Jia Dongxu heard people's laughter.

Angri's face turned green.

"You shut it up for me!"

Xie Huaiqing hadn't spoken yet.

Just listen to the playful shouts of the people around you.

"What are you doing when you're closed?" Brother Dongxu, really see the outside, good things to share together.

"Those two big white legs are really good, long and straight, Dongxu, you are so lucky!"

"Sister-in-law Huairu usually looks inconspicuous, so material."

"What's the material?"

Xie Huaiqing still had that ignorant expression.

The flashlight in his hand was still shining straight on his daughter-in-law.

Seeing that the daughter-in-law is going to be seen.

He was still in the mood to entangle with the other party.

Jia Dongxu directly blocked in front of his daughter-in-law.

"Slut, put your clothes on for me."

Qin Huairu then put on his clothes.

Then he covered his face and ran back home crying.

She left, and Yi Zhonghai was still being chased and beaten by her aunt.

"Yi Zhonghai, you have to give me an explanation for this."

He wouldn't even call Master.

Who knew that the other party grabbed his wife's hand and hid in the backyard.

He chased over, and the door of the other room's room was closed.

Angry, he kicked the other party's door fiercely.

Mixed in the crowd, follow everyone to see the lively second and third uncles.

After seeing this scene, my heart secretly became happy.

After this incident, see how Yi Zhonghai still pressed on their heads.

At that time, in this courtyard, isn't it just two people who have the final say?

The second uncle had calculated it in his heart.

At that time, find a way to get the three masters down.

In this courtyard, isn't he alone in charge?

Yi Zhonghai in the house was beaten and pinched by his wife while secretly watching the movement outside the door.

I don't know how long it took.

My wife is finally tired of fighting.

There was no movement outside the house.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

And in the middle courtyard of the Jia family's house.

Qin Huairu was screaming.

"Slut, when did you get involved with him?"

"Dongxu, don't fight, don't fight, woo-woo."

Silly Zhu stood at the door of Jia's house, and his heart was anxious!

Sister Qin's howl was in her ears.

Sister Qin, she must be in pain.

Finally, I couldn't help it, and directly kicked the door open.

He walked into the room and directly held Jia Dongxu's fist.

"Don't fight, I see that Sister Qin is innocent."

"You calm down, maybe it's the eldest master who is old and disrespectful?"

Hearing these words, Qin Huairu also took the opportunity to cry.

"Yes, it's a big master, I want to go out to the bathroom, he just... Woo hoo.

"What fart do you put out, there is a night pot in the house, you have to go to the toilet, won't it be in the house?"

After this happened, Jia Dongxu was now suspicious of everything.

She rolled her eyes.

"I'm on the tuba, where can I be in the house."

In this way, it is all the fault of that old thing!

He angrily raised his hand and pounded the table.

"I'm going to find that old thing to settle the score."

"I'll go with you!"

Silly Zhu was even more angry than him.

It was as if that old thing was his daughter-in-law.

Forcibly break open the other party's door.

Jia Dongxu stood in the room and looked at the other party's scratched face.

said coldly.

"Old thing, you have to give me an explanation for this."

"Go! Follow me to the security section! With

that, he grabbed the other man's collar.

Yi Zhonghai knew that he was at a loss, so he hurriedly said.

"Wait a minute."

Saying that, he took out a wad of great unity and a few tickets from his pocket.

"This is for you, I promise never to have contact with your daughter-in-law again."

Looking at these things, Jia Dongxu rolled his eyes, and then loosened the other party's collar.

He took it and counted, two hundred plus three gas tickets.

"Just such a thing, you want to send me?"

"She's my wife, my beloved."

The other party understood in seconds, and then turned around and took out another wad of money and a few tickets from the cabinet.

This is a total of two hundred and fifty pieces, three food stamps.

He nodded in satisfaction.

"Even if you know each other, I won't call the security department, and you will stay away from my wife in the future!"

He took the things and turned away.

The silly pillar froze in place.

How did it come to this.

Doesn't collecting the money mean that Sister Qin is doing that?

"Silly Zhu, are you in trouble?"

Yi Zhonghai's voice brought back his thoughts.


he fled.

The Xie family in the middle court.

Jia Wenxiu recalled what he had just seen.

I felt a burst of heartbeat.

She knew that Yi Zhonghai was a vicious wolf in sheep's clothing.

But it really didn't come to mind.

The other party can actually do such a ugly thing.

Qin Huairu is still a person with a husband!

She was so frightened that she immediately checked the lock in the house several times.

Only after seeing that the lock was firmly closed did I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoqing, how did you find the two of them?"

"Found them fighting? I heard a woman screaming, and I went out.

Jia Wenxiu blushed.

That's true, it's true that goblins fight.

She coughed twice.

"Go to sleep, take care of your body, and in two days your mother will take you to sign up for school."


Xie Huaiqing remembered this.

I'm still a kid who needs to go to school!


The days went a few days further.

The matter between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu was more widely spread.

On this day, two police officers from the police station suddenly came to the courtyard.

The people in the courtyard looked over.

"You're not here to get the two of them, are you?"

"Messing with the relationship between men and women should really be caught."

"But didn't the grandpa give money?"

"Then you should be arrested, you think about the money giver, what are you doing?"

"How the two of them did such a thing, I can't figure it out."

It just so happened that the police shouted.

"Are Jia Zhang's family members at home?"

Everyone is even more affirmative.

It is estimated that Qin Huairu will be taken away.

The hostess at the center of the incident hid in the house, shivering and afraid to come out to see people.

Until the police shouted several more times.

Only then did she hesitate to get up and open the door.

"I am, I am."

"Who are you from the Jia Zhang clan?"

"I'm her daughter-in-law."

"Okay, Jia Zhang's detention has expired, we need you to sign a letter to take people home."

It turned out to be around this.

She was instantly relieved.

Write your name crookedly on paper.

After that, the two policemen went out.

Jia was taken back to the courtyard by two other policemen.

When the police left, she started crying.

"Back, but finally back!"

"A thousand cuts to a small beast, causing me to eat prison."

"Is that what people eat? Little beast, you must not die well! Everyone

around her watched her whisper.

Qin Huairu was afraid that his affairs would be told to Jia Zhangshi by others.

So he quickly helped his mother-in-law into the house.

"Mother-in-law, let's go home."

Jia Zhangshi stood still.

She looked at the wound on the other person's face in amazement.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Who hit you?"

The people around them burst into laughter.

"Who else could fight."

"Ask your son."

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