Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 678: Do You Like It?

The man spread his hands helplessly when he heard the words.

"Sorry, I thought you were from China!"

He said, pointing to the phone: "Because I just watched a great live broadcast, hey, it's a chip printer made by a Chinese!"

"My God, this is awesome! It completely subverts the existing chip technology. China's technology level has become higher and higher, and many fields have surpassed Europe and the United States. Now even the key chip technology is also It's a magical country to take the lead!"

Xu Kexin's face became more and more ugly.

She glared at the man, "Oh, comeon! Would you believe this kind of fake news?"

"That's all fake news! It's all fake, no word is true!"

"People in this place will only use false things to deceive others!"

The man pointed at the phone screen innocently: "However, the product has been made, and it has also been affirmed by many industry leaders!"

Xu Kexin waved his hand irritably: "What do you know? Those are all copied products! Anyway, they can't have their own research and development!"

The expression on the man's face became interesting.

He put down the phone, held the cup in his hand, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew thicker.

"It's a pity, he turned out to be a blind man."

Xu Kexin glanced at him coldly when he heard the words.

"What do you mean?"

The man did not answer, but stood up.

"Blind eyes are not a big problem, the most terrible thing is blind eyes. That would be terrible!"

"In that case, you lose your qualifications to live in the world as a human being."

Xu Kexin suddenly felt a little cold on her skin.

The man's words were too weird.

She scolded: "Insane!"

The man just smiled, turned and walked out of the cafe.

Xu Kexin took a deep breath, and after watching the man walk across the corner, he raised the coffee cup in his hand and shouted, "Amelica is the best country in the world!"

Suddenly a group of people around clapped.

Xu Kexin was satisfied immediately.

"Sure enough, I was right!"

Xu Kexin talked about her ideas in the coffee shop, and she won the approval of a group of people.

She was so excited that she couldn't help drinking two more cups of coffee.

Then, in order to vent her inner dissatisfaction, she found a bar and drank a lot there.

After sharing her inner thoughts with many locals, Xu Kexin left with satisfaction.

"The truth is always in the hands of a few people! I am a wise man, and those people are just stupid people!"

Xu Kexin left the bar with a blush on her face, but her eyes were full of pride.

Yes, I am right!

With this thought, she staggered forward.

While she was waiting for the bus on the side of the road, a few "that" brothers came by and came to both sides of her casually.

Then when there was no one nearby, he quickly covered her mouth and dragged her into the dark alley behind.

Soon there were suppressed screams and curses.

"Uuuuu...Let me go, I am a citizen of Mifang, I have a green card!"

"F**kyou! Beach! (Harmony)"

"Oh, You'retight!"

"Comeon, baby!"

Screams and water sound one after another.

Occasionally there were passing residents around, but they left quickly after hearing this voice.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that it all ended.

Xu Kexin lay down beside the trash can in despair, the clothes on her body had been torn to pieces, it was difficult to cover her body.

Her eyes are absent, and her eyes don't have any focus.

She couldn't understand why this kind of thing happened to her.

Humiliation, humiliation, and despair are mixed in my heart.

She was very sad, covered her body with the remaining pieces of clothes, and ran out whimpering.

In the end, he didn't run out a few streets before he was discovered by a group of homeless people who got up early to pick up rubbish.

"Oh my God! Look what I found!"

"A delicious dessert, creamy banana!"

Several homeless men stared at Xu Kexin, with light in their eyes.

They haven't eaten meat for a long time.

Xu Kexin trembled with fright, "Oh, don't do this, I'm already miserable enough!"

"Welcome to Amelika!"

A few enthusiastic tramps rushed over, then pulled her by the hair and led her to the tramp's concentration.

Here, more than a hundred homeless people live.

And they help each other on weekdays, and they often share good things.


Until noon the next day, Xu Kexin was thrown next to the trash can and picked up by a passing sheriff.

At this time, she was in a trance, and the high-pressure work that lasted for a day made her feel the hardships of the bull socket.

After a simple treatment, she went to the local security bureau and chose to report to the police.

However, several sheriffs just looked at her skin color coldly, and then sent her away casually.

"Okay, we get it. Please go back and wait first, we will naturally notify you when we have news."

Xu Kexin collapsed and said, "Do you know what I have gone through? Please, be fair to me!"

The sheriffs in front of them just looked at each other, with contemptuous smiles in their eyes.

"Don't worry, madam. We will notify you as soon as we have news!"

"But we have a question, why do you appear alone in that kind of place? To be honest, we have sufficient conditions to suspect that you may be a technical girl!"

"It's just because the question of money was not settled, so I chose to come here."

"We have seen too many situations like yours."

Xu Kexin was going crazy.

She was surprised and said: "What are you talking about? You are slandering me! Is this the way Amelika's sheriff treats citizens like this?"

The sheriff who received her shook his moustache and sneered: "You only have a green card. Besides, I hate you people who come to take our jobs!"

Xu Kexin wanted to say something more, when a tall and fat man came over and picked her up like a chicken.

"Please don't make trouble here! Otherwise, we will arrest you!"

Then Xu Kexin was thrown out of the Public Security Office.

Xu Kexin sat slumped outside the door of the security hall, and the people coming and going nearby looked at her and talked a lot.

At this moment, Xu Kexin finally felt what it meant to be true despair.

Since I was a child, I dreamed of being able to come to this country and become its citizen.

After receiving the green card, he even claimed to be an Amelika citizen, and in order to cut off the connection with the previous country, he spared no effort to slander him on the Internet.

But now, what did she get?

I only got a large amount of milk produced from the black machine, measured in liters.

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