"Who are you?" Seeing a strange man appear behind her, Olvia subconsciously made defensive movements.

Seeing the sudden appearance of strangers, the scholars also became nervous

"Is he from the government?"

"Damn it, what do you want to do?"

Looking at everyone's defensive actions, Qin Hao raised his hand to show that he was not a threat, and then calmly said to everyone:"Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm."

"I just want to tell you that the World Government’s demon-slaying order has come, and the World Government’s so-called inspection is just to find a reasonable excuse to level this island.

Hearing Qin Hao's words, Olvia said excitedly:"How could that be? Then I'll lure them away." Yes, their purpose is to catch me. As long as they catch me, they will not attack O'Hara again."

Qin Hao glanced at Olvia who was going to give it to him for free and said:"It's useless. You're going to do it in vain. Go, O'Hara is the chicken used to scare the monkey."

Qin Hao's words seemed to shatter Olvia's hope, causing her to slump on the ground.

At this time, Dr. Croba, who walked out of the crowd, looked directly at Qin Hao and said to him:"I I knew this day would come. So, what is your purpose when you come to O'Hara, which is about to be destroyed?"

"Purpose? It has no purpose, other than causing trouble for the world government."

Although he said it without any purpose, what Qin Hao was thinking in his heart was this. Do you think I would say that I am interested in Robin in the future? She is still a child now. If I say it, I won't have to go out in the future. Confused. Would I say something so obviously social? Don’t I want to lose face?

In order to avoid continuing this topic, Qin Hao decided to change the topic and said,"By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet."

Qin Hao clapped his hands and made a pose, and said to everyone:"My name is Qin Hao, and I am a fake...ahem, passing traveler."

Phew, it was so dangerous, I almost had a stroke.

Qin Hao was sweating in his heart, but kept an indifferent look on his face, and continued to say to everyone:"I'm here to help you. After all, I can't stand the world. government actions."

Then Qin Hao picked up a book and put it into the king's treasure.

"As you can see, I can take all the books here. After all, these books are important to you. As for people,...ahem, people can take away two."

Just when Qin Hao was about to pretend that he could take everyone away, the system secretly reminded Qin Hao.

Outsiders cannot be brought into the system space. So, in order not to be slapped in the face, Qin Hao quickly changed his words.

Well, three people Bai Hailong was still able to move.

Although Dr. Kloba still didn't trust Qin Hao, at this point, he could only rely on Qin Hao to retain O'Hara's last fire.

So Dr. Kloba turned to Qin with a serious face. Hao requested:"Take Olvia and Robin away, they are the two most talented scholars on this island, and there are books here. These books are the most precious treasures of human civilization, please."

As for Dr. Croba himself, he plans to lead the scholars to stay and argue with the officials sent by the World Government in order to delay the evacuation of Qin Hao and the others.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of these books. However, for the safety of the island residents, you must evacuate."

When everyone was confused, Qin Hao gave an explanation.

"This time, Akainu was involved in the demon-slaying order, and this guy was an extremely mad dog. In order to prevent scholars from escaping, this mad dog will definitely blow up and sink the refuge ship."

"But if he knew the scholars had run away. Then, he would not do such a meaningless thing as blowing up and sinking the refuge ship. Only those innocent people have a chance to survive"

"So, for the sake of the islanders, you too must leave."

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened.

A man ran in in panic and shouted to everyone in the library

"No, Dr. Kloba. This time the ship is coming with the flag of the World Government."

"Without wasting any more time, I will take the book away now. You should also run quickly, run to the west. There is a raft built by a giant over there. Olvia knows the giant and he should take you away."

After saying that, Qin Hao began to sweep the library frantically and included the historical texts hidden in the basement into the King's Treasure.

Then, Qin Hao contacted Bai Hailong through the pet space

"Remember the battle plan, don't worry about the people only attacking the ships, and then run away after the attack."


"Now, spread the thunderous breath."

Following Qin Hao's order, a huge thunder beam struck from the rear of the fleet, and all the warships struck by the lightning were split into two.


At the same time, the warship in front also hit Qin Hao. The invisible torpedoes deployed.

Most of the demon-slaying order consisting of more than ten warships sank before it reached the scheduled location. The remaining warships were no longer able to complete the mission of the demon-slaying order.

"Ice Age."

Although Aoki pheasant froze the sea immediately, the demon-slaying order has been abolished and their mission has failed.

"Damn it, Meteor Volcano."

Akainu was angry and launched an indiscriminate attack in the direction of the White Sea Dragon, but the White Sea Dragon had already dived away. Akainu's move only made him feel lonely.

"Damn, useless navy. You guys, come and protect me."Spanday, who had just landed, saw the fire and explosion behind him and quickly called CP9 to protect him.

Qin Hao, on the other hand, led a group of archaeologists to find Little Robin and Giant Sauro.

After understanding the situation, Sauro promised Qin Hao with a serious expression:"Leave it to me, I will protect the scholar.""

"Doctor, everyone, can't we go together? Robin said to everyone reluctantly with tears in his eyes.

"Robin, you and your mother should go with Mr. Qin. At this time, the only way to survive is to run separately."

Dr. Kloba knelt down and touched little Robin's head and said with a smile:"You and your mother are the hope of the future. Only our O'Hara family is left in the historical text (the doctor did say in the plot that the O'Hara family is the only one left) ) can be interpreted, someone must live to continue exploring the truth of the blank hundred years"

"Ice cube, two-thorn spear"

"Big fire."

Seeing Akainu and Aoki still pursuing Bai Hailong on moon steps after forcing them out of the sea, Qin Hao finally couldn't sit still.

"System, what level of navy is my strength roughly equivalent to?"

【The current strength of the host is roughly equivalent to that of a vice admiral, but if the host is serious, defeating an admiral is not a problem. No matter what, if the host exerts all his strength, he still has a combat power that is one thousandth of a star level.】

"Forget it if you take it seriously, I'm afraid the aftermath will destroy the island."

After speaking, Qin Hao took out a special coin, and then……(The coins were obtained by signing in before. If you suddenly take out some big treasure in the future, it will be understood that they were obtained during the three months of skipped training.)


A beam of light came towards Akainu, hitting the target.

However, since Qin Hao did not know how to arm Haki, Akainu was only transformed into elements.

Aoki pheasant once again froze the sea surface to catch Akainu who fell from the sky.

The White Sea Dragon also took the opportunity to fly to Qin Hao's side.

Qin Hao asked Little Robin and Olvia to ride on the White Sea Dragon, while he himself went to stop Aoki and Akainu.

"Bai Hailong, take them both away first and wait for me in the Windless Zone. I'll cook something for you and I'll be here right away."

Taking advantage of this moment, Qing Pheasant and Akainu also came to Qin Hao on moon steps.

"Ice cube, violent pheasant mouth"


"system, using replication. Target, Akainu"

【Copying completed. The host learns the skill, Hades. 】

Qin Hao dodged to avoid the attacks of Aokiji and Akainu.

"Now, my turn."

Qin Hao used a dragon blast and electric eye to force the two of them back. Then he took out the lightning gatling and started shooting at the two of them.

"Ah, eat my six pure and poor balls."

Although the lightning-enchanted Gatling has no effect on Akainu. (Thunder and fire basically do not hurt each other.) But it can be used to fight Aoki. Ice is also conductive.

Without the blocking of Aoki and the frozen sea, those archaeologists will have time. Get out safely.

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