Didi Di Di Di ————

Buzz ————

At ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Bad's bedroom mobile phone rang without warning.

The loud ringing woke Lin Bad from his dream.

He opened his eyes and muttered impatiently: "Who, disturbing dreams early in the morning?" Don't know about texting? "

Lin Bad dreamed of the beautiful woman he met yesterday, and even dreamed that he took the beautiful woman and Xiaolan to play happily in the swimming pool.

It's a pity that the follow-up content has not yet happened, and it was interrupted by this call.

Lin Bad picked up the mobile phone and squinted, the caller is unknown, it is estimated that the group of people from the organization came to him.

Pressing the call button, Lin Guo smoothly pressed the hands-free and said, "Which one?" "

A refreshing voice came from the other end of the phone: "Barlot, I want to play a game with you." "

"Oh? You're going to play games with me early in the morning, and he's a man. I really wasn't interested. Lin Bad was a little puzzled, he didn't have much contact with other male members, how could any men come to him?

"Oh, don't worry. When I'm done talking about the game, you'll be interested. Now, I have two ———— on my hands"

Without waiting for the man on the other end of the phone to finish speaking, Lin Bad quickly interrupted the other party and said, "I'm sorry, I'm busy and don't have time to play games with you." "

After speaking, Lin Bad decisively hung up the communication, threw the mobile phone to the other side, and got up to take a shower.

What he hates the most is those who play tricks, as if everyone is idle, accompanying them to play games.

Since the other party knows his code name, most of them are also organizational cadres.

It's just that what does the other party want to do?

Lin Bad thought while going to wash.

I used to fight, but now I fight.

This is obviously the same thing as the other day that he was appointed by Gin Wine to sit in Japan.

After thinking of this, Lin Bad's heart probably became a little clearer, and the caller was estimated to be a interested party.

As for how his mobile phone number was leaked.

It is nothing more than three possibilities, one of the three people of gin, vodka and Belmode leaked.

Why did Gin Jiu leak his mobile phone number if he didn't have anything to do? He will not do such meaningless things.

As for vodka, it is even more unlikely.

He is a loyal little henchman of Gin Jiu, and what Gin Jiu does not let him do, he basically will not do.

The possibility of him coming to take revenge on himself is too low, and even if it is retaliation, it is not to call someone to harass.

With his muscular brain, Lin Bad estimated that he was more likely to call someone to beat himself up.

Belmode......... Well, this woman is most likely to leak her mobile phone number to other cadres.

After all, she is a nest rebel and her loyalty to the organization is not high.

While thinking, Lin Bad finished scrubbing as he finished.

Started today's check-in.

【Ding! Check-in successful. Congratulations on getting a nutritious breakfast! 】

【Nutritious breakfast: A breakfast full of rich nutrition, after use, it will randomly increase a little attribute. 】

"It's okay, I don't have to make breakfast myself." Lin Guo took out the nutritious breakfast with satisfaction and took a bite.

【Ding! Renal function +1. 】

"It seems that today's luck is quite good." Lin was overjoyed, with a smile on his face, and felt that he would be in a good mood all day.


"What's going on with this guy?"

On a white Mazda parked on the side of the street, a blond man with a wheat complexion looked suspiciously at his phone, which showed that the call had been hung up.

"I haven't finished speaking, so you hung it up? Don't you want to know, what am I going to say? The man complained and dialed back again.

Once, twice, three times, the communication has not been connected.

This made the blond man's face more and more gloomy, he didn't say anything, and he didn't know what to say.

He was ready for the routine, just waiting for the other party to take over.

But if the other party does not accept the offer, there is nothing he can do.

You can only keep calling, keep calling.

Finally, half an hour later, the phone finally went through.

"I said you... Annoying, keep calling me. On the other end of the phone came Barolo's impatient voice.

The blond man looked indifferent, and said secretly: You remember for me, see how I will fix you later! ! !

He said coldly: "Your friend is in my hands!" If you don't want something to happen to them, you will obediently listen to me!" "

"Huh?" There was a surprised voice in the hair of the phone: "When did I have friends?" How did I not know? "

The blond man was silent for a moment, remembering the information he had investigated.

Lin Bad is indeed not friends with the other party, it can only be said that it is a relationship of several faces.

But what can he do? Lin Bad came into contact with the Kudo family.

As for Kudo Yu and his son, inside the house, they don't go out at all, and people are vigilant and difficult to start.

There is also a tourist Xiaolan, she has nothing to do with Lin Badbaozi!

However, after catching everything, he can only continue.

"The name Kudo Yukiko should be familiar to you, right?" The blond man reminded.

"Yukiko... You tied up Kudo Yusaku's wife and came to threaten me? Don't you think that's weird? On the other end of the phone came Barolo's heart-pounding question.


It's weird, I don't need you to remind me.

But who called you a guy who doesn't have any friends?

The blond man complained frantically in his stomach.

"I have Kudo Yusaku's contact information, I'll give it to you now, you go play games with him, his number is ————"

"I'm not kidding you, I'm telling you, I'm serious!" The blond man interrupted Lin Bad's words and said

"I arrested Yukiko and her friends, and now I'm holding them somewhere. As long as you can solve the puzzle I left behind, you can save them! Otherwise, he! "

"Alas, I really don't understand why you grabbed someone else's wife and then forcibly connected with me." Barolo on the other end of the phone sighed and said very speechlessly: "But forget it, seeing that you have prepared a set of games with great painstaking efforts, I will play with you." "

The blond man tensed his nerves, and after hearing Lin Bad's promise to play with him, the stone hanging in his heart finally fell, otherwise these routines he had prepared would not be able to be used.

"Then you listen, first ——————"

Before the blond man finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Bad: "Wait, you still haven't told me who you are." Otherwise, if you are an FBI, then I will play games with you, maybe play and go to jail. "

“............ My name is Bourbon. The blond man gave his code name.

"Bourbon ah~~~ I haven't heard of it, you wait. I called Gin to confirm. "

After speaking, a beep hung up tone came from the mobile phone.

Bourbon took a long breath, holding his anger, and comforted himself: "Patience, patience, patience... When he confirmed my identity and the game started, he knew it was wrong. "

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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