Qin Hao ignored the system's howling, and his domineering aura instantly burst out, and tens of thousands of fish were stunned.

Yuumi, who was in Gardevoir's telepathy bubble, had eyes shining brightly, and she was drooling as she looked at the fish in front of her that were stunned by Qin Hao.

"Captain, I want to eat fish, meow~I want to eat fish~"

Qin Hao showed a doting smile and said to Youmi:"Little greedy cat, are you hungry just after breakfast? Wait, I'll make delicious food for you in a moment."

After saying that, Qin Hao smoothly put the fainted fish into the system space, and then the group of people rode the water shark tiger out of the water.

After emerging from the water, Qin Hao first took out the largest fish from the system space, and then processed the fish meat while dealing with it. The system said:"System, the task is completed. Hand over the reward"

【I told you to wait a moment!!! 】The system roared at Qin Hao



Qin Hao tilted his head to one side and hummed a tune.

At the same time, the movements of his hands did not stop at all. He quickly deboned the fish meat with a knife, and then put the fish head and bones back into the system space for later use.

Then he said to the system:"Have you? When did you tell me? Why didn't I know?"

Looking at Qin Hao's completely shameless look, the whole system was in trouble.

【Shameless people are invincible, I finally saw it today】

"Oh, low-key, low-key"


【Do you think I am praising you?!! 】

Host, you forced me to do this. Wait, I'll see how you get stuck in my bug next time.

Although he was very reluctant, the system still considered Qin Hao to have completed the task.

【mission completed. Rewards, overlord color and domineering spirit, advancement. ]

Qin Hao could clearly feel the system's resentment through the screen.

However, Qin Hao didn't have time to pay attention to the system now. The walking Shark Tiger's back was not stable.

Amidst the continuous bumps, Qin Hao could only concentrate on trying to slice the deboned fish into moderately sized slices.

Because the fish meat this time is very fresh, and the water shark tiger's back cannot be cooked.

Therefore, Qin Hao decided to make simple fish sashimi.

Qin Hao first bought a piece of wasabi in the system mall, and then used a piece of rough Neptune skin to grind the wasabi mud.

When everything was ready, Qin Hao dipped the sliced fish fillets in soy sauce and wasabi puree and handed them to Yumi, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Meow~ It’s delicious. I want more, Captain."

Looking at Youmi who was full of expectations, Qin Hao became playful and said to Youmi in a provocative tone:"You still call me captain? Um? Xiao Yumi, what should you call me now?"

As he said that, Qin Hao put the fillet of fish under Yumi's nose and turned it twice, and then quickly raised it to a position where Yumi could not reach it.

Yumi's face turned red with embarrassment and she said in a small voice :"Ah, this, I, I understand...Dear, dear"

"Hahaha, Xiao Yumi, you are so cute like this. Come on, eat slowly, it's all yours."Qin Hao laughed and handed a large plate of sashimi to Yumi.

Suddenly, a light screen appeared in front of Yumi and Qin Hao, which shocked Yumi. There was no plate in his hand. He held it tight and almost threw it out.

Upon seeing this, Qin Hao quickly explained the existence of the system to Youmi.

After the explanation, Qin Hao noticed what was displayed on the light screen.

【Next mission, challenge Whitebeard, winning reward: None. Failure penalty: Forced to dress as women for a month (any clothing worn on the body will become women's clothing). The task must be completed within one month, and any overtime will be counted as failure. Note: Only force duels count, other challenges, such as drinking, are invalid.】

【Whether the host accepts the task. 】

Two options appear below the light screen



"Is there any difference between your two options? I refuse, refuse."

Suddenly, a small black hand stretched out from behind Qin Hao and directly pressed the yes option.

【The task has been accepted. If you give up now, it will be treated as task failure. 】

The system said happily.

Qin Hao went numb and mechanically turned his head in the direction of the owner of his little hand.

Gardevoir made a face at Qin Hao, and then said to Qin Hao with shining eyes:"Master, women's clothing"


【Oh, retribution】

"Gardevoir, you, how could you cheat your master?"

Qin Hao stared at Gardevoir in disbelief.

"People want to see the master wearing women's clothes."

Gardevoir had tears in her eyes, pointing her fingers with both hands, pretending to be pitiful.

"Master, are you okay?"

Pfft~ Qin Hao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Gardevoir was so cute like this.

Qin Hao really couldn't think of blaming her.

Although Yumi couldn't read the text on the system light screen, she could hear it. Understand what Gardevoir said.

After imagining Qin Hao wearing women's clothing, Yumi seemed to have awakened some strange attribute, and echoed:"Dear, women's clothing, I want to see you wearing a skirt.

Then, as if to seduce Qin Hao into wearing women's clothing, Youmi blushed and whispered in Qin Hao's ear:"My dear, as long as you wear women's clothing." I will wear the same style as you, no matter what type it is."


Hearing Youmi's words, Qin Hao hesitated, and then imagined the scene after dressing up as a woman.

Well, Qin Hao looked pretty after reshaping his body, with a cute young face and long flowing hair.

After putting on women's clothing, she can be regarded as a flat-chested beauty.

However, Qin Hao once again imagined entering a fighting state while wearing women's clothing...

Thinking of this, Qin Hao got goosebumps on his body, shook his head vigorously, and added the thick and muscular figure of the sword-tooth painting style. The image of King Kong Barbie with a shot face was driven out of my mind.

In order to dispel this dangerous idea of Gardevoir and Yumi, Qin Hao said to them sincerely:"Gardevoir, your master, I am a man.��You have to know that men are not allowed to wear women's clothes. Men will become effeminate after wearing women's clothes.……"

Before Qin Hao finished speaking, the system pointed out a way for Qin Hao.

【Host, don’t worry, what if you get Niangdongquan when you open a treasure chest or sign in? What happened to becoming a girl? After you fuck this girl, you will be the hottest girl on the street. 】

This sentence was displayed by the system on a light screen, and Gardevoir's eyes lit up even more after seeing it.

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