"Then when will we see it? Forget it, I'll just develop it myself. I really don't want to look for those memories anymore."

"Besides, ninjutsu is nothing more than attacks transformed using chakra. It should not be difficult to develop according to this principle."

With that said, Qin Hao began to try to mobilize the energy in his body to use Wood Escape.



After holding it in for a long time, Mu Dun didn't come out. Instead, he farted out.

Qin Hao's old face turned red, and then he increased his energy output. As a result... a large, twisted tree root emerged from Qin Hao's feet and slapped the ground in front of him crazily. Even the pot Qin Hao used to make milk tea was deformed.

If Qin Hao hadn't reacted quickly and used gravity to suck the milk tea in the pot into the air in time. I'm afraid even the milk tea will be ruined.

【Go ahead, garlic bastard, use crazy plants. ]

Qin Hao's face darkened:"Tch, at least I can use the Wood Escape, which means my development direction is right."

The system thought to himself. Alas, why is this host so stubborn? Forget it, just remind him. So, the system told Qin Hao

【Host, can't you just go online and search for Mudun seals? Then slowly find out the feeling based on the seals. Couldn't this Wood Escape be used? Why bother? ]

After hearing the system's reply, Qin Hao was stunned for a moment and thought to himself. Yes, I can directly search for seals.

"Um, ahem, of course I know. I'm just trying to develop new ninjutsu"

【And then a crazy plant was developed?】

"So what, at least this technique doesn't require any seals"

【Then you develop it slowly. By the way, host, let me remind you that the pearls in your milk tea are still boiling in the pot.】


"My sandwich pearls!!!"

When Qin Hao turned off the fire, all the pearls in the pot had been boiled and exposed.

Looking at the reddish-brown viscous liquid in the pot, Qin Hao picked up a small spoon and took a sip.

Well, although it looks a bit ugly, , but the taste was okay.

So Qin Hao bought a large piece of ice in the system mall, smashed the ice into smoothies with two punches, and filled a large goblet with it. Add a slice of lemon peach, then pour the sifted reddish-brown liquid on top. Finally, add the cherries and parasol.

Leave the system space and serve the smoothie and milk tea to Yuumi who is sunbathing. After meeting Gardevoir, Qin Hao turned around and walked into the trial tower.


Three days later... near an unknown island in the West Sea.

A purple sword energy slashed out from the raft and cut off a section of the mountain.

Looking at Qin Hao who could cut off the mountain easily, Yumi said excitedly:"Wow, my dear, you are so powerful, meow~."

Qin Hao touched Yumi's ears and said with a smile:"Hahaha, how are you? , your husband, I am awesome, right?"

"Awesome, my dear, how did you do it? As far as I know, those great swordsmen who can perform flying slashes have been practicing for at least ten years. How come you can do it in three days?"

"Ahem, of course it’s because your husband and I are extremely talented."Although he said this, in fact, Qin Hao has been practicing in the trial tower for nearly ten years in the past three days. (One second outside and one day inside)

Qin Hao has perfectly mastered the two skills of Mu Dun and himself. In terms of fruit abilities, he has already completed all the swordsmanship, six postures and fishman karate he bought before. He even learned food skills by himself, and now he can use the energy of food cells to create chopsticks, spoons, knives and other attacks.

The purple slash was a sword move created by Qin Hao based on his ability to decompose fruits. Just when

Qin Hao was about to continue loading 13, bursts of gunfire came from not far in front of the raft.

~ Qin Hao sensed through the sight and smell that several pirate ships were chasing a merchant ship.

The pirates seemed to enjoy the chase, and they kept firing just to force the merchant ship to change its direction.

Qin Hao didn't want to take care of this matter at first, after all, there weren't many good merchants in the world of One Piece, but the merchant ship was constantly approaching Qin Hao's location, so Qin Hao had to take care of it now.

"Yuumi, it’s time to test the results of your cultivation these past few days. There is a group of pirates chasing a merchant ship ahead and kill those pirates."

Youmi said excitedly:"Okay, it's up to me."

After saying that, Yumi jumped, and a pair of wind wings sprouted from behind her, and she quickly flew towards the pirates.


On the pirate ship, a man who seemed to be the captain laughed and said:"Hahaha, run away, run away, damn Robert, the more you run away, the more excited I get, hahaha. Guys, continue the bombardment and drive them all to the island.""


"Hurry up, drive the boat faster, you untouchables, drive faster."Looking at the pirate ship getting closer and closer, a potbellied businessman on the merchant ship couldn't help shouting. The first mate on the merchant ship knelt on the ground and said tremblingly:"Sir Robert, our ship's speed is already the fastest. Yes, if you can drop some cargo……"


A whip hit the first mate hard

"Bastard, that's goods with a total value of 300 million beli. If you lose even a hundred beli, you can't afford it."

At this time, the bodyguard behind the businessman put his head into the businessman's ear and said:"Sir Robert, it has been confirmed that that group of pirates was sent by our old enemy, the Bain family. The leading pirate is the adopted son of the Bain family, Bloodhand Bain. My subordinates suspect that someone has leaked the news that we are transporting devil fruits on this trip."

"What? Bastard, when will our reinforcements arrive?"

"This, I'm afraid, won't arrive. My subordinates have just received news that our people are being targeted by that mafia rookie, Capone Becky. Now there's a fight in Cigar Town."


The angry businessman shot the first mate to death to vent his anger.

"Damn the Bane family, damn Capone Becky. They definitely negotiated this. You, go to the bottom of the boat and let that man out. Tell him that as long as he can kill the pirates sent by the Bain family, I will let his family go free."


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