Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 589 Xu Ping's Private Club

In a place like Sanlitun, there is no shortage of beautiful women. In daily life, many famous celebrities come here to have fun, not to mention some of the more beautiful girls in the university, often come to play.

This place is very expensive, and the consumption is usually very high. People who don't have a wealth, dare not come here for consumption easily.

Therefore, sports cars such as Porsches and Bentleys can be seen everywhere on the road, comparable to the famous car expo.

However, the more than 20 million Lincolns are still very eye-catching, and the number of cars in Shengjing is also very limited. Usually, the bosses of large groups that are not worth tens of billions will not travel in this kind of car.

Therefore, when Zhang Yi and his car slowly drove into the streets of Sanlitun, people around them cast their curious eyes.

Xu Ping talked eloquently on the co-pilot: "If you want to talk about fun, you have to count Sanlitun. Here you can find everything from nightclubs, bars, KTVs, and Footwashing City. The middle, the west, the south, and the north, as long as you can name the place. There are all kinds of gameplay! But there are more young people in this realm, and it's very difficult for the older elders to come here."

He winked and said, "You can't keep up with your energy, you know!"

Zhang Yi looked outside with his chin in one hand, and said with a faint smile: "It's somewhat similar to Nanxiang Road in Tianhai City."

The nightlife in the northern cities is a thousand miles away from that in the south.

If you look along the south of the Huaihe River, most of the first- and second-tier cities are all feasting and feasting after nightfall. From the beginning of the light to dawn, the whole city is brightly red and bright. It is a fun to play.

But in the north, except for a few cities such as Shengjing, most of them have no nightlife.

Once twelve o'clock at midnight, looking down from space, most of the area is dim.

Even in the boundary of Shengjing, there are not many areas with nightlife.

There is no way. Firstly, it has something to do with the local customs, and secondly, it is also related to the climate and environment.

The temperature in the south is high and the air is humid, so going out for a night is refreshing.

But the air in the north is dry and the temperature is bitterly cold. There are basically only two seasons of summer and winter throughout the year. Adding one piece of spring and autumn may not be enough for two months.

The cold cycle is too long. Everyone wants to stay at home and blow the heating at night. Who likes to go out and go out on the street?

"Where shall we go?"

Zhang Yi looked at Xu Ping.

"I will take you to this place to ensure your satisfaction!"

Xu Ping sold a pass without explaining directly.

Not long after, they came to a corner of the block, the place was on the edge of Sanlitun, it seemed a little quiet, far away from the disturbance.

But those cars parked on the side of the road, the lowest grade also cost three or four million.

Xu Ping asked Liu Zihao to stop the car on the side of the road, and then personally opened the car door for Zhang Yi, "Mr. Zhang, here we are!"

Zhang Yi got out of the car and followed Xu Ping's gaze to look forward.

I saw a big house like a villa with a small door opened. The blue light is reflected from it, and it's not really clear what it looks like inside.

There are more than a dozen such houses around, and they don’t look much different from private houses.

However, Zhang Yi didn't dare to underestimate it. Usually, private clubs don't make the appearance too gorgeous.

"Please, Mr. Zhang!"

Xu Ping led the way and led Zhang Yi in. Liu Zihao wore a black suit and smiled beside Zhang Yi, but those eyes quickly caught everything around him.

As a retired special soldier, grasping the surrounding environment is his basic professionalism.

Zhang Yi followed Xu Ping and walked in through the small door.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard a very elegant violin sound from inside. Several people walked along the passage, and after a dozen meters, they came to a turn.

The scene in front of you suddenly became clear!

Right in front is a hall with suppressed style. The layout inside is somewhat similar to the blue lotus in Tianhai City. It is still the usual layout of a bar, but it doesn't seem messy at all.

The space in the hall is very spacious, with distinct decks. At the forefront, there is a symphony orchestra from Europe playing brisk tunes.

Under the blue lights, the atmosphere is even more depressing. Many men and women with extraordinary temperaments are sitting on the sofa, talking or drinking.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

The waiter next to him is also quite handsome, either a handsome man or a beautiful woman.

Passing by the aisle from time to time, hot and sexy beauties passed by, sitting generously on a man's lap, drinking with him indulgently.

Zhang Yi looked around here, mainly looking at these.

He nodded and smiled: "It's really good!"

However, he was well-informed, and he was not surprised. After all, compared to the blue lotus in Tianhai City, this place is only half a catty.

Xu Ping smiled and said, "I made you laugh!"

A waitress walked over. She was wearing a black and white suit with a delicate face and long curly linen hair. If she appeared on the road, many people would mistake her for a popular star.

A pair of tall chests directly attracted everyone's attention, and some even ignored her high looks.

"Mr. Xu, you are here!"

The waitress said with a smile.

Xu Ping lifted her chin, "Emily, go to prepare the supreme set meal, and open the best box for me. Today we have a distinguished guest!"

The waitress' eyes lit up suddenly, and the eyes of Zhang Yi and Liu Zihao were full of strange looks.

"Yes, I'm going to prepare now!"

After speaking, she turned and twisted her waist and left, leaving Zhang Yi and the others with a thrilling back.

Zhang Yi's gaze lingered on her round buttocks for a few seconds, and then smiled at Xu Ping: "Old Xu, the waiters here are very good!"

Xu Ping said with a smile upon hearing the words: "If you like a word, I will immediately arrange for her to accompany you tonight."

Zhang Yi glanced at him and smiled: "What's the matter, is it possible that you think I'm a wild man? Throwing seeds everywhere?"

Xu Ping waved his hand again and again, "How can it be! But you can come to give me face, of course I have to serve you!"

"Let's take a look first."

Although the waitress has a good figure, she still doesn't make Zhang Yi feel excited. After all, her appearance is average, and her legs are worse than those of the maids in the house.

It can only be said that in the eyes of passers-by, it belongs to the kind of sexy beauty. But at this level, Zhang Yi is really too knowledgeable.

Soon, the waitress prepared a box for Zhang Yi and led him over.

The gorgeous boxes are magnificent and magnificent. The North seems to be keen on this luxurious arrangement, probably because it was once an imperial city.

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