After putting away the gold treasure chest, Qin Hao asked:"Powerful creature? Am I included?"

【Doesn’t count. And the pet that hosts you doesn’t count either.】

"what would that be……"

Before Qin Hao finished speaking, he heard a noisy roar in the distance.

Qin Hao swept away with his domineering aura and discovered a group of bird-like creatures flying towards the Wings of Freedom. Why do you say it's like a bird? Because although these creatures have bird bodies, their heads look a bit like dragons.

【The host, these creatures are the Thousand-Year Dragon, and according to folklore in the One Piece world, the dragon's bones can be made into the elixir of immortality. But this rumor should be false, otherwise this species would have been captured and exterminated by the world government.】

【Thousand-year dragons are creatures that are constantly migrating. They do not have a fixed territory. Except for returning to a fixed place when they are born and die, they always wander around the world at other times and never stay in one place for too long. According to my guess, they happened to wander nearby and were attracted by the smell of food.】

"That's it. By the way, system, do you think these Thousand-Year Dragons are delicious?"

【How do I know this? But you can give it a try as a host】

"That's just right, just grab one as a snack after dinner."

Qin Hao aimed at a fatter-looking Millennium Dragon and shot it down with a bolt of lightning. The other Millennium Dragons were frightened and fled after seeing their companions die instantly.

Qin Hao used gravity to knock down the Thousand-Year Dragon. The corpse was pulled over. The internal organs of the Thousand-Year-Old Dragon were washed and blanched in water skillfully.

After stewing the blanched internal organs, Qin Hao applied barbecue sauce to the Thousand-Year-Old Dragon. , then filled its belly with onions, ginger and spices, and used electricity to roast the meat.

After the meat was cooked, Qin Hao took off one wing and took a bite.

The meat was very fragrant, but the texture was very woody. Obviously, the Thousand-Year Dragon is not suitable for roasting. In order to avoid waste, Qin Hao tore the meat from the bones, then put the bones into a soup pot to make soup. Cut the Millennium Dragon meat into thin slices, dip it in starch and deep - fry it. Then turn to high heat and continue frying until golden and crispy.

Then take out half of the fried meat slices and sprinkle them with cumin and chili powder.

Picked up a piece of meat and took a bite

"Well, it tastes okay, it tastes a bit like beef jerky and a bit like barbecue-flavored potato chips. But it’s not bad to use as a snack."

After the soup was cooked, Qin Hao used the little bit leftover from dinner to make ramen noodles, poured it with dragon bone soup, and placed the half of the dragon meat crisps without the cumin chili noodles.

Although the amount of ramen noodles was not It was a lot, but after adding the soup, Qin Hao made a half-meter-high bowl to put it in.

Qin Hao also cut the bones into thin slices. After taking out the bone marrow and eating it, he fried the bone pieces.

Qin Hao thought, since he can absorb wood and metal, it is not easy to absorb a bone.

What's more, the system only speculates that the bones of the thousand-year dragon cannot be used to create immortality. Medicine, what if it is possible?

Although Qin Hao himself has no lifespan limit as a gourmet cell demon, after all, even Nitro can live for hundreds of millions of years through dry sleep, but the people around him have lifespans, so it is possible. Qin Hao would never let something that extended his lifespan appear in front of him.

After the bone slices were fried, Qin Hao grabbed a handful of the bone slices and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Well, it tastes good, but the texture is a bit off. A bit scummy. System, can you see if there are any changes in my body information?"

【Um, what changes do you want? Didn't I say that? You won't live forever if you eat this stuff... Wait, it seems there are indeed changes. Host, your Devouring Evolution talent has given you an ability. If you soak your body in sea water after death, your body will quickly turn into a fossil.】

"……What do I need this thing for? When you die, do you want to put on a more handsome appearance and use it as a decoration for others? Forget it, I didn’t expect much anyway."


After a simple late-night snack of Millennium Dragon, Qin Hao returned to the bedroom with a bowl of meat slices and marinated Millennium Dragon miscellaneous, took out the monitor turned into a small black box and started to catch up.


The next day.

After a simple breakfast, Qin Hao came to the cab to confirm that there was no deviation in the heading. After confirming that the current heading had not changed, Qin Hao said to the system:"System, sign in."

【The host gains the skill, Throwing Master. Within a certain range, the thrown items must hit the target. Note: The more sensitive the target, the smaller the effective range of the skill.】

"Tsk, this skill can probably only be used with the Master Ball."

Qin Hao silently opened the system mall and saw that the flash sale event would only start in half an hour, so he quickly browsed the products in today's flash sale area.

In order to snap up black market products at a discount, Qin Hao spent a lot of money during this period. More than 500,000 coupons, just waiting to find two good things at a low price today.

However, after Qin Hao looked through all the flash sale products, he only found three black market products.

"System, didn’t you say that black market products will also be discounted? Why are there only three items on sale?"

【Ahem, host, I'm talking about some black market products being discounted. Look, isn't this just some of the products?】

"But three items are too few, and there isn’t even a single useful thing in them."

【Host, you need to know that black market products were not originally included in flash sales, but now it’s great to have them, and you’ll be happy with what you have.】

"I'm glad you are happy. Anyway, the event hasn't started yet. Can you please add some more products to it?"

【It cannot be added. The countdown to the event has begun and the number of items cannot be changed.】

"System, did you say that you deliberately selected the three items on sale in the black market?"

【Um? How, how could it be? Haha, of course it's random】

"oh? Then please explain to me, why are the three randomly selected products the cheapest?"

The three black market products in the flash sale event are

【Boundary crossing talisman, limited time flash sale price of 1,000 points. Note: Purchase limit is one】

【Master Ball, limited time flash sale price of 1,000 points. Note: Purchase limit is one】

【Single Magatama Sharingan, limited time sale price of 1,000 points coupon x 1. Note: Purchase limit is 2】

【Well, well, you are the host and you are unlucky. The flash sale products are all random.】

"Do you think I believe it or not? There are a thousand items on the black market, and they happen to be the three cheapest ones? Are you fooling the devil? Change it for me"

【emmm...Okay, I admit, I did randomly choose the lowest-priced item. After all, there is a cost to purchase goods from the system mall. If all the high-priced items were bought by you at a low price, I would suffer a big loss. However, the host, although the items participating in the flash sale can no longer be exchanged. But I can give you a free ten-game spin as compensation, how about it?】

"Ten companies? It's a little short. Anyway, there should be a hundred-level turntable."

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