Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 642 He is so handsome!

Zhang Yi's exchange meeting was held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and the venue was set up in the activity center hall of Jinghua University.

Zhang Yi's attitude towards this kind of exchange meeting is relatively relaxed.

He has never been the kind of person who cares too much about form, so much so that the clothes he wears today are all casual.

But he doesn't care, but it's impossible for others to care.

After all, this is one of the few times when Zhang Yi appeared in public.

Zhang Yi is so mysterious that at least billions of people in the world now know his name, but they don't know what he looks like.

Now he has appeared at Jinghua University and he wants to have face-to-face communication. Of course, those students are enthusiastically signing up, hoping to seize this opportunity.

But in the end, only 300 people were allowed to participate in this exchange meeting, all of whom were the best students from Jinghua University.

Moreover, due to Zhang Yi's personal request, photography and video recordings are prohibited in this exchange. Even news agencies can only record everything on the spot by recording.

From two o'clock onwards, the outside of the event hall was already crowded with people.

Wuyang Wuyang, there are no gaps on either side of the long road outside.

Almost all students from the entire Jinghua University have arrived! Just to be able to see Zhang Yi once with his own eyes.

Around 2:30, Zhang Yi and Xu Ping walked towards the center of the hall under the leadership of Dr. Li.

Seeing the spectacular scene in front of him, Zhang Yi was also a little surprised.

There are thousands of students waiting for him here!

"Too famous, sometimes it's not very good!"

He shrugged his shoulders.

Dr. Li smiled and said, "This is the treatment you deserve."

Zhang Yi smiled silently, reaching out and lowering the baseball cap on his head.

The three people walked along the road to the hall.

But the students around just glanced at them, and then quickly looked back.

After all, none of them could imagine that they wanted to take a look at the deity Zhang Yi, who was so young and dressed so casually.

Probably, what they want to see is a suit and leather shoes, a majestic man in his 50s or 60s!

After Zhang Yi walked into the hall, he took off the hat on his head. After all, it was a bit impolite to wear a hat indoors.

His appearance has attracted the attention of many people. After all, such a handsome man is inevitably an object of envy and love.

Even after seeing him, a few girls have made plans in their hearts, and will find the handsome boy for contact information later.

But soon, they discovered that the handsome boy had walked in the direction of the first row, where the principal and other high-level officials were.

"Principal Qian, Principal Lu."

Zhang Yi greeted them.

Qian Tongwen, Lu Wenyong and several professors all quickly stood up and walked over to shake hands with Zhang Yi with a polite expression.

"Mr. Zhang, today's exchange meeting is very difficult, your Excellency!"

"I also hope you can give me your advice!"

Originally, the students were still waiting for Zhang Yi to come, but when they saw this scene, they were in an uproar, and a few people even almost fell from their chairs.

"Fuck! Isn't it? He... Is he Zhang Yi?"

"Even President Qian and President Lu are so polite to him, who else is there! Didn't you see that Professor Li brought him here himself?"

"The richest man in the country is so young and handsome!"

The reaction of the girls was much more excited than that of the boys.

They covered their mouths one by one, so surprised they could hardly breathe!

"Is he really Zhang Yi? I can't believe it!"

"This...this is like a dream!"

The students at Jinghua University were shocked!

Each of them is an elite among the elite, otherwise they would not be eligible for this exchange meeting. Originally in their minds, they all felt that they were the future of the world and that they could change the world in the future.

But only then discovered that the president of Shengshi Group, the man who has created many miracles and is called the godfather of e-commerce, is about the same age as them!

In an instant, the arrogance in their hearts was suppressed a lot.

And the students who were still waiting for Zhang Yi to come, also received news from the students in the hall at this time.

"Don't wait, Zhang Yi has already come in!"

"What? Impossible. I waited for a long time, but I didn't see anyone!"

"You must have seen him, but you didn't recognize him. Let me remind you that he is super handsome and he is only in his twenties!"

"What???? You mean the handsome guy just now? Oh my god, what I missed!"

The students outside knew that Zhang Yi turned out to be the young man wearing a black baseball cap just now. The first reaction for a while was-this is impossible! ! !

But after getting the accurate information, in surprise, they all pounded their feet in regret.

After waiting for so long, I didn't even say hello to him. It was a regret for a lifetime!

"It doesn't matter, we can continue to wait for him to come out here!"

Someone suddenly shouted.

Others also suddenly realized, "Yes, that's right! I must see the idol with my own eyes today!"

"My roommate is inside, and I asked him to broadcast live! It's in our school's forum. Although it is not allowed to take pictures inside, I asked him to secretly turn on the voice. Let's listen to Zhang Yi's voice! "

"Awesome! Let us also listen to what they say."

Everyone rekindled hope and opened school forums on their phones one after another.

Sure enough, a user with an unnamed ID in Lakeside has opened a live voice broadcast room.

All of a sudden, everyone poured into it, and soon the audience exceeded two thousand.


In the venue, after Zhang Yi came to the scene, the surrounding students all applauded warmly to welcome him.

Neither boys nor girls can hide the excitement in their hearts.

Hot-blooded young people admire and yearn for successful people in their hearts.

Some of them yearn for one day, they can become as successful as Zhang Yi. Some students are looking forward to marrying a man like Zhang Yi in the future.

"When I knew about his scandal with Bobo, I was still thinking about how this woman betrayed her love for money and followed an old man. But now I only envy her!"

A girl from the elite university muttered to herself.

She is a woman who advertises self-independence, but the moment she sees Zhang Yi, her whole body sinks.

Zhang Yi is in full compliance with all her fantasies about her future spouse.

Rich, famous and attractive, the key is to be willing to spend money on your girlfriend!

"I have to ask him a question when I find a chance! If I can get his attention, and even have the opportunity to have an indescribable friendship with him, then my generation will have no regrets!"

There are not only one or two girls who have such an idea, but all the women in the entire venue—and some men.

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