"So high-quality teaching conditions, so many ordinary college students can't even think of the campus environment. Take me as an example, a businessman like me should be considered successful, but you have the opportunity to communicate with me and share Life experience and perception of career. Do you think I am here for you? No, I am here for the four words Jinghua University."

"So you have enjoyed such good conditions, and they are all given to you by elite universities, that is, the country. But you are so at ease, do you think all this is owed to you?"

"No, these are all the state's investment in you. Simply put, it is the money lent to you, and then I look forward to giving back to the motherland when you become a talent."

"But after you borrowed money from others, you turned around and said: Ah, we are independent individuals! Have the right to choose your own good life. You lent me this money voluntarily to ensure that I pursue a good life. Right, so I have the right not to repay this money. Is this the truth?"

After Zhang Yi said something, the fat boy was a bit speechless for a while.

"This...I, I think..."

He obviously didn't know how to refute it.

After all, all the conditions he has enjoyed at Jinghua University in recent years are also his proud capital.

He regarded these as rewards from the society for a proud man like him, but he has not thought about how to give back.

Those students who were still angrily calmed down at this time and began to reflect on Zhang Yi's words.

Do they really do not understand the truth that even children understand when paying debts?

Maybe it's not that I don't understand, but I don't want to understand, so I try to understand and pretend to be confused.

Zhang Yi smiled and shook his head, and continued: "In recent years, the country's education has become more and more prosperous. The illiteracy rate of the people has dropped drastically, but patriotism has become less and less among young people."

"Everyone has become selfish, and I don't think it is too wrong to put their own interests first, but it would be too bad to abandon the feelings of family and country."

"Speaking of which, this is a serious malaise of the education system. Decades ago, although our ancestors had no culture and low education level. But at least they knew in their hearts that they should love their collective and country."

"But now? The economic conditions have improved, and the level of education has risen. But from elementary school to university, whether it is parents or teachers, what education gives us? It's not that you want to be excellent and give back to the motherland. And society."

"It's that you have to become excellent, then make money, and then become famous and become a master!"

He sighed, "So, these are all major problems in the education system! That's why even the top academics selected from across the country like you have empty brains, but don't have the heart of a patriotic group."

Many people were ashamed and embarrassed by what Zhang Yi said.

Indeed, they only consider how to make their lives better.

This society also teaches them to keep up with money.

As for the feelings of family and country, anyone who says this word now will be considered a fool!

After being taught so personally by Zhang Yi, some of the elite college students below couldn't help it.

They call themselves the pride of heaven, how can they let others point their noses and curse?

Immediately a girl stood up again, staring at Zhang Yi and said, "Mr. Zhang Yi, what you said may have some truth. But there is no absolute truth, and not every student who studies abroad will stay abroad. We. Many of my ancestors went to study abroad, didn't they also return to China to make contributions? How do you explain this?"

Zhang Yi asked back: "Then you dare to say on this occasion, will you come back after you go abroad?"

"Oh no, I should say another way. I should say that after you went abroad, you became famous abroad. After you learn advanced technology, will you come back? After all, if you didn't mix well in foreign countries and returned home dingy It doesn't make any sense."

The girl flushed and looked at the principals and professors sitting in the first row subconsciously.

If it was on other occasions, she would definitely answer without hesitation: "I will definitely come back!"

But this is in front of the school leaders and three hundred elite elites.

I still hope to come back as an outstanding graduate in the future.

If you tell the big story now, but you can't come back in the future, wouldn't it be a joke?

Moreover, the true thoughts in her heart were also pierced by Zhang Yi.

That is, if she can live in the beautiful country of her dream in the future, she will not go back to China stupidly!

But if she doesn't have a bad life there, she can return to serve the motherland in the name of serving her motherland, and come back to seek life in a high-sounding manner.

And Zhang Yi cut her back very ruthlessly.

After all, this girl is too immature in front of Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi knew exactly what she was thinking.

"This question is hard to say now. After all...who can say anything about the future?"

The girl argued a few words for herself, and then sat down dingy.

Several people laughed at the scene, but most of them were embarrassed.

After all, the girls' thoughts coincided with them.

Outside the venue, the students of Jinghua University did not have so much scruples, and many people burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, this girl is too slapped!"

"I thought she had to stand up at such a time, but she couldn't expect her mouth to be so vulgar. She was choked by Zhang Yi's words!"

Some people pondered: "However, what Zhang Yi said is true. Most people nowadays are selfish. Who doesn't think about themselves as the center?"

In the venue, as the two students were speechless by Zhang Yi's rebuttal, the students of Jinghua University became more ashamed.

Of course they all hope to study abroad. That is their dream.

However, they also hope that as a genius, what they do can be recognized or even worshipped by others.

But today, Zhang Yi tore off all their fig sheets, making them feel as if they were standing naked in front of him.

"We...we are not not loving our motherland."

Some students clenched their fists and murmured: "At least we still love in our hearts."

They may feel ashamed when they say such pale and weak words.

Zhang Yi smiled faintly, "If the heart is enough, then the world becomes simple. We don't need to work. As long as we think of milk and bread in our minds, we can solve three meals a day, isn't it? Beautiful?"

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