Although they are not strong compared to Pokémon, the monsters in the Monster Hunter series are really handsome.


Looking at the white sea dragon in front of him, which was rubbing his clothes and roaring affectionately to him, Qin Hao patted its head gently, and then took out the leg of a huge Hankli La bird from the system space. Tear the bird legs into pieces and feed them to the white sea dragon.

While Bai Hailong was obsessed with eating meat, Qin Hao also took out the Devil Fruit he had just drawn and bit into it.

As for the lollipop tree seeds, there is no arable land now, so we should plant them in the warehouse first.


Qin Hao quickly covered his mouth, fearing that he would spit it out.

How unpalatable this is, the word unpalatable was literally coined for Devil Fruits.

This was hard to accept for Qin Hao, who had been eating delicious food every day for three months.

After Qin Hao struggled for nearly ten minutes, he finally swallowed the devil fruit pulp with difficulty.

After Qin Hao came over slowly, he asked the system

"System, didn't you say you eliminated the side effects of Devil Fruit? Why does this stuff taste so bad?"

【Host, the side effects are indeed eliminated. You are not afraid of sea water and sea floor stones, and you are not restricted to eating only one. Why not eliminate the side effects? As for the taste, Devil Fruit itself tastes that way. 】

Who wants to eat something so unpalatable for the second time? Qin Hao was going crazy inside but still pretended to be calm.

He said to the system without changing his expression:"I will also improve the taste next time."

Then he opened the attribute panel to see what abilities he had gained.

Name: Qin Hao

Gender: Male

Strength: 5100 +

Speed: 5160 +

Resistance: 150 +

Flexibility: 120 + Physical strength

: ∞ +

Energy: 0 +

HP: 11000 +

Charm: 75

Luck: 6

Talent: Devour Evolution

Bloodline: Human , Gourmet Demon

Skills: One-time copy, Unstoppable, Dragon Explosion, Invisibility (derived from snake charm), Electric Eyes (derived from pig charm), Flying (derived from chicken charm), Railgun

Special Ability: Superman-type fruit decomposition ability Author

Attribute Points: 3000

Looking at the results of his three months of practice, Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction. The accumulated 3,000 attribute points would be decided upon arriving at O'Hara in two days before he decided how to add more points.

Qin Hao conveniently put the cocoa fruit taken from the back of Dozuku Koala into the system space and asked the system

"System, can the system space be expanded? I didn't find the option to expand when upgrading before, but now the space is obviously starting to run out."

【Yes, the host opens the system mall and there is a search in the upper right corner. You can find the space expansion card by searching for space. 】

After listening to what the system said, Qin Hao directly opened the system mall and found the space expansion card, but the price was just……

"Wucao, system, you are robbing me openly. Are you selling a card for 10,000 coupons?"

Qin Hao was shocked. The system must have had a seizure.

Is it possible to pluck wool like this? I'm not afraid of plucking the sheep to death.

【Host, if you scroll back, the 10,000 card is the small world expansion card, and the system space expansion card is at the back. ]

Qin Hao took a closer look and saw that there was indeed a line of small words of the same color on the card, which said Small World Expansion Card.

It was so hidden, no wonder I didn't see it just now. Qin Hao rolled his eyes and continued browsing the system mall.

After browsing the mall, Qin Hao finally found the space expansion card.

A space expansion card costs one hundred points, and Qin Hao bought three of them directly.

Entering the system space and looking at the food ingredients surrounding the house, Qin Hao directly used a space expansion card.

After a rumble, the system space seemed empty again.

"Hiss~ System, how big is the system space now?"

【One cubic kilometer, the host should not be surprised. The range of space expansion is fixed every time, and there is no exact multiple. ]

Qin Hao nodded, indicating that he understood. Then the other two expansion cards were used directly.

But when I used it, I found that the remaining two cards were not of sufficient level and could not be used.

"System, why can’t these two expansion cards be used?"

【Host, every time you expand the system space, you need to use a higher-level expansion card. The three expansion cards you bought are low-level expansion cards and can only be expanded once.】

"Ah, what should I do?"Qin Hao scratched his head in annoyance. One-fifth of the coupon he had just received was lost in vain. This wave of blood loss

【The host can open and expand the pet space with exactly two cards. ]

The system's words made Qin Hao's mood fluctuate like a roller coaster. Although two hundred coupons may not seem like much, coupons are rare. It took Qin Hao three months to get this coupon, and he was not willing to waste it at all.

"Turn it on to open the pet space immediately."As soon as he heard that there was still a chance to recover the losses, Qin Hao immediately chose to open the pet space.

【Pet space has been opened. The pet space has been expanded. The current pet space area is 10 square kilometers]

Qin Hao thought, this time the system did not specify the height limit? There is weirdness.

The system then explained

【There are no height and depth restrictions in the pet space, but there are gravity and gravitational restrictions. The higher you fly, the heavier the gravity will be. Similarly, the deeper you go underground and to the seabed, the stronger the gravity will be.】

"OK, I get it."After listening to the system's explanation, Qin Hao continued to browse the mall, and he found something that could make pets grow quickly.

Advanced pet growth potion (can greatly shorten the growth time of pets, and at the same time have a chance of making pets evolve.)

The price is five hundred Click the coupon.

Qin Hao looked back at Bai Hailong who was eating meat, gritted his teeth, and bought it.

Looking at the oral liquid-sized bottle in his hand, Qin Hao began to wonder why the system was sold so cheaply. It turned out to be a small quantity.

Qin Hao summoned Bai Hailong and poured this bottle of growth potion into Bai Hailong's mouth.

Evolution, evolution, evolution... Qin Hao kept saying in his mouth, at the same time, he thought that the sacrifice system would have a hundred years of life. The system must evolve at this time.


Why do I always feel like someone is cursing me?

Could it be that I have been hallucinating recently due to being too tired?

Alas, when will this silly host save this system from worry?

At this time, Bai Hailong's body emitted a burst of colorful light, and then his body quickly grew larger and longer. It also looks more like a dragon than a crocodile, and the thunderbolts flashing between the water chestnuts on its body make it more domineering.

I saw it opened its mouth wide, swallowed the remaining pieces of meat directly into its mouth, and then flew directly into the sky

"This... flying! This is evolution!"Qin Hao shouted excitedly. He didn't expect that Bai Hailong had really evolved. Not only did he become more handsome, he also had the ability to fly freely.

"System, how do I check pet information?"

【Just touch it and look at it silently. 】

Qin Hao touched Bai Hailong's head and checked silently.

Name: White Sea Dragon

HP: 1000

Physical Attack: 400

Special Attack: 600

Physical Defense: 600

Magic Resistance: 600

Speed: 500

Skills: Double Thunder Fangs, Thunder Breath, Diffused Thunder Breath, King's Storm

Characteristics: Great Paralysis, Paralysis Immunity

Special abilities: diving, flying

(the attributes are enhanced by me based on the data in the game, and the characteristics are talents. Let’s unify them here.)

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