Nanping is completely finished, Bobo will not continue to suffer the same online violence as before.

"I understand, don't worry!"

Zhang Yi glanced at Bobo who was on the table, happily grabbing the lobster with Zhao Shixi, with a gentle smile on his face.


The handling of the Wu family was a huge disturbance for the entire Jiangnan Province and even the entire southern country.

It's just that for now, it won't affect ordinary people, and ordinary people don't know anything about it.

But when the people in the upper ranks of Jiangnan suddenly learned of the news, they all looked astonished. They didn't expect that the big family that had been standing in Jiangnan for hundreds of years would be overthrown overnight!

There are all kinds of speculations in people's minds, but the final result is that it took some people painstakingly and alone for many years to bring down the Wu family.

And no one would have thought that the cause of all this was just because Wu Nanping was chasing stars and competing with Zhang Yi for a trivial matter.

This may be the butterfly effect, or it may be a certain necessity.

Hao Heng got used to it, and the Wu family, who thought they were omnipotent in Jiangnan, would have such a day sooner or later.

Even if it wasn't because of offending Zhang Yi this time, something would happen because of their extremely inflated mentality.

And Zhang Yi just advanced this matter a few years.

Ordinary people know nothing about the downfall of high-level people. The only thing that ordinary people have in their eyes is to live their lives every day, and it's okay to pass the time with some boring gossip news.

I don't know whether it is Wei Zhiguo's influence or the above is out of propaganda considerations. Wu Nanping's incident was once again treated as a model.

This time, no one came out to help Wu Nanping cover under the authority of the government.

So the birthday nightclub incident was fermented on the Internet in an instant, exposing the countless crimes he had committed before.

"Since the incident of Wu Nanping’s birthday nightclub was revealed, our investigators have gone through careful investigations, and in the spirit of not letting go of any criminal acts, finally found all evidence of Wu Nanping’s crime! In accordance with the spirit of strict law enforcement and prosecution of violations of the law, Wu Nanping is arrested, and he will be brought to justice soon!"

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