"Oh, oh, oh, Moriah, I was about to go find you. I heard that you and Oden are going to join forces to overthrow me? It seems that this rumor is true, and you have indeed joined forces."

After saying that, Kaido said to When Moriah opened his mouth, he breathed out a breath of heat

"Right now, go ahead."Qin Hao said to a clone.

At the same time, Qin Hao himself turned into the original ability user of the barrier fruit.

Just when Kaido breathed out heat, Qin Hao, who turned into a black charcoal cicada pill, shouted :"Lord Kaido, this is the hostage we captured, I will hand him over to you right now."

After saying that, Qin Hao used force and threw the clone that turned into Momonosuke towards Kaido's hot breath.

On the surface, the clone imitated Momonosuke's voice and asked Oden for help, but in fact, it was secretly moving further in the sky. Accelerate towards the hot breath

"peach! Stop it, Kaido!!!"

Seeing that his son was about to die under Kaido's heat breath. Oden shouted, pulled out his two swords and slashed at Kaido's heat breath. He tried to stop Momonosuke before he was hit by the heat breath. Kaido's heat breath saved Momonosuke, and Qin Hao, who turned into a black charcoal, grinned and instantly activated his barrier fruit ability to build a giant barrier in front of Oden and the Nine Heroes of Red Scabbard.


He was caught off guard. Oden slammed into the barrier created by Qin Hao in mid-air, and Moria was not idle either. The blade in his hand was instantly covered by the flowing shadow, and then he slashed towards Kaido's heat breath. Black flying slash.

Unfortunately, Momonosuke, who was transformed by Qin Hao's clone, arrived between the two attacks. In Oda's ferocious gaze, 'Momonosuke' was first cut in half by the black slash. It was burnt to ashes by the heat again. As a strong wind blew by, 'Momonosuke' was completely dead, with no trace of his body left.

"Ahhhh!!! Kaido!!! Moria!!! You two are unforgivable, go to hell!!!"

Witnessing the tragic death of 'Aiko' with his own eyes, Kozuki Oden went berserk. His eyes were glowing red, and both Yan Mo and Tian Yuyu showed purple sword energy visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Qin Hao withdrew. After getting off the barrier, he instantly turned invisible and returned to the best place to watch the battle on the top of the mountain. While eating melon seeds, he watched the battle not far away.

After Moria split Kaido's heat breath, many people appeared around him. A shadow-eating soldier more than ten meters tall. Moria stood above a shadow-eating soldier and roared:"Kaido, I must make you pay the price today, the shadow gathering place."

The Shadow-Eating Soldiers opened their big mouths one after another, and countless shadows flew out of their bodies and merged directly into Moria.

After swallowing these shadows, Moria's body became extremely huge, and those who spit out the shadows The Shadow-Eating Soldiers turned back into little cuties the size of a fist and rushed towards Kaido's shadow.

"Bad wind."

I saw Kaido raising his huge dragon head and spitting out a large number of wind blades at the group of cuties on the ground.

Kaido was really disgusted by the cuties of the Shadow Eater Legion, just what he saw before him The inconspicuous, harmless little thing caused the loss of more than half of his army, and even Jhin and Quinn were almost hit.

However, before he could attack for long, Kozuki Oden, who noticed that the barrier had disappeared, also rushed forward.

"Oden's two-sword style and Taoyuan's ten fists."

The furious Oden penetrated Kaido's chest in dragon form with a move, and cut two cross wounds on his chest.

"Shadow Mage, double shadow slash."

Of course Moria would not miss such a good opportunity. After absorbing the shadow, Moria, who was nearly 20 meters tall, released a shadow mage as tall as himself. Then he and the shadow mage waved a huge black The sharp blade slashed hard at Kaido's tail. Although the two swords did not cut off Kaido's tail, the bones were clearly visible.

Kaido immediately rolled up a tornado and tried to distract his sight. Qin Hao, who was hiding aside to watch the show, was not happy.

"Cough cough cough ~ bah, bah. Eat my mouthful of sand. Okay, this pot of oden is ruined. I haven't had a chance to take a bite of it just after it was cooked. Oh, that's all. Let's add some ingredients to Kaido. Clone, this pot of oden will be poured on Kaido's grave later, and it will be used as a memorial to him."

After saying that, Qin Hao took out the Orb Ring and Galatron Card.

With a flash of light, a huge Galatron appeared out of thin air and hit Kaido hard.

And standing on the top of the mountain Qin Hao was once again washed by the dust.

"Bah~cough cough, Ma Dan, I can’t stay in this shitty place any longer."

After saying that, Qin Hao transformed into the Imperial Cavalry again, and then passed through the dimensional wall to the mountaintop further away. Then he ordered to the ring:"Galatron, give the tail of the guy you are stepping on. I ripped it off."

A feminine voice came from the red ball on Galatron's chest.

"The command has been received and the latest command is being executed."

Immediately afterwards, the sword on Galatron's arm glowed with golden light, and he slashed at the injured part of Kaido's tail.

However, the blow was in vain, and it only cut a large hole in the ground.

"Thunder gossip."


Kaido, who had transformed into human form, immediately began to fight back, hitting the leg joints of the white machine in front of him with all his strength. This thunderous gossip instantly removed the metal from Galatron's leg joints. A large piece of the shell was broken, revealing the internal structure with sparks flashing inside.

At this moment, a shadow ninja suddenly emerged from the shadows, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Qin Hao, who opened it. At first glance, it was written that Momonosuke's eyes changed and he wiped out the shadow warriors with a few glares. Now he was fleeing to the island.

After hearing the news, Qin Hao didn't care about anything else. He took Galatron back and then said to the clone: "You guys, keep an eye out and find an opportunity to collect some of Kaido's blood later. I went to Momonosuke to talk about life and ideals."

After saying that, Qin Hao walked into the dimensional wall and disappeared.

At this time, on the battlefield, Kaido, Oden, Moria and the Nine Red Scabbards looked at the place where Galatron disappeared in surprise. grinning from ear to ear

"Am I dreaming? What's this? The legendary big monster? Kinemon, slap me." Raizo said in surprise.

Bang~ bang~

Kin'emon slapped Raizo's big face mercilessly, and then slapped himself again. After slapping himself, Kin'emon Men rubbed his face and said:"Hey~ It hurts. It seems like this is not a dream.

Raizo also covered his face and nodded subconsciously. Then he reacted and yelled at Kin'emon:"Ah, bastard Kin'emon, you are too cruel.""


Moria looked at the disappearing Galatron. After being shocked for a long time, he said,"What the hell is this?"

Moria was frightened for a while. The oppressive feeling brought by Galatron was too great. Stronger.

If that thing was attacking me, then I could only escape by putting on a mask and hiding in that dark world.

But that mask is also evil enough. After putting it on, it can only be taken off by changing places through the shadow warrior. And that mask seems to have self-awareness and wants to control me from time to time. Phew~ This country is too evil. I shouldn't have come here to challenge Kaido in the first place. Instead, I should have gone to the aunt. The worst I could do was give her a child after losing to her...

Just when Moriah was thinking wildly, Oden, who had regained his composure, moved, and he The two knives came out at the same time, and before Kaido could react, he left two parallel scratches on his arm.


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