[The sale is successful, do you want to continue selling other items?】

"These Devil Fruits are pretty average, swamp fruits, tsk tsk, it makes me sick just thinking about them. The devil fruit is gone, do you want to collect the other things?"

【Whether to continue selling other items. 】

Okay, artificial intelligence is real. Qin Hao moved another barrel of wine and put it in

"Do you charge this?"

【A barrel of low-quality rum costs five coupons. For sale?】


Seeing that the purchase price was not high, Qin Hao did not sell it directly. Instead, he put all ten barrels of rum into the synthesis column.

The synthesis was completed.

In the end, only a small bottle of rum was synthesized from the ten barrels full of rum.

Name : Century-old craft rum.

Qin Hao put this small bottle of wine into the sales column of the mall, but the artificial intelligence subsystem said that the synthesized items were not original items in the One Piece world and could not be sold.

Qin Hao had no choice but to drink the bottle of wine by himself.

However, the wine was really good. It was a century-old brew.

After drinking the wine, Qin Hao felt very satisfied.���I picked up a piece of gold and put it into the sales column, but it still couldn't be sold. It was said that gold was too common and was not a unique item.

Qin Hao was so angry that he grabbed a handful of Bailey and stuffed it into it.

"This should be okay, it doesn’t exist in other worlds."

【Fifty thousand beli, the recovery price is five coupons. For sale?】

"No, how much? Five point coupon? Look, this is fifty thousand! fifty thousand!"

【For sale? 】

Oh my God, Qin Hao felt crazy. Good guy, ten thousand beli in exchange for some coupons? It takes 100 million Baileys to exchange for a Devil Fruit that costs 10,000? emmm... It seems that there is no problem. Except for some special devil fruits, an ordinary devil fruit is probably worth about 100 million beli.

The Devil Fruits sold in the system mall all have no side effects. Strictly speaking, I still made money.

After calculating the account clearly, Qin Hao waved his hand helplessly and said:"Yes, selling"

【If the sale is successful, do you want to continue selling other items?】


Looking at the newly arrived 30,500 point coupons. Then looking at the price of a devil fruit in the system mall, Qin Hao silently took out another 500 million beli. This time, he was completely exhausted. All of Qin Hao's Bailey cash is nothing to Qin Hao. After all, he still has a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry stored, and he will not be short of money for the time being.

Qin Hao looked at the more than 80,000 coupons in the mall interface. Hao directly spent 60,000 points to buy one of the three devil fruits. The

10,000-point random devil fruit is the human form of the animal type, and the 20,000-point type is the superhuman form of gravity. Fruit. The one worth 30,000 yuan was the natural hurricane fruit.

Looking at the three devil fruits in his hand, Qin Hao ate the gravity fruit. After taking a bite, Qin Hao was astonished. Hao then threw away the remaining part of the Gravitation Fruit

"Vomit~cough cough cough, vomit~this thing is really unpalatable, no, I must let him improve the taste of this devil fruit when the system wakes up"

"Well, there are more than 20,000 coupons left. Let me see what I can buy."

"Practice methods.

For swordsmanship, five hundred for beginners, two thousand five for intermediate, advanced...

Do you want fifteen thousand for advanced? What about grabbing money? Fist of the King, thirty thousand...

Excuse me, take my leave.

Elbaf's gun...

is also thirty thousand, farewell.

Domineering, armed color and knowledge color are all 5,000.

emmm, let’s wait for this later, it’s of no use now.

Basic Navy Six, 7,500, not bad, bought it.

Basic fishman karate, five thousand.

It costs 10,000 to advance? A bit expensive.

Just buy a basic one.


"Only a ghost can use the shemale boxing technique. Dragon claw hand, seven thousand. Never mind, it's a bit expensive. Ramen boxing, Chinese medicine boxing, what are these two things? Bachongquan, Diwengquan... Ten thousand, goodbye."

In the end, Qin Hao only bought elementary and intermediate swordsmanship, basic naval six moves and basic fish-man karate.

These moves and training methods cost Qin Hao 15,500 points in total.

Looking at the remaining five in the system mall With a thousand coupons, Qin Hao yawned and said to himself:"Well, there are more than five thousand coupons left, let's keep it for now, ha~ ah. That's it for today, eat and then go to bed."

After that, Qin Hao walked to the restaurant.

After finishing the meal, Qin Hao handed the two Devil Fruits to Yumi and Gardevoir.

Gardevoir ate the Renren Fruit, while Yumi ate the Hurricane Fruit.

After eating the Renren Fruit, Gardevoir directly transformed into a 36D Royal Sister with short blue hair, a black dress, and a big red bow on her chest. , Qin Hao was shocked and speechless, and Yumi, who had eaten the hurricane fruit, raised her hand to summon a small whirlwind in the palm of her hand.

Qin Hao was really surprised when he saw the two enjoying themselves. He couldn't bear it anymore. What happened today really made him exhausted physically and mentally.

With waves of sleepiness coming over him, Qin Hao said to them,"Ha~ ah. I'm going to bed first. You two can familiarize yourself with your abilities. Yuumi, let me teach you some moves tomorrow."

After that, Qin Hao went straight back to the room. He lay on the bed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


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