... after lunch.

Qin Hao came to the seaside and looked at the island that once had lush forests but was now bare.

Then he took out a handful of black grass seeds from the system space that he had obtained from opening the treasure chest. Using the power of the Gravitation Fruit, these grass seeds were scattered on the deserted island.

I hope that the ingredients in this delicious captive world will also grow in the One Piece world.

After sowing the seeds, Qin Hao pulled together dozens of rafts built by the shadow ninjas for synthesis. The result was a huge raft with three layers.

After confirming that the raft was strong and could sail smoothly on the sea, Qin Hao installed a sail on the top of the raft.

Then put the synthesis column into the water to collect sea water to synthesize the heart of the ocean.

At this time, the water shark tiger who had been sleeping in the pet space for a long time finally woke up.


After feeling the water shark tiger's hunger, Qin Hao threw a roasted Neptune creature into the pet space.

The water shark tiger quickly grew in size and swallowed the sea king in two or three mouthfuls.

After eating, the water shark returned to its original size and emerged from the pet space.

After coming out, Sui Sharhu discovered the Heart of the Ocean and Deep Sea Resentment that Qin Hao had just synthesized.

Its eyes were instantly attracted to them, drooling, staring at these two things as if they were delicacies.

Hoo ~ ho ho ~

Through the translation in the pet space, Qin Hao learned that the Shark Tiger wanted to eat the Heart of the Ocean and Deep Sea Resentment in his hand.

After hearing this request, Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a very uncertain tone:"You said, you want to eat these two?"


"Are you saying that your gut tells you that these two things are important to you?"



"System, what's going on? Why did the water shark tiger suddenly develop an appetite for these two things?"

【Host, this is the gourmet cell in the water shark tiger's body that is about to evolve. Heart of the Ocean and Deep Sea Resentment should be suitable ingredients for it. 】

After listening to the explanation given by the system, Qin Hao embedded a Heart of the Ocean at the bottom of the raft, and then handed all the remaining Heart of the Ocean and Deep Sea Resentment to Sui Sharhu.

I saw the water shark tiger eating all the crystals in front of it one by one, like eating pudding.

After eating, Mizutora's body began to emit waves of ripple-like blue light. Immediately afterwards, its claws and teeth all transformed into blue crystals.


The Shark Tiger looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, then slapped its front paws down fiercely.

I saw several dark blue sharp crystals erupting from the sea in front of it.

At first, Qin Hao thought these crystals were just ordinary ice cubes, so he broke off one out of curiosity. As a result, after the thing shattered, it exploded into hot mist, burning Qin Hao's hands.

You know, not even Akainu's lava can burn Qin Hao so easily

【The host, which is seawater compressed into a solid, has extremely high temperatures】

"Can water be compressed into a solid? This unscientific?"

【But this is very metaphysical】

"This...well, you have a point."


————(After leaving the island

, Qin Hao picked up the compass and determined the direction of the West Sea.

In order to exercise Yuumi's fruit ability, Qin Hao did not take everyone to set off on the water shark tiger this time. Instead, he asked Yuumi to release a hurricane to blow the sails to make the raft move forward.

When the raft was about to reach the windless zone, Qin Hao planned to drive the raft himself to test whether the raft inlaid with the heart of the ocean could avoid the Sea Kings.

So he said:"Microsora, you take Yumi and Gardevoir and stay here on the Great Channel. I'll try to see if this raft can avoid the perception of the Neptunes."

After saying that, Qin Hao used The ability of the Gravitation Fruit creates a gravity ball in front of the raft, attracting the raft into the windless zone.

Ten minutes later, Qin Hao accelerated his rowing speed when he saw that the surroundings were still calm. The force and sound of the paddle hitting the water also became much louder.

Although Qin Hao was making noise on the sea, the Neptunes seemed to have collectively become deaf and could not hear the noise Qin Hao made at all.

There is no doubt that the experiment was a success. The effect of the Heart of the Ocean was very obvious. Qin Hao swaggered across the windless zone on a raft without attracting the attention of a sea king.

Seeing this, Qin Hao, who was very playful, directly used his gravity fruit ability to start racing the boat, and even wanted the raft to fly directly into the sky.

However, probably because the raft was too big and heavy, the raft rose extremely slowly, and in the end Qin Hao had no choice but to give up.


After the experiment was over, Qin Hao took everyone back to the raft and asked Youmi to continue blowing wind to speed up the raft.

Qin Hao, who had nothing to do, went to the system mall to look for computers.


After searching for a long time and still finding nothing, Qin Hao asked the system:"System, didn't you say there are computers in the mall? Why didn't I find it?"

【If you search for game consoles as a host, the one with the controller logo is. 】

According to the system prompts, Qin Hao found this unnamed controller. The price was three thousand points. Qin Hao gritted his teeth and bought it directly.

But after getting the thing, Qin Hao found that it was completely different from the game console he imagined.

Qin Hao looked at the small, palm-sized black box in his hand and said,"System, this is what you said, a game console? This thing doesn't even have a monitor, are you kidding me?"

【Did the host see the switch above? As long as the host imagines the game console he needs in his mind, it will automatically become that way】

"Is it so magical? Let me try."

After saying that, Qin Hao imagined an e-sports game cabin in his mind. Then he pressed the switch.

The small black box instantly decomposed and turned into a high-tech e-sports game cabin.

It had not been touched for several months. Qin Hao, who had played the game before, lay down on the spot.

Looking at the familiar wen10 interface in front of him, Qin Hao said to the system:"System, let's play two games."

【Okay, I'll play Yasuo】


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