
On Punk Hassad Island, the two guards guarding outside the experimental materials warehouse were yawning and chatting.

One of the guards yawned and said,"Ha~ ah. I'm so sleepy, Abby, let's go have a drink together after the shift."

The man known as Abby smiled bitterly and replied,"Let's forget it. Last time, I was scolded by Captain Eamon because I missed my shift change time. If I get caught by the captain again this time, I'm afraid my salary will be deducted. This is what my family is counting on. What about salary living?"


Suddenly, an invisible wave enveloped the two people who were still chatting. The two of them were stunned instantly.

Then, a figure appeared in front of them out of thin air.

After removing his invisibility, Qin Hao rummaged around for something on the unconscious guard. After taking out two access cards, Qin Hao directly opened the warehouse door and walked in.

"Oh, there are quite a lot of things in here."

Looking around, the whole warehouse is full of piles. All kinds of metal materials are neatly stacked together.

Although he doesn't know the use of these appliances, to Qin Hao, these are just some rare alloys. In the spirit of Yan Guo's plucking, Qin Hao activated the combined fruit ability to combine these metal parts into a cube, and then put the large cube into the King's Treasure for emergency use.

He pulled off the electric light on the roof and then activated his Haki, turning it into a stream of electricity and moving towards the Black Shadow Mask's position along the wires.


In a large laboratory, Vegapunk, who claims to be five hundred years ahead of the world in technology, and a group of assistants were studying a mask with frowning faces.

Also in this laboratory were two rear admirals and dozens of naval soldiers responsible for protecting their safety.

"Doctor, could our research direction be wrong from the beginning? The energy in this mask may have nothing to do with Devil Fruits."An assistant said boldly.

Vegapunk touched his chin and said to the rear admirals on the side:"Excuse me, I want to do another animal experiment."

The two marines nodded and said nothing. They were used to this, because it was the fifth time they heard this sentence today.

The experiment began, and the two rear admirals also began to become serious.

Only one was seen. The unconscious giant snow rabbit was dragged into a small laboratory made of tempered glass. A navy soldier stepped forward and pressed the dark red mask on the snow rabbit's face, then quickly ran out of the laboratory and closed the laboratory's Door.

I saw the dark red shadow mask sticking tightly to Yukito's face, as if Yukito's face had always looked like that.


After being possessed by the mask, Yukito roared and then punched. The hammer hit the tempered glass wall of the small laboratory, startling the other researchers except Vegapunk.

Then, several black creatures that looked like mantises floated out of the shadows. Come out. Following the roar of the Snow Rabbit, these black mantises also attacked the same position with clear division of labor.

Seeing the cracks appearing on the tempered glass wall, Bega Punk said:"That's it. ,Thank you."

The two rear admirals had a clear division of labor. One opened the door of the laboratory, and the other quickly struck with several slashes, wiping out the black shadow mantises in an instant, and then cut off the snow rabbit's head cleanly with one knife.

Tightly. Then, the mask fell off Yukito's head and was held in the hands of the rear admiral again.


Qin Hao, who was hiding in the wires, watched the whole process of the experiment with his knowledge and domineering attitude. Seeing that Snow Rabbit did not turn into a shadow general after being possessed by the mask, he asked the system in confusion:"System, why didn't that mask turn into a shadow general after being possessed?"

【Host, that is what the black shadow mask looks like when it bends over normally. The prerequisite for becoming a black shadow general is that the target being bent over is a human being, and the spirit must be completely broken. Otherwise, after leaning over, the mask will not be able to be removed at most, and it will become more and more extreme.】


Vegapunk picked up a pen to write and draw, and then said to an assistant next to him:"The twenty-first animal experiment. This mask will make the wearer go crazy and make the originally gentle creature become violent. Inside Who, come and record the experimental data?"

"Oh, good doctor."

The assistant quickly brought a notebook, and saw a bunch of densely packed professional terms written on it. In the end, Qin Hao could barely understand some of the content. The twentieth animal experiment, using Hailou Stone Unable to limit the ability of the mask...

The 19th time...

The 18th time...

After the assistant finished recording, Qin Hao basically browsed through the contents of the notebook quickly.

Bru~ Bru~ Bru~

This. At this time, the voice of the phone bug interrupted Bega Punk's thoughts.

"Hey, didn't I say, don't disturb me while I'm doing the experiment?"Vegapunk said calmly.

Zero's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"We don't want this either, but the Tianlong people can't wait. When will your artificial Devil Fruit and the technology for making objects eat Devil Fruit be developed?"

"It has been completed, but the side effects of artificial devil fruits are extremely serious, so this technology cannot be regarded as a finished product, it can only be said to be a semi-finished product. The technique of making objects eat devil fruits is quite perfect.……"

Qin Hao did not stay here to listen anymore, but planned to go to other places to have a look.

Qin Hao thought to himself, since you are all studying the black shadow mask now, I will go and observe your other research results first.

It is expected that artificial devil fruit technology is immature, but the technology to make objects eat devil fruits has been available so early. Then maybe there are other good things hidden here.

After all, Franky only studied in Vegapunk's laboratory for two years before joining the Naval Research Department, and he was able to build a fighting machine of General Franky's level.

Then there might be something even more outrageous here now.

For Qin Hao, as long as there is a blueprint, the thing on the blueprint is theoretically feasible. Then Qin Hao can rely on the combined fruit to create it. Paired with Thunder Fruit, it can be electrified and bring energy. This is simply the most suitable fruit combination for scientific researchers.

So Qin Hao left the laboratory and visited those laboratories that were temporarily unoccupied. Relying on his gift of photographic memory, he imprinted all the theories and drawings in his mind.

Not even Caesar Courant was spared. While he was going out to use the toilet, Qin Hao turned his laboratory upside down...

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