The synthesis is completed.

Qin Hao first opened the blue crystal information.

Name: Ocean Crystal (clear)

Passive: Ocean Blessing (the carrier will receive the blessing of the ocean and the favor from the ocean, and will not be affected by storms, tsunamis, and various bad ocean weather), Ocean Waves (simulates the waves of the ocean, making it Marine creatures will not take the initiative to attack.)

After reading the introduction of the blue crystal, Qin Hao turned his attention to the black crystal at the back.

Name: Ocean Crystal (Turbid)

Passive: Curse of the Deep Sea (the carrier will be cursed from the sea, and various extreme ocean weather will appear around the carrier), Ocean Enemy (the common enemy of all marine creatures) looks at the two in his hand There are different kinds of ocean crystals.

Qin Hao said to himself:"Is the ocean crystal clear or turbid? Well, such a name is easy to confuse.

Let me give you a name.

The blue crystal will be called the heart of the ocean from now on.

As for the black Let’s call the crystal Deep Sea Resentment,"

Qin Hao thought to himself after deciding on the name. Such a large Heart of Ocean ship should be enough, then only logging and synthesizing super wood are left.

Afterwards, Qin Hao hugged Youmi tightly and said:"Gardevoir, hold me tight. Mizutora, speed up and use violent wave charge."


With a roar, Mizutora sank most of his body into the water, Only the huge dorsal fin and the place where Qin Hao and others were riding were exposed on the water.

Accompanied by the huge waves, the water shark rushed forward as quickly as an arrow from the string.


On a certain route outside the Capital of Seven Waters.

An unknown pirate group has just robbed a merchant ship. Now, these unsuspecting pirates are having a party happily.

"Hahaha, boss, the merchant ship we grabbed just now is so fat. It was actually filled with a full shipload of goods. These things add up to at least several hundred million Baileys."A pirate gangster laughed and said to his captain.

The pirate captain smiled sinisterly and said,"Humph, that's a merchant ship going to the Capital of Seven Waters. The city's supplies are basically supported by overseas transportation. As long as we block the routes near the Seven Waters Capital, we can continuously steal their money.

The first mate on the ship also smiled and said:"Hahaha, I just want to rob them hard." Boss, those shipyards are too dark. A broken ship dares to ask us for 100 million beli. It is really desperate."

Speaking of this, the pirate captain showed a vindictive smile. He still remembered the faces of those shameless shipwrights who were desperate for money when they went to build the ship.

The pirate captain took a sip of wine, and then smashed the glass.

He smashed it on the table, and his opponents said:"Huh, I get angry when I think of them.

What I wanted originally was a ship built with the precious tree Adam.

As a result, they came to me with a shabby pit made of iron and wood.

After being discovered by me, these scumbags dared to ask me for a reward of 100 million beli.

They dared to beat me even if I didn't give it to them.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the judicial ship happened to pass through the Seven Rivers Capital at that time.

I must let them know.

I am a big pirate with a bounty of 10 million from the Navy.

Rossi the Scimitar is very powerful.


Suddenly, the navigator on the observation deck shouted to the bottom:"Captain, it's bad, look, look over there."

"What's wrong? What's all the fuss about."The pirate captain casually took a sip of wine and turned to look in the direction of the navigator's finger.


This sight didn't matter, it scared the pirate captain so much that his face was deformed.

I saw a huge shark dorsal fin carrying

Seeing this, the drunken pirates were so frightened that they woke up and shouted in panic.

"A big tsunami is coming!"

"Quick, pull up the anchor quickly"

"quick! Full right rudder! Get out of the way!"


Seeing the whole pirate group in chaos, the leader of the pirate group, Scimitar Rossi, picked up the flintlock gun on his waist and killed the idiot who shouted to avoid the right man with one shot.

Then he pointed Looking at his body and shouting:"Idiot, if you want to die, don't pull me. Little ones, life or death depends on whether fate favors us this time. Give me my order and charge towards the tsunami"(Little knowledge, when a tsunami comes, if it is impossible to avoid it, moving the ship in the direction of the tsunami can increase the possibility of survival)

Although the pirates did not understand the captain's order, which was obviously a life-threatening order, but out of They still obeyed the captain's orders.

It's a pity that what they encountered this time was not an ordinary tsunami.

Boom~ka, bang~

The huge dorsal fin split the pirate ship in two from the middle like a knife, and the huge waves that followed swallowed up the pirate ship that was broken into two halves.

Qin Hao, who heard the impact, asked Gardevoir behind him:"There seemed to be some noise just now. Did it hit something?"

Gardevoir used his superpower to see the surrounding scene through the waves and said to Qin Hao:"Master, Master, we seemed to have crashed a pirate ship just now."

Hohohoho~ Miurahu, who heard Qin Hao's question, also quickly explained to Qin Hao

"You said you couldn't turn unless you stopped after charging?"


"Storm Charge is an offensive skill, not a rush skill, so it doesn't have a turning function?"


"Okay, I don’t blame you for this. Just remember to stop when you encounter a boat next time."

Qin Hao patted the water shark tiger's dorsal fin and told it that this time it would not be the same again.

The water shark tiger screamed aggrievedly, and then used the water flow to bring all the valuable things on the unlucky pirates' boats to Qin Hao.

"Ha, it seems that these pirates are quite rich."

After saying that, Qin Hao picked up a surviving pirate.

Judging from his clothes, it further confirmed Qin Hao's view of this pirate group. If the clothes on his body are dry, then this clothes looks like He looked more gorgeous than the captains of ordinary pirate groups. What's more, the scimitar on his waist was inlaid with a ruby.

Qin Hao first threatened the unfortunate guy and knocked him out. He took away his machete, took out the Ninja Corps mask and pressed it on the unlucky man's face.


With a scream of pain, the pirate's body mutated.

The muscles on his body swelled, and then his whole body turned red, and yellow horns grew on his head. His face also became very similar to a mask.

At this point, Nijia, the general of the Black Shadow Legion Ninja Corps, lifted the seal. However

, before Nijia could adapt to this new body, Qin Hao raised his hand and punched him to death calmly. The remaining remnant of the general said:"Do you think I will give you time to adapt? The purpose of my release is to kill you, General Nijia."

【The special mission has been completed one-tenth of the way, and the host has gained full control of the Ninja Corps. 】

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