The trip to Shengjing is basically over.

The original National Internet Conference was completely overwhelmed by Zhang Yi's new product launch.

But the official side is very happy.

Because Zhang Yi alone solved the problem that caused countless of them.

Even when he left Feiyun Pavilion, Mr. Li's secretary, Lu Jiu, reminded Zhang Yi that the highest prize of this year's National Science and Technology Award might be awarded to him.

Consider that a few months ago, the Nobel Prize Jury came to him in person, hoping to award him the Nobel Prize.

At that time, he was the only person in the world who won the Nobel Prize in Biology and Medicine and the highest award of the China National Science and Technology Prize at the same time.

Zhang Yi thinks this is pretty good. There are more things like honor and it's not too troublesome.

"Old Xu, I've left in these two days. In Shengjing, you served me pretty well, so feel free to mention anything if you need it! Don't be polite to me."

Zhang Yi said to Xu Ping, who has been with him dutifully these days.

Xu Ping was born in a compound anyway, with a distinguished identity.

Now he is also the chairman of a tens of billions group, but he follows Zhang Yi like a small follower every day.

Zhang Yi naturally remembered him well in his heart, so he planned to give him some benefits before leaving.

When Xu Ping heard this, he laughed "Haha", "Mr. Zhang, are you offended? I have said, the person I admire most in my life is you! Hey, I thought you were already fierce enough. Unexpectedly, your appearance in Shengjing shocked the whole world! Nothing to say, awesome!"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly when he heard Xu Ping's heartfelt flattery.

It seems that the way they Shengjing people praise people is this way, how come they come.

"Okay, I remember your credit. Your also has a flagship store in our cornucopia, right? I will give you a one-month homepage recommendation."

Zhang Yi said casually.

Xu Ping's eyes lit up when he heard this.

As the largest e-commerce company in China, Cornucopia has annual sales of several trillion!

Not to mention that recently, due to Zhang Yi's patriotic behavior, many consumers have gone shopping spree at the cornucopia.

Regardless of the price, as long as it is sold at the flagship Cornucopia store, you will start buying and buying!

At this time, the homepage recommendation position for one month is hung up, and the effect is simply unimaginable!

At the very least, their company's products can sell more than a billion!

"Mr. Zhang, you are too polite! The relationship between the two of us is here. I don't ask you for anything I do. As long as you are happy, it will be done!"

"Farewell! What kind of person am I Zhang Yi? I remember your kindness to me, but I have to show it to my face, right? Or else what people say about me? That's all set, don't you Fight with me."

Xu Ping slapped his thigh: "Yes, you are the lord in any way! I listen to you."

But when he mentioned that Zhang Yi was leaving, Xu Ping was still a little bit reluctant in his heart.

His admiration for Zhang Yi is not empty, but from the bottom of his heart.

During this period of time, following Zhang Yi and seeing so many markets, Xu Ping, a young man in the old Shengjing compound, was also deeply moved.

"You don't want to stay in Shengjing for a while. You have been busy all this time, and you haven't had a good time. There are still many places you haven't been to!"

Xu Ping tried to keep Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi smiled disapprovingly and shook his head.

"That's it! In terms of playing, the Northland is really incomparable with the Southland."

"The north is relatively dry, I am not used to it. The south has a little more water and people are comfortable."

"No, if you like more water, I will look for you!"

"Let's pull it down! I still like the watery southern girl. Let's do it, next time you go to the south, I will show you what the heavenly color of the land of abundance is! Guaranteed to be stronger than this side."

The two chatted very happily, and Xu Ping also happily agreed to go to Tianhai in the future and definitely come with Zhang Yi.

"By the way, what do you plan to do with the college student of Shengjing Film and Television Academy?"

Xu Ping did not forget that there was Zhao Luci over there.

Xu Ping had to clean up Zhang Yi's journey, whether to take her or not.

"I'm gone. You help me pass a message to her. If she wants to develop in the film and television industry, she can go to Tianhai City. There is a company I opened there!"

"If she doesn't want to go, I'll give her 5 million. Treat it as hard money for this period of time! After all, it is bloody and sweaty. It is not easy for female college students to make some money."

Xu Ping smiled "hehe" when he heard the words.

"To be honest, Mr. Zhang. In fact, she has contacted me through an intermediary, and she wants to pass you something."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi raised his brow slightly.

"Oh, let you pass the message?"

"No, she still knows her identity very well. I dare not tell you some things in person."

Zhang Yi nodded, "After all, he is also a brainer. Let's talk about it!"

Xu Ping said: "She said, she doesn't want to be in the film and television circle in the future. I hope to follow you, even if you don't have a name."

Zhang Yi smiled disapprovingly.

"She thinks pretty beautiful! Who in the world doesn't know that Zhang Yi has a great love for me? If she really followed me, would I still treat her badly?"

For example, Bobo and Zhao Shixi.

The two have followed Zhang Yi for only a year or so, and when Zhang Yi was happy, he smashed billions of dollars to support their debut.

Now both of them are the hottest stars in the country.

Lucy Zhao is very smart and knows how to please a man.

But it is clear that Zhang Yi does not like her.

Once upon a time, Zhang Yi had been relatively indifferent to the feelings between men and women.

More... as a kind of emotional filling, or as a toy.

Will spoil, will like, but will not be immersed.

"Tell her that there are fifty or sixty maids on my side. If she likes to serve dishes and sweep the floor, I don't mind."

Xu Ping nodded: "I understand, don't worry, I know how to tell her!"

Xu Ping is a wise man. Since he has been able to travel in Beijing for so many years, and he has a good deal of water, he has a very high emotional intelligence.

What Zhang Yi meant was that he didn't intend to really go deeper with Zhao Luci.

Everyone is a simple transaction, and Zhang Yi spends money on her services.

Lucy Zhao wanted more, and that was self-righteous.

"Oh by the way, you can help me with one more thing after I leave!"

Zhang Yi thought for a while, then thought of another thing.

"You say this!"

Xu Ping hurriedly said.

Zhang Yi raised his hand and said, "I promised the president of Jinghua University to let their students come to work with me after graduation. There is also a matter of investing in scholarships for them."

"Now I'm going back right away. Mingyu is busy discussing business and accepting interviews, so I can't get out of it. So you can help me stare at this matter! After all, my money is not used for squandering."

Xu Ping promised, "Don't worry, your business is bigger than the sky with me!"

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