Zhang Yi remembered that when he was in the Daxiawan factory, he once saw it once in a while.

It is indeed the shape of this cuboid, about one meter high and no more than fifty centimeters in length and width.

It is more like a drinking fountain than a lithography machine.

"How do you use this stuff?"

Zhang Yi stroked his chin and asked curiously.

"I will send you the operating instructions."

After Moon God finished speaking, a series of information flooded into Zhang Yi's mind immediately.

She is connected to Zhang Yi's brain through nerves, so the transmission of information can be completed in an instant.

"It's... so simple?"

After reading the instructions for use, Zhang Yi couldn't help being a little surprised.

Originally in his mind, manufacturing chips is a very complicated and difficult thing.

But according to the instructions given to him by Luna, the use of this thing is not much different from the complexity of the microwave oven!

"How can I say that it is a household machine!"

Luna replied.

At this time, the bathroom door opened with a click.

Zhao Lucy walked out wearing a pink bath towel, her hair slightly moist, and a pair of slender legs glowing with a faint pink light.

She bit her lip, and whispered to Zhang Yi: "Mr. Zhang, I'm ready to wash. Would you like to wash it?"

Zhang Yi covered the box casually, then stood up.

Zhao Lucy stood in front of the bathroom timidly, her hair was only half dry, and she still felt a little moist.

Under the pink bath towel, the delicate collarbone shone with a confusing and seductive light. Further down, there are round peaks that can't be covered by the spacious pajamas, and deep canyons with invisible bottoms.

Delicate, ruddy and shiny.


Zhang Yi smiled faintly, "After a busy day, I am indeed a little tired. But, come and help F*ck wipe his back!"

As he said, he reached out and grabbed the lace of Zhao Luci's bath towel, and then pulled it hard. Suddenly the only cover slipped from her body, revealing her little lamb-like body.


After a night of wind and rain, Zhang Yi was refreshed.

Shengying school flower is indeed well-deserved, and it does have its own advantages.

He got up from the bed and put on casual clothes.

Lucy Zhao also woke up, looking at the broad back of the handsome man in front of her, her eyes were full of obsession and shyness, and her pretty face blushed.

Last night, I didn't expect him to be so wild that she was like a boat in the waves, she could only follow the waves and let him gallop.

"boss Zhang……"

"How is your health?"

Zhang Yi turned around and said with a smile.

"Also... okay."

Lucy Zhao blushed, a little embarrassed. Last night, she gave her precious first time, and the skills are indeed still a bit rusty. But for a veteran like Zhang Yi, it makes him feel more fulfilled.

Zhang Yi smiled faintly, took a golden credit card from her pocket and stuffed it into her hand.

"This credit card has a limit of 5 million. Take it and spend it! Buy whatever you like. This is also the salary I gave you during my time in Shengjing!"

Zhao Lucy pursed her lips, looked up at Zhang Yi and said, "I didn't want this!"

"I know. But people around me are absolutely not allowed to worry about money."

Zhang Yi said with a smile.

After Zhao Lucy heard the words, she put the credit card away.

Zhang Yi had breakfast and then went downstairs. Xu Ping came here early to wait for him as usual.

During Zhang Yi's time in Shengjing, Xu Ping would accompany him every day. Whether you go to the venue to participate in various meetings, or go out with him, the two seem to be in a relationship.

For Zhang Yi, Xu Ping, an old Shengjing, helped him a lot. And Xu Ping's income is even greater! Because of getting closer to Zhang Yi, many group bosses who had previously ignored him are beginning to be polite to him.

"Old Xu!"

Zhang Yi walked downstairs, followed by Liu Zihao and other bodyguards, and he greeted Xu Ping.

As soon as Xu Ping saw Zhang Yi, he greeted him with a big smile on his face.

"boss Zhang!"

When he came over, four or five men in suits and gold glasses immediately followed him behind him.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang!"

"I am Lu Wenyong, the vice president of Jinghua University!"

Zhang Yi looked at the middle-aged man in his fifties, his appearance was slender, but his eyes were piercing, and he looked like a high-level cultural element.

And the few people behind him are also full of energy, a posture of high-level intellectuals, and they seem to be teachers at Jinghua University.


Zhang Yi nodded at them, and then glanced at Xu Ping.

Xu Ping hurriedly waved his hand: "I didn't bring someone here! It's that you are staying in this hotel. It is no longer a secret now. Jinghua University wants to find out your address. It's too simple!"

Lu Wenyong Chong and Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, don’t be surprised! We also don’t have your contact information, so we can only come over and interrupt. This time, on behalf of Jinghua University, we are inviting you to teach students in our school. !"

Zhang Yi nodded when he heard the words.

He knows this.

All universities in the world like to invite successful people to give speeches.

And successful people like to find opportunities to show off their achievements to young people. By the way, you can promote your reputation. If you can go to a school with a large enough reputation, it is also a kind of gilding for the successful people themselves.

So the two hit it off, and successful people often go to major universities to give speeches.

When Zhang Yi went to university, they often had it at Tianhai University of Technology. However, because in Tianhai City, the University of Technology can only be regarded as a second-rate level, it is difficult to find entrepreneurs with too high a level.

However, Jinghua University is different.

As one of the highest schools in the country, the big names they can invite every year are all leaders in all walks of life.

This time I specially came to invite Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi still felt a little face in his heart.

Of course, he suddenly thought of more things in his heart.

That is when the other party comes to find himself in the past, I am afraid it is more than just a speech. Probably, there is also the meaning of asking him to donate money in it.

Zhang Yi's impression of Jinghua University is not bad. After all, Zhang Yi's dream was to be able to attend Jinghua and Yanda.

So he invited Lu Wenyong and several teachers to a nearby dining place and had breakfast together.

Lu Wenyong said to Zhang Yi very respectfully: "I am a researcher in economics. To be honest, Mr. Zhang's achievements in the domestic business community, even I feel amazed! According to my decades of research, I can't think of anything. How did you create today’s miracle! This, I think, has a very high guiding significance for the students of Jinghua University. Therefore, please also give us this opportunity to listen!"

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