Signing the Fire in The Sun

Chapter 184: Treacherous

"Also, your Skyfire Sect sent too few disciples this time, and they hardly played any role in this operation."

"Therefore, after the ancestors of the Yuandan are divided, the remaining share will also change. Just count by the number of people."

"Yes, it's reasonable. It should be done like this. The Sky Fire Sect only comes to dozens of people, so just give them according to the number of people. Anyway, no effort will be made."

The elders of the two major sects sing one and the other.

But in such a short time, the spoils have been completely allocated.

"you guys......"

The expression on Elder Tianhuo Sect's face suddenly stiffened.

Immediately he was angry,

These two guys are simply terrible.

Now the war is still going on, and the final victory has not yet been won. Unexpectedly, the two men are now ready to tear the pre-war agreement.

Shameless, it is too shameless! He has never seen such a brazen person in his practice to this day.

The river has not passed, so the bridge will be demolished.

The ancestors of their Skyfire Sect did not make a move, and he admitted that, naturally, the Skyfire Sect would not ask for it.

But since the beginning of the war, although the number of disciples of the Skyfire Sect was small, they fought **** battles and killed many enemies.

Although there is no more glorious battle result without God Gu Sect and King Medicine Sect, there is not much difference.

At least it is not much different from the Dagan court, but now it is directly ignored by these people.

"You are so blatant, don't you fear that the court will blame it?"

The elder of Tianhuo Sect shouted angrily.

Immediately he looked at the town ambassador to the court.

"The court blames it? Haha, hahaha, I'm really afraid the court blames it."

An elder of Yao Wangzong suddenly burst into laughter arrogantly.

He laughed for a while, then stopped suddenly, looked at the great elder of the Skyfire Sect with a gloomy expression, and slowly said:

"But do you think the court will really blame us!"

At this moment, the ugly elder of the Skyfire Sect also understood.

These people are afraid that they have already discussed it a long time ago.

If only the two sects of Shen Shen Sect and Medicine King Sect were the two sects, I am afraid that they might not really dare to be so excessive. Obviously they are only afraid that they have reached some kind of agreement with the court.

Otherwise, the guardian envoy of the court next to him would not look as if it had nothing to do with him, and even now he hadn't said a word for them in the Skyfire Sect.

"Haha, don't be angry, either."

"We won't let you people from the Sky Fire Sect leave empty-handed. I am in charge. Taking out a hundred bottles of Qi Condensing Pill from the Divine Gu Sect's share is a thank you to all of you in the Sky Fire Sect."

The elder of God Gu Sect laughed loudly, treating the great elder of the Skyfire Sect as a beggar, and said in a disdainful tone.

Immediately, the elders of Yaowangzong also laughed.

They did not pay attention to the great elder of the Skyfire Sect at all.

In fact, not only the two major sects, but also the several townsmen of the imperial court did not expect this time to go so smoothly.

In the Five Lotus Demon and Evil General Altar, apart from the ancestors of the Yuan Dan, although there are still a lot of Golden Bridge realm great monks, their combat power is surprisingly low, and they are not their opponents in the same realm.

And this is even more true for low-level practitioners, who are more than a difference from their disciples.

It was easily suppressed by them.

Fight steadily, and it won't take much time to completely clean up these five lotus cultists.

Whether there were people like the Skyfire Sect who took action, in fact, did not have much impact on the outcome of the battle, it was just a matter of time.

Seeing such a situation at this moment, the great elder of the Skyfire Sect was suddenly anxious, but he knew that it was useless to have more anger now.

Because he knew that his anger was not worth mentioning in their eyes, and he didn't put it in their eyes at all.

Insufficient strength, who will put you in the eyes!

"Hmph, in that case, my Skyfire Sect has withdrawn from this joint operation."

The elder of the Skyfire Sect snorted coldly and ignored these people.

A message was sent out immediately, welcoming all the disciples to leave.

Not many people came from the Skyfire Sect, and leaving at this moment did not cause much disturbance.

However, this scene was seen by the God Gu Sect Saint Son Su Yueran who had just rushed back.

It didn't take long for the saint son to inquire the whole story.

It turned out that these people actually took advantage of his absence to drive away the people of the Skyfire Sect.

"It's really a bunch of idiots who succeeded less than failed!"

In this moment, more than 30 cultivators of the Divine Sea Realm and three major repairs of the Golden Bridge Realm were driven away.

If you can't start the sacrifice ceremony in time, wouldn't it be necessary to let the other three parties die more people to fill the vacancy of the Skyfire Sect.

It can be said that now that the disciples of the Skyfire Sect can die more, when the time comes to attack the Skyfire Sect, they will be able to spend a little less effort.

Now let these guys go!

Su Yueran was very angry, and even the gaze she looked at the elder changed a little bit.

He was unable to attack, after all, this person did it for the sake of the sect.

Could he be able to punish such an elder for the benefit of the sect!

Of course he can't, so he has decided in his heart to let this elder make a greater contribution to the sect today.

If he died a Golden Bridge realm overhaul, he would be able to kill a few ordinary disciples of the Divine Gu Sect.

At this moment, the elder of the Divine Gu Sect on the side was still triumphantly talking with the elder of the Medicine King Sect, without knowing that his holy son had already put him on the mortal list.

After all, after Su Yueran took control of God Gu Sect, she needed to form her own team.

But things like idiots don't need anyone who wants to come.

Immediately Su Yueran left quickly. He was going to arrange for people to block the people of the Skyfire Sect. Be sure not to let these people get entangled. After all, the opportunity is rare. I missed this time. He wanted to kill some people of the Skyfire Sect and weaken the Skyfire Sect. The strength, but it will not be so easy.


" You mean that the Lingnan King has a rebellious intention to cast a dragon chair and a yellow robe privately and wear it openly!"

"He dare to be so rebellious, isn't he afraid of being cut off!"

In a house in Jinyang City, Zhou Xinyao looked at the hidden dragon guard in front of him with a shocked expression.

The news brought by the other party made her feel shocked, but at the same time she was extremely angry.

Before coming, her father's attitude made her doubt that Lingnan King would have two hearts.

Although she also felt that the emperor was not a peaceful person, but she only thought that as long as the father and the emperor were still working for the day.

In any case, the emperor did not dare to change.

However, the secret report of the hidden dragon guard now made her extremely angry.

Lingnan Wang Zhouyang, he was really against it!

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