Because those people had been gone for a while, Qin Hao asked Bai Hailong and Gardevoir to return to the system space and wait for him.

Then he used the extreme speed brought by the rabbit charm to further increase his flying speed, turning into a bolt of lightning and flying quickly in the direction Franky pointed.


On the sea, a gorgeous fleet was sailing towards the Chambord Islands.

This fleet consists of dozens of warships with different images but all of them are gorgeous.

In the middle of the fleet is a gorgeous giant ship. It is as big as the four or five surrounding ships combined.

At this time, a concert was being held on the deck of the giant ship. Countless nobles in gorgeous clothes were holding wine glasses and wearing masks, chatting and laughing together.

From time to time, some scantily clad maids served drinks and snacks to the nobles.

In addition, there are some older people surrounding an old man wearing a crown to show their courtesy.

"What a magnificent ship. Only such a ship can be worthy of Your Majesty's status."

"Yes, yes, dedicating this ship to the great Lord Rogge is a lifetime honor for those dirty boatmen."

"Your Majesty was still merciful and just killed the few untouchables who hindered His Majesty from boarding the ship. If you ask me, I should blow up that island too."


The red-nosed old man sitting in the middle enjoyed the flattery from everyone and laughed loudly:"Hahaha, okay, okay, the Capital of Seven Waters is a famous town after all, and it is near Judiciary Island. If it is directly destroyed It would be a disgrace to the World Government, and this treasure ship is not for my own use, but is to be used as a dowry for my daughter, the great Celestial Dragon, Saint Charmandes.

" , the nobles around Rogge were even more envious, and they all praised

"Your Majesty is so lucky that the Princess can be favored by the Celestial Dragons. The Campbell Kingdom will definitely be more prosperous in the future. I wonder if we can join His Majesty’s kingdom in the future?"

Roger was overjoyed and thought to himself. Haha, old Peter, I never thought you would come to beg me one day. If I don't drain your money, my surname will not be Campbell.

"Hahaha, Prince Peter, I have been waiting for your words for a long time. I have long said that Old John is old and can no longer survive. Now his daughter has been demoted to a slave because she offended the Celestial Dragons. His kingdom would come to an end sooner or later."

The man called Peter smiled and said:"Yes, yes, that's why we came to you, Your Majesty Rogge, as long as you let us join your kingdom, the business channels we are waiting for on the sea will be yours. Got it"

"Hahaha, Duke Peter, apart from those business channels, how does your guild deal with it?"

Peter's heart tightened and he thought to himself. Damn old fox, you are really greedy. Even my guild will not let you go. Damn it, if it weren't for the fact that the Green Kingdom was about to end, I wouldn't have come to you.

"Haha, Your Majesty, I can’t decide on the guild’s affairs alone. If Your Majesty needs it, I can help you introduce my partners."

At this time, a young man in gorgeous clothes walked over quickly.

"Father, I heard that this ship was ordered by Qin Hao, the cruel king of Qiwuhai and the shadow of the devil. Even the materials for building the ship were provided by him. Is it okay if we just drive the ship away?

Rogge stood up and patted his eldest son on the shoulder, and said with a smile:"Hahaha, how could that be?" That Qin Hao is just a dog raised by the World Government. I am the king of the countries that join the world government. How dare he come to trouble us. By the way, is your sister still upset?"

"Yes father, she said...she would rather die than marry a Celestial Dragon"

"Hum~ She is lucky to marry a Tianlong, forget it, let her make trouble, anyway……"


Rogge’s words haven’t finished yet. Lightning struck in the sky, shattering the masts on the ships around the giant ship. forcing them to stop the ship.

Immediately afterwards, a figure landed on the giant ship accompanied by thunder and lightning.

"who are you?"

"surround him"

"Protect His Majesty the King"


Amidst the horrified cries of a group of nobles, the guards on the ship stepped forward to surround Qin Hao with their weapons drawn out.

But Qin Hao just waved his hand, and a bolt of lightning flashed across, turning all the guards into cokes.

Qin Hao's face turned cold and he looked around at the frightened nobles and said,"That's awesome. You even dare to snatch my ship. It seems that you are really tired of living."

Rogge's eldest son said to Rogge tremblingly. He whispered:"Father, father, didn't you say that he doesn't dare to come to us to cause trouble?"

Rogge was also startled by Qin Hao's appearance. After coming back to his senses, Rogge's own son asked this question. He felt like he had been slapped in the face and roared in anger:"Asshole, Qin Hao, Shadow of the Devil, you are just a dog raised by the world government. How dare you attack the franchise?" King of the country, I order you to kneel down and apologize immediately."

Qin Hao looked at the mentally retarded person in front of him with a black line on his face and thought to himself. How did this thing become king? Can't see the form clearly? Forget it, just send him to death.

Qin Hao waved his hand and attracted everyone on the deck into the air.

"Shadow of the Demon Qin Hao, you, how dare you attack me, I am the king of the franchise country, I order you to let me down!"Among the frightened figures, only Rogge was still waving his limbs and shouting.

Only then did Qin Hao notice that the mentally retarded king's nose happened to be red.

It seemed that this guy had robbed the ship. With a sullen face, Qin Hao used gravity to pull him in front of him, suppressing the thought of killing him, and asked in a cold tone:"The king of the countries that join the world government? Which country is it?

Rogge, who was frightened by Qin Hao's momentum, subconsciously said:"Kan, Campbell Kingdom.""

Then Rogge reacted and started shouting again:"You, you dare to attack me, aren't you afraid of being wanted by the World Government?

Qin Hao showed a sneer and said:"Oh, joining the country?" Do you think the world government would come to trouble me over a country that no longer exists?"

"does not exist? You, what do you mean?"

After speaking, Rogge seemed to realize something and shouted crazily:"No, you can't do this. Attacking the world government of the participating countries will definitely eliminate you, not to mention, what's more, my daughter is about to marry a Celestial Dragon.. By then I will also be a noble of the world, I……"


Qin Hao slapped Rogge impatiently, but it seemed that he didn't grasp the strength well, and Rogge's head flew away directly from the slap.

Until his death, Rogge still had an expression of disbelief on his face. As if asking Qin Hao how dare he kill him.

In response, Qin Hao gave him a lightning bolt, which turned his body into dregs and buried him at sea.

After killing Rogge, Qin Hao said to the terrified nobles in front:"Tell me, do you want to die or live?"

"Want, want to live"

"Don't kill me, I have money, I will give you everything"


Seeing that all the nobles expressed that they wanted to live, Qin Hao did not hesitate and directly charged them money to buy their lives. One person has one billion beli, if one penny less, he will die.

However, there are only a handful of people who can take out one billion beli on the spot. Most of them are begging Qin Hao for a few days of grace, or asking Qin Hao to go to his family to ask for it. For those who couldn't afford the money, after Qin Hao took away all their money, a bolt of lightning directly chopped them into ashes.

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