Xie Huaiqing looked back.

I saw a boy with pockmarks on his face talking.

The other party strode over.

"Put that girl down."


He promised.

Erase the bench.

Then he picked up his sister and put her on a stool.

"That's not right! It's to put down this bench! "


A question mark appeared on Xie Huaiqing's head.

A stool to grab too?

Become a schoolboy and go to school.

This made him not react for a while.

It's not like a later era.

In the school, the tables and benches are all matched, and they must be replaced regularly.

I am afraid that the children will not be satisfied and uncomfortable.

But in this day and age.

Tables, chairs and benches, those are all used for many years.

Missing arms and broken legs, no table pockets, more went.

In the school, there is also a special group to learn from Lei Feng.

The members of these groups brought hammers, nails and boards from their homes and repaired the desks, chairs and benches in the school.

Even so, however, there are still few intact desk stools.

So every time it comes to changing seats in the new semester, many students will come early.

It is to rob the better preserved tables and stools in the classroom.

And this pockmarked boy is one of them.

"Hey, why did you get your sister to sit down."

"Stand up quickly, do you know who my Mako is?"

"Dare to grab my stool."

Xie Huaiqing wanted to laugh when he heard it.

Met a school bully on your first day of school?

It's okay to be idle, just tease this child.

"I know who you Mazi is, you are Mazi."

"Who said this bench is yours, does it have your name written on it?"

When the words fell, I listened to Mazi-san answer.



And really written.

Xie Huaiqing looked at him with black lines all over his head and bent down.

Look for marks on the legs of the stool.


Mako's finger pointed to an inconspicuous spot inside.

This was secretly scratched behind his teacher's back.

If the teacher finds out, he will deduct the little red flower.

Xie Huaiqing followed and looked down.

And there really is.

But these are small things.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it to the inside of the stool.

Those tiny scratches were directly wiped out by him.

"Where? Why didn't I see it? After

Mako saw that her scratches were instantly gone.

Eyes widened in surprise.

I have been running the school for so many years.

I have never met such an arrogant person!

Still a first-year freshman.

It's really the opposite.

Mako's thumb slides under his nose.

Roll your sleeves after removing the snot.

"Stinky boy, I'll let you see it today."

"Brother Mazi, my strength!"

Xie Huaiqing looked at the snot on the lips of this Mazi classmate.

Can't help but feel sick.

When the other party rushed over, he picked up a stool leg from the ground.

He poked at the other party's stomach and poked the other party and sat on the ground.

There was a pain in Mako's butt.

The eyes widened.

What a new situation here.

Is there so much strength?

He felt that his status as a school bully was about to be shaken.

At this time, there were already many students in the classroom.

They all saw this scene.

They all spoke in surprise.

"Mazi has been knocked down, can't he be the boss?"

"So are we going to have a new boss soon?"

"Who is this person, how come I have never seen it before."

"Play well, fight well, Mazi bullies children, should fight!"

"I'm willing to call him boss."

Many girls present spoke for the new male classmate.

His white and tender face and clean clothes.

Let the female students present feel that this new classmate is very different.

Although they don't know what kind of adjective handsome it is now.

It is not like later generations, who know how to fall in love at a young age.

But human feelings are connected.

Their intuition only told them that they wanted to play with this boy.

After the school bully heard these voices.

I was even more angry.

When he stood up, he had to teach the other party a lesson.

At this time, Yan Bugui came in.

Look at the mess in this classroom.

He picked up the whip and banged it on the table.

"Quiet! Give me all quiet! But

none of the children listened to him.

Mazi was even more disdainful in his heart.

A teacher who is bullied by himself every day also wants to take care of himself.

It's about to make a mess.

Ran Qiuye carried the book and came in from outside in time.

"Teacher Ran is here!"

I don't know who screamed.

The older children instantly found a place and sat down obediently.

The rest of the first-graders also sat with the older children.

The classroom finally fell silent.

Ran Qiuye said.

"The classmates have arrived, aren't they?"

"The teacher started the roll call."

Then the children shouted one by one.

Then new books are released.

After that, Ran Qiuye emphasized the issue of discipline.

What respect for the division commander, not to spit, Young Pioneers to bring red scarves, etc.

"Students, remember?"


a group of little fart children replied in unison.

This class is over.

Ran Qiuye is gone.

Xiao Nuan poked her head out of his arms.

"Brother, I'm hungry."

Xie Huaiqing took out the beef jerky he made from his bag.

It is soft and chewy, because it has been specially treated, and there are not many spices on it.

But the taste is very good, and it is best for children.


He shoved a piece of beef into his sister's mouth.


He seemed to hear someone swallowing.

Xiao Nuan also hidden.

He looked back.

I saw Mako-san staring at the meat in his hand.

Hara flowed to his mouth.

"This is meat?"


He replied lightly.

The voice just fell.

I saw that the other party's saliva directly broke through the blockade of the lips.

It flowed down.

"I, I'll give you the stool."

"Can you give me some meat to eat?"

Mako said, her face turning red.


Xie Huaiqing ignored him, turned around and continued to feed his sister.

Xiao Nuan nibbled on the beef in his hand and tilted his head to look at each other quietly.

I actually cried.

She poked her brother lightly and whispered.

"He cried."

Isn't it, crying?

He frowned.

It's really sad to see the other party's tears and crying.

Gluttonous like this?

I just listened to Mako-san crying.

"My brother was sick, and the doctor said he wanted meat."

"But there is no meat in our family, and my brother is going to die."


The children chattered.

"Brother Mazi, the donkey is indeed sick."

"Is the donkey really going to die?"

"How pitiful."

Xiao Nuan muttered in her mouth.

Then he looked at his brother and stretched out his hand to pinch a small tip.

"Brother, or let's give him a piece."

Okay, just teased this kid.

Give some meat as compensation for him.

Xie Huaiqing took out three pieces of meat from the bag and gave them to the other party.

"Stop crying, here you go."

"Woo hoo, you're such a good person!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely cover you in the future, whoever dares to bully you, I will beat him!"

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