Zhang Yi and Shi Senming left after bidding farewell.

Shi Senming watched Zhang Yi's car leave, feeling like a stormy sea in his heart, unable to calm down for a long time.

The assistant behind him came over and said to Shi Senming, "Minister, we should go in! The next meeting is about to begin."

Shi Senming waved his hand and said firmly, "No, I won't hold the next meeting! Let's go to Feiyun Pavilion. Calling Lao He and Lao Lu, this news must be known to them too! "


After Zhang Yi and Xu Ping got in the car, he first called Su Mingyu and talked about the acquisition of Axe Technology.

Su Mingyu naturally followed Zhang Yi's instructions and did not even raise any objections.

"Speed ​​up the progress, and strive for the first mobile phone of our company to come out in the second half of this year."

Since Zhang Yi wants to start making mobile phones and build an ecological chain based on mobile phones, he will definitely not delay.

At the very least, it must be ahead of the Guge Group starting system charging next year and occupy the domestic market.

Don’t you charge for it?

Thank you!

If it were not for you to charge, I would not have such a good opportunity to eat such a large market.

The abacus crackled in Zhang Yi's heart.

The plan of the Guge Group is that Android systems now account for more than half of mobile phones and home smarts. However, other companies simply cannot create a system comparable to Android in a short period of time.

Therefore, as long as they raise a fee at this time, they will be able to cut a wave of leeks!

As for the Hongmeng system of the Warwick Group, they did not take it seriously.

The Guge Group announced the news last month that it will comprehensively revise the format of the APP. At that time, only the Android system will be compatible, which is a huge blow to Hongmeng. If you want to catch your breath, you can't do it without a few years of adaptation time.

And this period of time has been enough for the Guge Group to make a lot of money, and it can continue to upgrade the system, creating a monopoly.

But no one could imagine that Zhang Yi and Moon God would exist.

"Building a system that surpasses Android is really easy! And when that happens, my mobile phone will be equipped with the highest-end chip. The best mobile phone system, a mobile phone equipped with the most advanced chip, can allow me to tap into foreign markets. At that time, the situation will be reversed! See who has the wool!"

Zhang Yi already has a complete ecological chain in his mind.

Xu Ping sat next to Zhang Yi, looking at him with admiration.

"Mr. Zhang, your side...is going to start a new product launch?"

He didn't hear Zhang Yi mention it.

"Yes, it was decided temporarily."

Zhang Yi said casually.

Isn't it easy to hold a new product launch conference? Find a large conference venue and just walk the news on Weibo, and news reporters from all over the world will naturally come.

When that happens, he will bring the Seagull chip printer over and operate it for everyone on the spot. Facts speak louder than words, and those who question him will naturally see what is truly super-future technology!

Dimensionality reduction strikes are nothing more than the same.

Xu Ping swallowed and looked at Zhang Yi like a pilgrimage.

"You are really a man of God! Xu Ping, I am completely convinced!"

"Take it now? It's too early! This is just the beginning."

Zhang Yi smiled mysteriously.

Xu Ping was about to ask something more, Zhang Yi turned the subject off, "By the way, I'm going to give a lecture at Jinghua University tomorrow. Come with me!"

"Am I going too? I was not invited."

Xu Ping pointed to his nose and said.

"It's okay, then you can just listen underneath. People who are unfamiliar here, there is an acquaintance who follows me and won't be fooled by them."

Zhang Yi smiled.

To be honest, Zhang Yi still has some expectations about going to Jinghua University to give a lecture.

It was not because of the need to use the reputation of Jinghua University to make a name for himself. After all, his reputation in the country is now known to everyone.

However, in his heart, he still admires one of the highest universities in the country.

He hopes to be able to see what kind of thoughts and insights the smartest students in the country have.

Discussing with them may also let you know the thinking mode of contemporary college students.

Of course, if Jinghua University had to award himself an honorary professor title, he could barely accept it.

After Xu Ping heard him say this, he hesitated for a while and said, "To be honest, you'd better not expect too much. There are many smart people in Jinghua, but you may not like the atmosphere."

"Oh, what do you say?"

Xu Ping replied: "I mentioned it to you before. Most of the students there are proud to be able to study abroad. Almost half of them go overseas every year, and most of them go to Mifang. Tell you A joke, there is Shengjing’s best experimental elementary school not far from Elite University. Do you know how their teachers educate children?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said, "You have to study hard so that you can go to Jinghuayan University in the future!"

Xu Ping chuckled, "No, no! What their teacher said is that you have to work hard so that you can study abroad in the future. Otherwise, you can only go to the university next door!"

The next door here naturally refers to Jinghua and Yanda.

Zhang Yi was stunned, "How could this be?"

"You don’t seem to have any children at home, so I don’t understand. Contemporary parents, if they have the conditions, hope that their children can go abroad for further study. In Shengjing, the internal problems are more serious. If you can’t study abroad, even if you are in the elite Yan University is inferior to others. That's why there are so many elite and Yan University students who choose to study abroad after graduation!"

After listening to Zhang Yi for a long time without speaking, he sighed a long time later.

"The atmosphere is so, it is really sighing!"

Xu Ping said: "That's why I said that if you go there, you might see some uncomfortable things. They are young students, not like ours back then."

Zhang Yi really cannot understand why the students at these top universities are obsessed with studying abroad.

This may have something to do with his academic qualifications. After all, although Tianhai University of Technology is a very good focus in the country as a whole, it is somewhat different from Haifeng University in Tianhai City or Jinghua and Yanda in Shengjing.

Therefore, most of Zhang Yi's classmates stayed in China after graduation and engaged in various occupations.

This exchange with Xu Ping today made him feel a huge problem facing domestic colleges and universities at the educational level. That is the loss of talent!

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