The stick terrier was now crawling towards the tree.

He has a stronger physique than ordinary children.

When he climbed the tree, it was a little more difficult.

I was about to climb next to the magpie's nest, but the stick terrier could no longer climb.

He looked down and saw that the people in the yard were at his feet.

At this height, you can see the roof of your house.

He fainted in front of his eyes and quickly hugged the trunk.

"Woo hoo, Grandma, I'm afraid."

It's a pity that Jia Zhang was busy fighting with people and didn't hear what he said.

The stick terrier was a little angry, and he stomped the tree trunk under his feet with his eyes closed, shouting loudly.

"Grandma, I'm scared!"

A slight "click"

sounded at his feet.

Jia Zhangshi also heard his grandson's shout.

She raised her head and quickly responded.

"Good grandson, it's almost enough for the magpie's nest, you work hard."

The stick terrier listened and had to open his eyes.

But he did not dare to climb any further.

I had to grab a branch and tiptoe to explore the magpie's nest.

Reaching into the magpie's nest, he reached out and touched it.

All of a sudden, it was like touching something smooth, cold and cold.

The stick terrier was overjoyed in his heart, and he reached out to grab it.

Suddenly, a snake head appeared in front of his eyes.


The stick terrier shouted in fright, loosened his hands, and as soon as his feet were soft, he fell under the tree.

Jia Zhang watched his grandson fall sharply from the tree.

Her heart jumped wildly, and the whole person stayed in place.

It was as if a long time had passed, as if time had only passed for a second.

"Bang!" The stick terrier fell to the ground.

Jia Zhangshi reacted to this, she pounced, and quickly hugged her grandson.

"Stick terrier, stick terrier!"

The pale-faced stick terrier burst into tears.

"Grandma, I hurt, my legs hurt."

"It's broken, shouldn't it be a broken leg?"

The people in the courtyard gloated.

When Jia Zhang heard this, this was worth it, if he broke his leg, how would his grandson marry his daughter-in-law in the future.

She cried out Qin Huairu, and then the two people quickly sent the stick terrier to the hospital.


Xie Huaiqing held his sister's hand.

It feels like it's really hot on the road.

He squinted at the sun.

Xiao Nuan was also sunburned and sad.

"It's too hot, brother."

"Let's go there."

Xie Huaiqing took his sister to the shade.

It was noon, and there were no people on the street.

Soon arrived at the cold food restaurant.

In the sixties, popsicles in Four Nine City already came in many flavors.

The best sold is the "Arctic Ocean" milk popsicles, which is an old brand for five cents.

In addition, there are five-cent popsicles with adzuki beans, cream, red fruit, and so on.

Fruity popsicles are cheaper, three cents a piece, and the flavors are also diverse.

Dime popsicles come in tricolor, cream, coffee, and chocolate.

Mandarin duck popsicles are more expensive, they are five in one corner.

Looking at this dazzling array of popsicles, Xiao Nuan's saliva is about to flow down.

Xie Huaiqing looked at his sister's appearance and directly bought two Mandarin duck popsicles.

If you want to eat, eat the best, and not without money.

Popsicles were stuffed into the mouth, and a cool feeling passed from the mouth into the mind.

The feeling of being drowsy from the sun disappeared in an instant.

Xiao Nuan nibbled on the popsicle, with a very satisfied expression on her face.

"Brother, popsicles are delicious."

"Eat, eat, remember to see our second aunt in the future, do you want to know with him?"

"I know my brother, second aunt, good man."

The brothers and sisters nibbled on popsicles and walked back, and when they were halfway there, they were suddenly stopped by someone.

"Xiaoqing Xiao Nuan."

When he looked back, it was his mother, and he saw that her face was sweating profusely and her face was sunburned red.

"Mom, are you going home for dinner?"

Only to hear Jia Wenxiu replied breathlessly.

"Mom went to eat in the cafeteria, have you two eaten?"

"Eat, Mom, I made some myself."

"Brother, make it, it's delicious!"

Hearing this, the other party was obviously relieved.

Jia Wenxiu touched his son's head.

"It's good that there are you at home, Xiaoqing, you take your sister to play."

"There is still something in the factory, and my mother has to deal with it."

"Okay, got it."

Xie Huaiqing nodded and stuffed the popsicle that had not eaten a few bites into his mother's mouth.


"Mom, you eat, I'll buy another one."

"Nope! Child, you eat. Jia

Wenxiu was anxious to stuff the popsicle back into his hand.

The family is short of money, how can they spend it indiscriminately, eat less themselves, and the children will be able to eat more.

"Mom, you eat, I'll share a bite with Xiao Nuan."

"That's it, Mom, I split my brother!"

Xiao Nuan also helped.

Jia Wenxiu listened to her children's words, and only felt that there was a breeze in her heart, and the sun above her head was not so strong.

"Okay, then mom will eat it."

"You two go home quickly, and mom will bring you something delicious in the evening."

"Okay, see you mom!"

After watching my mother walk away.

Xie Huaiqing thought that he should buy an electric fan for his home.

"Xiao Nuan, do you want an electric fan?"

"Electric fan, what? Is it tasty? "

This girl, I just remember to eat.

He snorted, then took his sister's hand and walked towards the bus stop sign.

"Well, it's delicious, it's delicious."

"Oh, what?"

I got on the bus and entered the department store.

Xiao Nuan looked at all this in front of her curiously.

A small five-storey building with something different for sale on each floor.

The clothing department on the first floor, the shoes and hats department on the second floor, the children's products department on the third floor, the home appliance department store on the fourth floor, and the mass reception desk on the fifth floor.

All kinds of goods are neatly arranged in the windows, and the people who see them are dazzled.

Xie Huaiqing has seen a lot of prosperous shopping malls in later generations.

The department store was just a little more interesting in his eyes.

Xiao Nuan was very curious and pulled him around the mall.

Sure enough, no matter how old a girl is, she just likes beautiful clothes.

Xiao Nuan stood in front of a shop window selling parent-child clothing and couldn't walk.

She pointed to a dress inside.


"Well, buy!"

I took out the cloth ticket and bought a parent-child three-piece set.

After the salesperson packs the clothes.

He carried the bag in one hand and his sister up to the fourth floor with the other.

If you don't go to the electric fan, the money in your pocket will be squandered by this little nizi!

Go up to the fourth floor, don't look at anything else, go straight to the window where electric fans are sold.

At a glance, he saw the old Watson electric fan in the magic capital.

The pitch-black fan and the sticker-wrapped shell of the same color look very textured.

Half a meter high, the floor space is not large, buy it home, put it anywhere.

He called the salesman.

"Auntie, how much is this electric fan?"

The salesman saw that it was a child.

Roll your eyes up, pick up the rag and start beating.

"Isn't that written? You won't see it yourself?

This made Xie Huaiqing stunned.

I just heard that this salesman dragged it very much, but now it's really awesome!

He turned around directly and pulled his sister up.

"Let's go, let's go to the fifth floor!"

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