Xie Huaiqing just followed his mother into the house.

I heard Qin Huairu making a big fuss in the courtyard.

"Cluck, you don't know."

"At that time, the teacher's face was green, and Xie Huaiqing said that butterflies have eight legs."

"Who has eight legs and can't even count one leg, how will you learn math in the future?"

She laughed mockingly.

She didn't notice that the mother and son of the Xie family were already standing behind her.

The one who originally listened to her and gave her praise.

Now they are quietly doing their own business.

Just kidding, Jia Wenxiu is now the deputy director of the workshop.

Whoever is idle will offend people.

Don't look at it, now Jia Dongxu has offended people, and the withheld wages are gone?

Qin Huairu had not yet found that there was someone standing behind him.

She was still saying proudly.

"In the future, he probably will always have to be beaten by the teacher."

"Our family stick terrier is different, the teacher said, our family stick terrier is smart!"

"Our family stick terrier will definitely have a big impact in the future."


Xie Huaiqing's voice floated faintly to her ears.

"Qin Huairu, learn to say bad things behind people's backs, right?"


She was startled by the sound.

When I looked back, I was instantly stunned.

When did this mother and son arrive behind him?

She stammered.

"Am I, I'm not telling the truth?"

"You didn't know how many legs a butterfly has."

The Jia Zhang clan next to him was even more arrogant.

Take a sole and poke at them.

"What's wrong, the way of the world has changed? Can't even tell the truth?

"You're just not as good as our family terrier!"

"The teachers have said, our family stick terrier is smart, and our family stick terrier will definitely be better than you in the future!"

After these words were spoken.

Jia Wenxiu raised her eyebrows and showed an unhappy expression.

Do the people in this yard still think that they are their former selves?

The son was bullied, and he would only cry.

Now, everything has changed.

Who dares to bully their children.

She must look good at the other party.

She walked quickly to Jia Zhang.

"Apologize to my son, you don't want your son to be unable to pay his salary."


The other party jumped up angrily by her sentence.

Xie Huaiqing pulled his mother.

"Mom, dissipate your breath."

"Well, anyone can tell the truth, so I will tell the truth."

He stared at each other.

Qin Huairu looked at his appearance, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Jia Zhang, do you see your grandson like your son? It's obviously like a big uncle. When

the words fell, the faces of the entire courtyard changed.

Among them, Jia Zhang's and Aunt are especially strong.

Under the intentional oblivion of the two companies, this matter was almost over.

But these words he said are tantamount to revealing the scars of the two that are about to get better.

This news made Jia Zhang a little unacceptable.

Your own grandson is not your own grandson?

That slut has long been on good terms with that old thing?

Thinking of this, her face turned pale, and her hands and feet were angry.

The eldest aunt also looked sad and sad, looking like she was about to pass out.

Qin Huairu only felt bad in his heart.

This yellow mud falling in the crotch of the pants is not, it is also!

She once did such a thing, but no one believed it!

Just when she panicked.

Jia Zhangshi threw himself from the side and slapped her non-stop.

"Qin Huairu, you slut!"

"You said, is the stick terrier my own grandson."

Qin Huairu, who was beaten, was almost vomiting blood.

If I already knew, I wouldn't say how Xie Huaiqing was.

Now she can't wash it even if she jumps into the Yellow River!

And Xie Huaiqing had already taken his mother and sister back to the house at this time.

He cut a watermelon, opened the window, and blew an electric fan.

Looking at Jia Zhang's defense outside, Qin Huairu regretted his mouthful appearance.

Scoop a mouthful of watermelon into your mouth.

I have to say that this melon is really delicious.

Had dinner.

Xie Huaiqing came out with a basin and poured something.

The emerald green melon peel stands at the top.

He splashed the basin forward with both hands.

It was dumped on the garbage heap.

There were still some red melon peels left on it, gurgling and rolling on the ground.

"What a loser, that watermelon hasn't been gnawed clean yet!"

"Even the watermelon skin can't be thrown away, it's still a dish to peel it finely."

"Who makes people's homes have a doorway."

If the people in the courtyard are sour, they don't want money to come out like stubble.

Xie Huaiqing listened and felt very funny in his heart.

We eat our own food.

Of course, you can eat how you want.

In the courtyard, Yan Bugui, who came to wash vegetables, stared at the melon skin deadly.

I can't wait to pick up all those melon skins with my eyes and go back to my home.

However, he is not Jia Zhang, and he still needs to save face.

You can't do this kind of thing to pick up watermelon skins in front of everyone.

He thought it would be better to wait until the night when people were asleep.

Then he went to pick up the watermelon skin.

In this way, when the watermelon skin is in hand, no one will see it, which can avoid losing face.

But he was also curious.

Watermelon, such a luxury thing, where did the Xie family get it.

Food is in short supply today.

The farmer's fields are full of grain.

A very small portion of the land grows these fruits.

Especially watermelons, if they are planted, they will occupy farmland.

Which production team will abandon growing grain in order to grow watermelons.

So watermelon is a rarity.

Even if you go to the supply and marketing agency to get a ticket for it, it is impossible to exchange it every day.

There is a fixed number of things in supply and marketing cooperatives.

It would be nice to have a few watermelons a month.

The watermelon eaten by the Xie family is more than the watermelon in the supply and marketing cooperative.

He asked.

"Xiaoqing, where did you get this watermelon?"

Xie Huaiqing replied with an innocent and cute look.

"Go to the supply and marketing agency to change it!"

"Boy, what are you coaxing me to do?"

"Can the watermelons of the supply and marketing cooperative have more than your family's?"

"Then tell you the truth, Third Master, this melon was given to our family by someone else."

As soon as these words came out, the three great masters muttered in their hearts.

Who is the person who gave him this watermelon?

It sounds really capable and generous.

It is estimated that it is not an average person.

"Who gave that to you?"

Does this let him know?

He was about to say no.

The mother came out of the house.

I saw her come over with a smile.

"You kid, what are you talking to the three great masters?"

"Don't be surprised by the three masters, the child is talking and playing."

The more he heard this, the more he felt that there was a problem.

He held up his glasses and said with a smile.

"I heard that Xiaoqing is going to Hongxing Road Primary School?"

She saw that the other party did not continue to ask, so she changed the topic.

"yes! It's time for Xiaoqing to go to school too.

Yan Bugui smiled.

"That's a good thing."

"You know I'm teaching languages in that school."

"If Xiaoqing has anything in the future, I will take care of him for you."

"Then thank you, Third Master."

Jia Xiuwen, didn't take it seriously, said politely.

Who knows that the other party took it seriously, and said what he said next.

It almost made her eyes drop.

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