"You kid, you're not modest at all!"

Xie Huaiqing grinned.

"This uncle, excessive self-modesty is hypocrisy!"

"I'm sincere!"

This sentence sounds, something is not quite right.

But if you think about it, it does make some sense.

The big leader said with a smile.

"Little friend, why would you say that?"

"Because uncle you praise me, it must be because I have something good in me."

"If I am too humble, it is not only denying myself, but also denying your vision!"

"So I won't be too humble, uncle, if you praise me, I will only think that you are very discerning."

Hearing his words, the big leader bent down with a smile.

It seems to make some sense, and this kid's idea is really interesting.

"You kid hahahaha."

I saw Xie Huaiqing said seriously.

"Am I wrong? Uncle, if you praise me, I will admit it.

"I'm also affirming your vision!"

"Yes, you're right."

The big leader rubbed his aching stomach with laughter and nodded.

This little living treasure.

He couldn't help but ask the other party's name.

"Little friend, what's your name?"

"My name is Xie Huaiqing, and this is my sister Xie Huainuan."

"Xie Huaiqing, it's a good name."

"Yes! I also think my name sounds good. "

'Spring sand welcomes the moist, the mountains and snow shine with Huaiqing,' my name comes from the poem."

Such a small child, will recite poetry?

The big leader was surprised in his heart.

Most children still can't read all the words.

Not to mention memorizing poetry.

He looked at the brand new bike and thought back to the other party's generous shot.

He felt that this child was definitely not an ordinary family.

Could it be the child raised by a big man in Four Nine City?

But looking at this dress, it doesn't look like it.

What's more, among the people he knew, there was no one surnamed Xie.

There is a general surnamed Xie in the military region, but people don't have wives and children!

Is it really a very good child raised by an ordinary family?

That's kind of interesting.

He had the intention to tease the other party, so he said.

"Little friend, I know you are very literate."

"But your fishing skills are not very good!"

Isn't this nonsense?

Xie Huaiqing squatted in place, not wanting to speak.

In his previous life and this life combined, he had never touched a fishing rod a few times.

If he really knows how to fish, will he take fish out of space?

If you can fish, it's like playing, how good it is to fish.

The big leader saw that this little child named Xie Huaiqing stopped talking.

Just smile.

Little brat, you have to be humble now!

"How about it, little friend, you have to be humble this time, right?"

After Xie Huaiqing heard this, he pouted.

This person, how can this be, calculate with a child.

Twist your ass, turn your back to the big leader, and ignore him.

When the big leader saw it, he deliberately walked in front of his eyes.

Then show him what professional fishing is.

"Children see it, this is the right way to fish."

This big leader, he ignored him, he still came hard.

What kind of person is this!

No, losers don't lose!

As a traverser, how can he be ridiculed by the indigenous uncle.

Xie Huaiqing said.

"Uncle, I don't need your method, I can catch a lot of fish."

"Uncle, you say, what fish you want, as long as it is a fish in this river, any one, I can catch it for you."

Scold! This kid is really big.

"Little doll, you bull blows, and you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue."

He brushed and got up from the ground.

He swore and said.

"Uncle, I'm not bragging, if you don't believe us, let's compare."

"Let's see who catches the fish first."

"Okay, then Bibi."

The big leader thought it was funny for the child to look unconvinced.

So I agreed.

I saw that the child withdrew the hook from the river.

Then he took the bait and pinched it indiscriminately.

Finally, I took the hook and flicked it, and saw that the bait on the hook was thrown out.

After making a graceful arc in the air, it fell into the water.

The big leader looked at it and almost didn't laugh out loud.

The bait was lost, and what else to fish.

He asked deliberately badly.

"Little friend, let's make a bet."

"Bet on what?"

Xie Huaiqing looked at this wilted uncle and asked.

"Just bet that whoever catches a fish in the back will give it to the person who catches it first."

Isn't this sleepy to send pillows?

He immediately agreed.

"Good! I said yes, then let's get started. "

The fishing competition began.

Xiao Nuan has long been impatient to grasp the fishing rod.

She grabbed the purslane on the ground and began to make herself a necklace and a bracelet.

He also pulled down the dog's tail grass and began to scratch Xie Huaiqing's creaking nest.

"Brother, not itchy?"

Of course, it itched, but in order to win the game, Xie Huaiqing still endured it to death.

He was determined to win the fishing tournament on his own.

But he didn't notice that the bait on his hook had long been thrown away by him.

"Xiao Nuan plays by herself first, and her brother is doing things."

"Okay, brother."

Xiao Nuan obediently squatted at his feet and began to catch small insects to play.

The big leader saw his serious look and secretly smiled.

It was at this time that the fishing rod of the big leader moved.

Xie Huaiqing was in a hurry, so he took out a large blue fish from the space and hung it on the hook.

Without waiting for the rod to sink, he used his strength to pull the hook out.

Dragged by his brute force, the fish's head was exposed to the surface.


The big leader's eyes widened instantly.

No, can this fish still catch like this?

Obviously the bait was thrown away.

How did this fish come about?

He was dumbfounded for a moment.

He just moved the fishing rod himself, in fact, he wanted to exhale the other party.

I want to see the other person's panicked appearance.

But now I didn't expect that I didn't scare the child, but was shocked by the child.

Just by looking at the fish's head, you can see a rough idea.

The fish caught by children should be not small!

The other party obviously looks like a little fart who doesn't know any fishing knowledge.

How can it be faster than fishing by yourself!

Is this luck?

Too late to think about it.

Looking at Xie Huaiqing's clumsy dragging posture.

He hurried over to help him pull the fish.

Who knows that this child does not have to help himself at all.

He just wanted to help.

I saw that the child had pulled the fish out.

A huge fish emerges from the river.

The wide fish flutters its tail in mid-air.

Strings of crystal water droplets fall, looking like golden beads under the sun.

The sun shines on the fish, and the scales are shining gold.

The big leader looked at the fat fish.

He couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

Is this fishing technique real?

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