Jia Wenxiu listened.

Just feel bad.

Who doesn't know that this director Qian is complicit with the other party.

Yi Zhonghai soon came over.

"Lao Yi, let me ask you."

"Did you ask Jia Wenxiu to come over and get the saw blade?"

Director Qian asked.

I saw Yi Zhonghai with a puzzled expression on his face.

"No, how is this possible."

"The saw blades in the fitter workshop of our rolling mill have a fixed number."

"If one person uses too much, then there will be no other comrades."

"I've already given her a saw blade, how can I let her take it again."

Hearing this, Jia Wenxiu said a little anxiously.

"But you didn't tell me you couldn't take it!"

"I didn't tell you, did you make up your own mind?"

Yi Zhonghai completely exposed his hideous fangs at this time.

"Comrade Jia Wenxiu, don't you ask others before you do things, can you do things?"

"Why are you so reckless, so impulsive, if you are a soldier, do not shoot and kill before you ask the leader if he agrees!"


She didn't know how to refute the other party's words.

The anger directly burst out two lines of tears.

Today this stuffy loss, she ate.

In the future, don't let me catch your fault!

Director Qian saw her crying, so he looked at Yi Zhonghai.

Then he said.

"In that case, then deduct five yuan from your salary!"

What the!

Five bucks!

Jia Wen's beautiful lips trembled.

She worked hard to earn twenty-one dollars a month.

Director Qian deducted a quarter of her salary at this moment.

Have you worked for a week in vain?

How can this work, I still have children to raise.

She toughened herself and argued for reason.

"Director Qian, how much is the saw blade I use, I will pay."

"But you can't deduct me so much from my salary!"

Director Qian listened and smiled contemptuously.

"This saw blade, buy it outside one by one."

"Deducting your salary of five dollars is already considered good."

"If you are verbose, you will be deducted seven dollars in wages."

After speaking, he walked away.

Yi Zhonghai also snorted coldly and left.

At the door of the warehouse was left only the woman with her pipe saw blade.

The woman was still pointing at her.

"It's really shameless, how can you be so greedy as a person."

Jia Wenxiu is now bitter and unable to speak.

I could only hide to the side and secretly wipe my tears.

Soon the bell for the rolling mill to go to work rang.

She endured grievances.

I returned to the warehouse containing the raw materials and began to move the raw materials.

After a while, Jia Dongxu followed.

He came to carry materials for Yi Zhonghai.

As soon as he saw Jia Wenxiu, his heart was on fire.

Going to work this morning, many people asked him what happened to his face?

Soon the news that he had been beaten by a seven-year-old child spread in the fitter's workshop.

This made him lose all face!

All blame this lady and the little beast she brought back.

Now that she is like this, he has to taunt her well.

He began to sneer.

"Yo, isn't this Jia Wenxiu?"

"Why are you back here to move raw materials."

"Oh, it turned out that the things in the factory were brought back by someone."

Jia Wenxiu looked at him coldly.

"Don't fart here, grab your stuff and hurry away."

The other party was very unimpressed.

Facing the other workers carrying things in the warehouse, he began to say how greedy Jia Wenxiu was.

"What? Is she actually this kind of person?

"It doesn't look like it usually!"

"Hey, who knows? Knowing people knows their faces and not their hearts! The

workers started talking to her.

Jia Wen Xiu couldn't wait to pounce and bite this bastard to death.

He is in cahoots with Yi Zhonghai, which is not a good thing!

The surname Yi let himself be fined money.

And this person wants to discredit himself.

Two beasts!

Just when she was shaking with anger.

A voice rang out.

"Is worker Jia Wenxiu there?"

She looked back and saw that it seemed that the secretary of the factory director was calling her.

Jia Wenxiu felt apprehensive.

"I'm in."

The secretary looked her up and down, and then said.

"You are Jia Wenxiu."

"You stop what you're doing and come with me."

"Where to?"

She asked cautiously.

"Director Yang has something to do with you, so come with it."

With that, the secretary took the lead and left.

Her heart was racing.

She thought about what had happened today.

I thought, Director Yang won't call himself over and criticize because of this!

After leaving the fitter workshop and bypassing the security section, they arrived at the leaders' office.

Director Yang was on the third floor, and the secretary took her to the door and knocked.

"Come in."

After the sound came from inside, the secretary let her in.

The door behind him closed tightly.

Jia Wenxiu was a little nervous in her heart.

She raised her head and looked around.

I saw a leather sofa at my feet.

Next to the sofa against the wall are bookshelves filled with books.

On the right at the other end of the bookshelf is the director's desk.

A man is sitting in an office chair.

However, she did not dare to look at the other party's face.

When I saw the desk, I quickly lowered my head.

"You are Jia Wenxiu?"

Just listening to the other party ask, the voice was quite soft.

She gritted her teeth, raised her head and said.

"Yes, yes, I am Jia Wenxiu."

After the words fell, I saw the other party pointing to the sofa with a smile.

"You sit."

She took a few steps back, pinched her pants a little nervously, and sat on the sofa.

"Director, are you looking for me for something?"

She had never seen such a big leader before.

Just listen to the director of the plant.

"I called you here today to ask you about something."

"Let me ask you, do you know Xie Zhiyu?"

Xie Ren's family, isn't that his sister-in-law?

Jia Wenxiu nodded.

"That's my sister-in-law."

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the plant director lit up.

Obediently, this identity is amazing!

The big leader called himself.

The one who said that Xie Zhi was a close comrade-in-arms of the eldest leader's daughter.

Once saved the life of the eldest leader's daughter on the battlefield.

Now people are already noble generals.

Husbands and children died for the war.

She was the only one left.

My parents and brothers are dead, and my younger brother has disappeared when he joins the army.

Now there are my brother's wife and children left.

This relationship, can't you take good care of it?

"General Xie is a hero, and he has taken care of him from above."

"To treat your family members favorably, if you have any difficulties, just tell the factory and the factory will solve it for you."

As soon as these words came out, Jia Wenxiu immediately thought of the grievances he suffered today.

"Director, you have to decide for me!"

She told Yi Zhonghai how to ghost.

As soon as the director heard it, he knew the doorway inside.

This is the matter of framing others and grabbing other people's pigtails.

He's seen a lot.

He said right away.

"I will personally investigate this matter."

"If it's really like what you said, I'll ask Yi Zhonghai to review with Jia Dongxu."

"Broadcasting all over the plant, how do you think?"

Jia Wenxiu nodded.

"Then thank you Director."

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