

Qin Huairu watched as the meal he had worked so hard to make was swept to the ground.

The clear yellow two-noodle steamed bun rolled on the ground a few times, stained with dust.

The green stir-fried cabbage spilled on the ground, and it was impossible to eat it.

The plates containing the food were also broken and shattered into several lobes on the ground.

Even if it is sent to the mending master, it cannot be made up, so it can only be thrown away.

Looking at the mess on the ground, she roared angrily.

"Stick terrier!"

"Who did you learn this stinky thing from!"

"Is it easy for you mom and me to cook at home?

"Or do you think it's easy for your dad to make money outside?"

The good food at home was all given to him.

How not satisfied yet!

It's good that it's his own, otherwise sooner or later he will have to be killed.

The stick terrier did not know at this time that his mother was on the verge of eruption.

He also thought that his grandmother was at home, and said without the slightest fear.

"Grandma said, what I want, she will give me."

"Mom, why don't you do this, you're still not my own mother."

"Grandma is right, you are not related to me, your surname is Qin, you are an outsider of our Jia family."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Huairu immediately felt a pain in his heart.

Jia Zhang actually said such things in front of his own children.

She is separating herself from her children!

And the stick terrier actually believed it.

It is said that mother and son are heart-to-heart, and this child would rather believe his grandmother.

Nor do they listen to their own discipline.

Thinking of this, a deep disappointment and anger welled up in her heart.

"Stick terrier, apologize to mom."

"I don't, why apologize to you, you don't give me fish to eat."

After the words fell, Qin Huairu completely broke out.

She picked up the feather duster from the bed and hit her son.

In the crackling sound, the stick terrier cried wolf howl.

"Woo-hoo, you hit me."

"When grandma comes back, I will tell grandma and let grandma beat you."

It's good not to say this.

After saying it, Qin Huairu beat him even more ruthlessly.

The cry spread outside and drifted into Xie Huaiqing's house.

Xiao Nuan had fish meat in her mouth and muttered.

"Brother, it's so noisy, who is crying?"

"The stick terrier is crying, Xiao Nuan is noisy, let's close the window."

Saying that, Xie Huaiqing closed the window.

The other party's crying was indeed much smaller.

He returned to the table and peeled fish bones for his sister.

"Brother, why are the stick terriers crying?"

Probably about to eat fish!

Xie Huaiqing just listened vaguely.

But these things don't need to be known to my sister.

It is better for children to grow up happy.

"Because the stick terrier wants to cry."

Saying that, he stuffed a piece of fish meat into his sister's mouth.

Xiao Nuan chewed the fish meat unhurriedly, and then said.

"Brother lied!"

"How did you lie to people?"

Looking at the way his sister was eating, a smile appeared on his face.

Now my sister is more and more relaxed when she eats.

It's no longer like when he first arrived, eating was called a gobbling.

She also had more flesh on her face, and she was no longer that dry and thin look.

At this time, she had an innocent and sly smile on her face.

Just listen to her proudly.

"The stick terrier wanted to eat our fish, and he cried."


Xie Huaiqing laughed, but it seemed that his sister was quite right.

The other party was indeed beaten and cried because he wanted to eat fish.

After lunch, the brothers and sisters had some dessert in front of the electric fan.

It was time for lunch break again, and after Xie Huaiqing put his sister to sleep, he went into the stove to wash and brush.

Children always feel a lot.

After washing, he also became sleepy.

So he locked the door and climbed onto it.

Still circled my sister with that protector posture.

The brother and sister fell asleep on the fragrant scent.

Sleep until the afternoon, the sun sets.

Xie Huaiqing woke up from the mou in a daze.

He reached out and touched his sister's position, but it was empty.

What about my sister!

He instantly opened his eyes and began to look around.

No one in the room?

He quickly got out of bed again, and finally found his sister washing her face in the cubicle.

This kid is really scary!

This girl didn't know that she had almost scared her brother's heart out just now.

She raised her head and grinned.

"Brother, cool."

Xie Huaiqing walked over, squatted down, and washed his sister's face and hands with soap.

"Whitewashed, smell fragrant?"

Xiao Nuan raised her hand and sniffed her little paws.

"Brother, fragrant, mother's smell."

After the words fell, she grabbed her brother's leg.

"Xiao Nuan, I missed my mother."

"Miss your mother? Then let's go find mom together. "

The rolling mill is some distance from the courtyard.

So he and his mother never took their sister there.

After all, she is a little child, and she will definitely not be able to walk through.

But now it's different, I have a bicycle at home.

Xie Huaiqing took his sister and pushed the bicycle out the door.

Put my sister in the back seat, then ride the bike and ask all the way to the rolling mill.

At the gate of the rolling mill, a group of workers dressed in blue were walking out.

The crowd was bustling, and when they came to one place, their steps slowed down.

Because they saw Xie Huaiqing riding his bicycle.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Whose kid does this kid belong, a new bicycle, this just bought, right?"

"It is estimated that which leader's child in the family can ride a bicycle at a young age, and it must be rich or expensive."

"Such a big child, with a smaller child, is not afraid of falling."

The people around looked at it enviously.

Someone even reached out and touched his bike.

"Hehe, I also touched the bike, that's great!"

Gradually, the number of workers increased.

The bike is not good to ride anymore.

Xie Huaiqing pushed the bicycle to the door of the factory.

Now there are more people looking at him.

Xiao Nuan was a little scared and went straight into his arms.

He calmly parked his bike.

Then he took his sister in his arms and stood at the door of the rolling mill waiting for his mother to come out.

Such a combination makes every worker who leaves the factory can't help but stare at them.

Jia Wenxiu dragged his tired body towards the door.

She just arrived, she didn't understand anything, and the work was done slowly.

But she was not willing to receive only the minimum wage every month.

I still have two children to raise!

So I had to work a little more myself.

If it weren't for cooking and washing the kids.

I am tired and really want to lie directly in the workshop and sleep.

Jia Wenxiu rubbed his waist.

The moment she walked out the door, she froze.

I'm not mistaken!

Xiaoqing came with Xiao Nuan.

There was also a brand new bicycle parked next to them.

Her heart was pounding.

This car won't have been sent by my sister-in-law.

She walked over to the children.

And her co-workers saw it, and they all grew their mouths.

The hardest working Jia Wenxiu in his workshop.

Is it actually so rich?

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