Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 232: Breaking into the Cloud Lanzong, Nalan Yanran's thoughts

After rushing and flying all the way, Ye Chen quickly passed through the periphery of the Warcraft Mountains and came to the side of a towering mountain.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Ye Chen raised his head and stared at the ancient stone steps, which had existed for many years. His eyes slowly went up, and there seemed to be a faint sound of sword chirping, passing down from the end of the stone steps. , The mountains and forests swayed quietly, like Zhong Yin's fascination.

Yunlanzong is sitting on the top of Yunlan Mountain, Ye Chen is flying on the long stone steps, and quickly climbs up in the clouds.

When he passed through the clouds and came to the end of the stone steps, an unusually vast giant square appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

The square is completely paved with monolithic boulders, which is simple and large. In the center of the square, a huge stone stele stands majestically.

Looking around the square, at this time, there are nearly a hundred people sitting cross-legged in it, in the shape of a semi-circle, sitting and practicing.

At the top of the square, there are some towering stone pedestals. The stone pedestals are gradually arranged upward, and the number is as high as dozens. However, there are nearly a hundred people in the square, but no one is sitting on them.

Only on the bottom floor of the stone seat, there was a woman in a moon robe and a skirt, her eyes slightly closed, and she sat quietly cross-legged.

The breeze came slowly, the robe was close to the delicate body, revealing the perfectly curvy figure below it, looking up, and moving to the woman's calm and beautiful cheeks, it was a familiar person!

"Who is coming, who dares to trespass my Yunlanzong."

Ye Chen walked across the end of the stone steps and set foot on the stone face of the square. Immediately, several white-robed disciples of the Yunlan Sect stood up from the state of meditation, and then looked at Ye Chen coldly and arrogantly, with sword intent in their hair.

In the face of questioning, Ye Chen didn't intend to hide it. He came today, and he was fully prepared. Isn't it the Soul Palace, and he would just do it if he didn't accept his life and death.

"I am an idle person, Ye Chen, I came to your sect today, and it is also for your sect master."

"Hugh is talking nonsense, in the name of the sect master, in fact, if you can be greedy, go down the mountain quickly, otherwise Hugh will blame the sect for being ruthless."

Several male disciples of the Yunlan Sect raised their eyes to look at Ye Chen, and found that the other party was no more than a five-star grandmaster.

However, just when they thought that Ye Chen would retreat, Ye Chen called out the magic sword Moyuan, which was hiding his eyebrows, and then stabbed the sword on the ground, and said to the hundreds of disciples: "Yun'er, I coming."

As soon as the voice fell, it exploded like rolling thunder, and bursts of blood-colored divine light erupted from the Demon Abyss, which was inserted into the ground. Immediately, the huge bluestone square was also centered on the Demon Abyss.

In an instant, countless tiny cracks cracked, like a spider web version rapidly spreading to the entire square, and even the sect building behind it was shaken slightly.

Such a big movement immediately caused hundreds of disciples to watch, and the five male disciples who spoke before also called out shimmering long swords from their respective rings, shouting and rushing towards Ye Chen.

"Bold madman, the name of the sect master, you can actually call it."

During the shouting, all of them took smooth steps to come to Ye Chen's side, raised their swords and slashed towards him. For a while, sword intent erupted, and they merged together with a tacit understanding, multiplying their power.

However, playing a sword in front of Ye Chen, isn't that playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong?

I didn't see any movement from Ye Chen, and a terrifying sword intent erupted on his body in an instant, and the low sword intent that was fused by the five people was instantly destroyed. Consciousness was instantly stunned to the ground, but the terrifying sword intent he urged did not even stir up a wave.

"It's too weak, Yun Lanzong is no better."

Seeing the five people unleashing the weak sword intent, Ye Chen couldn't help but think to himself, after all, it is the first force in the Jiama Empire, but the quality of this disciple is really poor.

"Bold, my Yunlan Sect, in fact, you can go wild."

Seeing that the five junior brothers were killed in seconds, the other hundred or so disciples suddenly showed their anger. Even though Ye Chen showed a good performance in battle, Yun Lanzong's face was inviolable.

All of a sudden, hundreds of disciples stood up from their cultivation state, and then they all stared at Ye Chen. The sword intent on the body was surging and stirring, and the momentum was very loud, but the real power was understood by everyone who knew it.

Ye Chen walked on the square in a leisurely manner, secretly thinking in his heart, if there is no movement, he is afraid that he will not be able to enter the gate of Yun Lanzong.

At the moment, he wanted to use his sword domain slightly to suppress the disciples who were blocking the way, but at this moment, a voice transmission suddenly poured into his ears: "You are still here after all, but I hope that you can leave this place immediately, Otherwise, it's too late, and you won't be able to leave."

The sound transmission carried these urgency, as if some danger was about to come, and the other party obviously wanted to protect him.

Ye Chen smiled, and encouraged his mental strength to answer: "I said, I will definitely come back to find you, and it is the kind that is open and honest, I miss you."

With that said, Ye Chen pulled out the Moyuan Sword that was inserted into the ground, walked through the square step by step, and walked towards the towering stone gate engraved with the word "Yun Lan".

However, he only took three steps, and a figure stood in front of him: "Ye Chen, give it up, Yun Lanzong has no place for you, although I don't know what happened between you, but the master has a word in advance, stand up If you don't go down the sect rules, 'Ye Chen' is not allowed to step into the sect.

The woman who spoke held a long sword in her hand. The light blue dress completely wrapped her delicate and delicate body. The slender figure was very attractive. The three thousand blue silk was randomly tied by a strand of blue satin, and finally fell to her delicate buttocks. The infinite beauty of a girl.

Nalan Yanran looked at Ye Chen who was unmoved and still wanted to walk towards the sect, and suddenly said in a hurry: "Listen to my words and actions, I won't hurt you, even if you want to see my master, that's not the case. No, but it still needs to be discussed in the long run, and it won't be too late until I draw the line."

Raising her slender jade hand against Ye Chen's chest, Nalan Yanran's beautiful eyes wrinkled frequently, and she didn't want to let him go any further.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm not as weak as you think. Your master is already my woman. As Yun'er's future husband, I came here as a gift."

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Chen's mouth, and he gently removed the jade hand, but after listening to his words, Nalan Yanran fell into a stunned scolding, and then her tender white face was full of disbelief.

She never thought that she finally met a man who was a little interested, but was involved in such a relationship with her master. Before she had time to understand, she was already taken first by others? The most important thing is that that person is still his own master.

"No, it's not really right, is it. Ye Chen, have you and my master really... done that kind of thing?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen nodded without shyness, and said, "Yes, although the specific situation is a bit complicated, you will understand it later, Xiao Yanran." Patting Nalan Yanran on the shoulder, Ye Chen walked around She continued to walk forward.

As for Nalan Yanran, who got a specific answer, she stared blankly at the gradually receding figure, and then her little hands turned red, and she said a little stubbornly: "I don't want to be your little Yanran, don't." After speaking, In the beautiful eyes, there is a firmness that has never been seen before, as if some kind of determination has been made.

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