
Half an hour later, Qin Hao and Youmi each pushed a cart of delicacies made from fairy beans towards the place where the scholars regenerated the tree of omniscience.

On the way, Yuumi, who was so greedy by the aroma of the food, also secretly started eating.

"How about it? Is it tasty?"

""Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Yumi said inarticulately when she didn't react.

Qin Hao smiled, gently hit Yumi's head with a knife and said:"Forget it, you can eat what you want. This is enough for two large cars, and you won’t be able to finish it."

Youmi, who came back to her senses, turned slightly red and said with a smile:"Meow~ Darling, you are the best, then I will let you eat. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this bean cake is delicious, it is filled with chocolate. Wow~ Fried tofu is also delicious, with fish filling inside……"


Walking and eating all the way, Qin Hao and Youmi soon arrived at their destination.

Qin Hao used gravity to fly to the top of the mountain with two large carts of food. What he saw was a group of scholars gesticulating around a tree seedling.

In another open and flat place next to it, there is a group of scholars mixing something with some simple instruments. Even Sauro stood aside to help carry some bottles and jars containing unknown liquids.

Seeing everyone's concentration, Qin Hao shouted to them:"Hey, everyone, I'm back. What are you studying?"

Qin Hao's voice attracted the attention of the scholars. Some sidekicks shouted

"Mr. Qin Hao? You're back"

"Welcome back, Mr. Qin Hao"


Olvia and Little Robin also squeezed out from the crowd, especially Little Robin, trotted all the way to Qin Hao, took Qin Hao's hand and said:"Brother Qin Hao, you are finally back, do you remember Did we agree before that you would take me to sea next time?"

Qin Hao picked up little Robin and rubbed her head.

After messing up her hair, she smiled and said:"Hahaha, how could I forget? You have been my crew member for a long time, and I will definitely take you with me. But we will not go to sea next time, and I will take you to find it tomorrow Food, the world outside this island is full of all kinds of magical food."

At this time, Olvia also came over. After looking at Qin Hao, Olvia's face turned slightly pink, and she subconsciously avoided looking at Qin Hao.

"Welcome back, Mr. Qin Hao, have you had a hard time along the way?"

"Fortunately, I haven’t done much during this time anyway. By the way, Olivia, I'm going to take Robin on an adventure tomorrow, so you can come with me. Speaking of which, I haven't seen anything delicious in the second half of the Grand Route these days, and now I can't wait to eat something good."

Faced with Qin Hao's sudden invitation, Olvia seemed a little overwhelmed for a moment.

At this moment, Dr. Kloba came over and said:"Go, Olvia. Just have us here to watch"

"I...but Doctor, now is an important stage to regenerate the Tree of Omniscient. If I leave now……"

Before Olvia could finish speaking, Dr. Kloba interrupted her.

"Don't worry, I'm here. The seedling of the Tree of Omniscient has survived the critical period, and all you need to do next is to provide it with enough nutrients. Just go out with little Robin with peace of mind.

After saying that, Dr. Kloba winked at Olvia, then turned to Qin Hao and said,"Ahem, kid Qin Hao, Olvia will be left to you." You have to treat her well. If we know that you bully her, I, an old man, also have a temper."

Looking at Dr. Cloba who was suddenly serious, Qin Hao nodded in confusion and said subconsciously:"Don't worry, doctor, I will take good care of Olvia and little Robin. Um... Oh, by the way, I found three historical texts during my trip to the sea. They have been put into the library. If you are free, you can interpret them. Dr.

Croba waved his hand and said,"Put it there first. Now our energy is mainly focused on regenerating the Tree of Omniscientity." After the Tree of Complete Knowledge is regenerated, we plan to regenerate O'Hara as well. Then go explore this new world.

Qin Hao asked with some confusion:"Rebirth O'Hara?" Is this okay?

Dr. Croba said seriously:"Yes, according to the content described in the regeneration notebook you left behind, it is not impossible to regenerate an island." O'Hara is our home, and it is also our demise. Therefore, we hope to re-establish a new O'Hara in this world far away from strife."

Looking at Dr. Kloba's serious look full of fighting spirit, Qin Hao really couldn't say anything about whether the world is safe. After all, the world is indeed unsafe.

Judging from the plot, who can risk it twenty years later ? There are a large number of beings who are beating the earth with their bare hands. And there are more terrifying beings in the universe, maybe those who swallow stars.

How can such a world be called safe? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of dangers.


————(dividing line) at ten o'clock the next morning.

As the saying goes, a goodbye is better than a wedding. Qin Hao, who was busy with Youmi until midnight last night, finally woke up.

Looking at Youmi who was still awake next to him, Qin Hao gently got out of bed and put on his clothes.

After kissing Youmi's cheek, Qin Hao came outside the room and yawned and said:"Haha~ System, sign in"

【The host obtains a time-space condensation gun. As long as the object is hit by this gun, it will remain in the same state as when it was hit within ten minutes without the influence of external forces.】

"oh? This thing looks pretty good, a good tool for catching creatures. I'll take a look at its attributes later, and then turn it into a Noble Phantasm"


After finishing lunch, Qin Hao decided to leave with only Yuumi, Gardevoir, Robin and Olvia this time.

Let the increasingly lethargic White Sea Dragon and Water Shark Tiger stay to guard the island.

Qin Hao also asked the system about Bai Hailong's lethargy. The explanation given by the system was that the food cells in Bai Hailong's body were not yet stable, and he needed to sleep to promote the stability of his own strength.


After bidding farewell to everyone who came to see him off, Qin Hao drove the Wings of Freedom and left Hanklila Island.

The target this time is the Death Falls in the Morse Mountains. Qin Hao plans to taste the taste of the Sparkling Silkfoot Fish. If it tastes good, he will catch more Sparkling Silkfoot Fish and put them in the breeding farm in the system space.

Even if the taste is not to your liking, the sparkling silkfoot fish is definitely qualified to be an ornamental fish in a fish pond based on its appearance.

After entering the destination on the wayfinder, Qin Hao changed the Wings of Freedom's driving mode to automatic driving.

Then, Qin Hao began to think about how to solve the identity issue of his group.

After all, in the captive world of gourmet food, there is a gourmet ID similar to an ID card. Without a gourmet ID, it will be a problem even to enter the gourmet town, let alone making a reservation to ride the gourmet carriage.

"It seems that he will take the initiative to talk to Yilong after a while, hoping that he will not be targeted by Sanhu and Qiao Ya. Sigh~ It’s so troublesome."

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