Dong dong dong~

"Come in."

Zhang Guo, who was outside, pushed open the office door and walked in, saying,"Brother Kong, why did you come to see me?"

Gang Gukong had a gloomy face and sat at his desk and said,"Warring States, just now, the ship on which the Celestial Dragon, Charma Kesheng, was attacked. Charlemagne himself died on the spot. According to survivor reports, the attacker identified himself as Marshall·D·Teach is Whitebeard's crew member. After killing Charmak, he jumped into the sea and escaped."

"This is a photo sent by a survivor. According to our insider report, there is indeed a man named Teach on Whitebeard's ship, and the photo comparison is exactly the same. But the inside information showed that Teach had never left the Whitebeard Pirates at all. So the attacker may be someone else. Tell me what you think."

Sengoku took the two photos handed over by Cyborg and compared them. The photo taken by the survivor was of Teach when he was about to enter the sea, and the other was of the Whitebeard Pirates holding a banquet on an island. Scene.

Comparing the two photos, the Tikki above is indeed very similar, but the Tikki taken by the survivor is slightly fatter and older.

Sengoku put the photo back on the table and said,"Could he be a devil fruit user?" Pretend? Like imitating fruit?"

Hearing this answer, Cyborg Kong directly rejected it."I think it's impossible. People with devil fruit abilities will not jump into the sea to escape. That is simply asking for death. Moreover, according to the intelligence coming from inside sources, this Teach is an orphan and does not have a twin brother. And he behaved very averagely on Whitebeard's ship. There are no enemies, not even a reward. So there shouldn’t be anyone deliberately pretending to be him."


After a conversation, Cyborg Kong issued an order to Sengoku:"Sengoku, the death of the Celestial Dragon is taken very seriously. So you must catch the attacker. As for Teach, just treat him as a suspect. After all, the person left on the Whitebeard Pirates may be a person with imitation fruit abilities. The attack site is not far from the Devil's Triangle. I have prepared a ship for you. Polusalino will cooperate with you. lets go"

"Yes, Brother Kong"


At the same time, Qin Hao drove the Wings of Freedom to the vicinity of the Red Earth Continent. Originally, Qin Hao planned to go to Fish-Man Island to the New World, taking the historical text of Fish-Man Island with him.

But then I had second thoughts. It would probably take at least a week to coat the huge hull of the Wings of Liberty. As for activating the ability into the sea, I have never developed a skill that can cover such a large area. There are circuit connections inside the hull of the Wings of Liberty. It would be bad if there was a short circuit due to water seepage.

So Qin Hao decided to fly over. But when Qin Hao arrived at the edge of the Red Earth Continent, he changed his mind.

Qin Hao thought. If you want to go to the sky, you must first fly to a height of more than 10,000 meters. And if you fly over the Red Continent from here, you will definitely pass through Mariejoia. Those Tianlong people are really disgusting. If I don't control my emotions and kill them all, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave.

Finally, Qin Hao decided to dig a hole directly through the middle of the Red Earth Continent.

"System, how long can this skill last after I activate it?"

【Big, big, big, you are really big...ah, host, you call me. ]

Qin Hao slapped his head, shook his head and said:"Oh, you are hopeless, really"

【Ahem, host, what do you want from me? I'm almost reaching the high ground here.】

"I said, if I activate a Noble Phantasm skill, how long can this skill last? Does it stop when the time is up, or does it stop if I don't replenish its magic power?"

【Oh, you said Noble Phantasm, host, wait a moment, I'll check it out. emmm...I found it. As long as your magic power supply, that is, the energy supply does not stop, then the Noble Phantasm skills will not stop.】

"That's fine, as long as it's not like I'm halfway through the skill and suddenly the time is up, so I just stop it. After saying that

, Qin Hao, who was already interested in the power of the Noble Phantasm, said,"Then I will try the power of the Noble Phantasm now." Directly hit a hole in the red earth continent"

【Ahem, I suggest the host not to have too much hope. After all, the host's Noble Phantasm level is only D level. So the power is not that great.……】

Before the system could finish speaking, Qin Hao directly activated the Noble Phantasm

"Proclamation, time to sail freely."

At the moment Qin Hao finished shouting, the Wings of Freedom was shrouded in a golden light. The ship was flying at a speed visible to the naked eye. Boom


I saw the Wings of Freedom knocking the Red Earth Continent out of the shape of a ship three hundred meters deep. After the big hole, he could no longer move forward.

Just when Qin Hao was still wondering what was going on, the system explained loudly.

【Host, I have reminded you that the destructive power of D-class Noble Phantasm is limited, so the range of terrain destroyed by the Wings of Freedom will not exceed the scope of the ship's hull.】

"Well, you didn't tell me earlier. Forget it, I'd better make a hole myself. Anyway, it’s just a matter of dismantling the light cannon."

【Host, did you give me a chance to tell you? But I advise you not to make too much noise. I just detected that after you, the host, drove your boat into the wall, some humanoid creatures were coming here. They should be almost there by now. ]

Just after Qin Hao dumped the ship out of the hole, several masked men in white suits gathered around the Wings of Freedom on moon steps.

The man in the white suit at the head said in a cold tone:"Is that you? Qin Hao, Shadow of the Demon, what are you doing here?"

Upon hearing this slightly familiar voice, Qin Hao immediately put on a cynical smile and said:"Tsk, tsk, what did I think it was? It turned out to be a dog raised by a group of Celestial Dragons. Don't you think this red earth continent is really an eyesore? I just planned to make a hole for it. By the way, you are Who? Why does this voice sound familiar to me?"

A man in a white suit yelled angrily:"Asshole, you are too arrogant, you dare to insult the position of the Qiwuhai. Do you want it?"

The leader in the white suit raised his hand to stop the men behind him.

"Qin Hao, Shadow of the Demon, I am the chief commander of CP0, Zero.

We've spoken before through phone bugs.

As the King of the Shichibukai, if you want to pass through the Red Continent, you can apply to take the escalator from Mariejoia to cross the Red Continent.

However, deliberate destruction of the Red Earth Continent without permission is a capital offense against the Celestial Dragons.

Even if you are the King's Shichibukai, you cannot be pardoned.

Qin Hao, do you really want to die that much?"

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