
In the blink of an eye, Lin Fan and Zhang Yan returned to Kaoshantun from Ganggangyingzi, and ten days had passed unknowingly.

During this period, the relationship between the two continued to heat up.

As for the practice of the powerful Bull Demon Fist, because of the nourishment of the exotic beast meat, it was also steadily improving step by step.

In addition, the biggest gain of the two during this period was those books.

In just ten days, Lin Fan had read all the books in the storage space one by one.

Feng Shui, medicine, and antique appreciation are the three categories with the largest number and the most complete books.

Almost two-thirds of the more than 800 books!

The remaining one-third is a variety of things.

Recipes, cooking, winemaking...Even books on music, chess, calligraphy and painting can be found.

Even Zhang Yan has gained a lot from books related to medicine. She may not dare to talk about other things, but Zhang Yan has memorized all the medicinal materials that have appeared in those books and have been recorded.

On this day, as the weather became colder, snowflakes began to fall from the sky.

"Honey, it's snowing...."

After opening the door, she felt the cold wind blowing in and snowflakes falling from the sky.

Looking at the white courtyard, Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment.

When she came to her senses, she immediately called out to Lin Fan in the room.

After hearing Zhang Yan's call, Lin Fan, who had just woken up and put on his clothes, walked to Zhang Yan's side in a few steps. Looking at the white courtyard and the snowflakes falling from the sky like goose feathers, Lin Fan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. At the same time, Zhang Yan, who had come to her senses, couldn't help but sigh.


Compared to Lin Fan, Zhang Yan knew very well what winter meant to Kaoshantun and even countless villages.

In this era, every winter was a test.

Throughout the cold winter, they could only rely on stored food to survive.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

At this moment, there was a sound of gongs.

Looking in the direction of the noise, I saw Zhang Laosan, the village chief of Kaoshantun, beating the gong and announcing something.

Looking at Zhang Laosan, Lin Fan couldn't help but ask Zhang Yan beside him,"What is Uncle San doing?"..."

"I guess this year's hunting is about to begin...."

"Every winter, Kaoshantun gathers villagers and has experienced hunters lead them into the mountains to hunt...."

"Uncle San gathered the villagers today, probably for this matter..."

In response to Lin Fan's curiosity, Zhang Yan did not hide anything and simply told Lin Fan what she knew.

"Hunting in the mountains..."

After hearing Zhang Yan's explanation, Lin Fan immediately became interested.

At this time, Zhang Yan seemed to sense the excitement on Lin Fan's face.

She smiled and said,"If you are interested, you can go and have a look later...."

With the skills Lin Fan showed, and with those experienced hunters leading the team, there was no need to worry about his safety.

In addition, even if Lin Fan had not yet mastered all the books he had read during this period, he would be able to deal with any unexpected situations. As long as he did not commit suicide, there would be no danger if he really went deep into the mountains and forests.

"Let's have breakfast first, and then we'll go check out the situation together...."

Although he was somewhat tempted, Lin Fan did not act rashly without knowing the specific situation.

After they finished their breakfast, they began to walk towards the village's grain field.

When Lin Fan and Zhang Yan arrived here, most of the villagers in Kaoshantun, as well as the educated youth who went to the countryside, had already gathered here.

Seeing that it was almost time, the people in Kaoshantun had basically all gathered here, and Zhang Laosan no longer said anything nonsense.

"I think everyone has guessed what the purpose of calling everyone here today is...."

"As usual, this time the team was led by Lao Si and Uncle Li, two experienced hunters...."

"Each person will bring 15 people, a total of 30 people will go into the mountain. Those who are willing to go into the mountain can sign up with me now...."

Zhang Laosan didn't waste any words. He briefly introduced the situation and directly announced that everyone could choose and sign up!

The first ones to be named were the two experienced hunters who made a living by hunting all year round.

One was a native of the Zhang family, and the other one even Zhang Laosan had to call Uncle Li.

One of them was in his forties, and the other was in his fifties but less than sixty years old.

Perhaps because of their identities as hunters, although these two people are not young, they are both fierce.

Faintly, one can even feel a hint of murderous aura from these two people!

At the same time, seeing the figures of these two people, Zhang Yan also whispered in Lin Fan's ear and introduced them to him.

"The younger one is the fourth one mentioned by Uncle San. His real name is Zhang Gensheng. He and Uncle Zhang are cousins...."

"As for Uncle Li, I don't know his specific name, but everyone in Kaoshantun calls him Uncle Li...."

"Uncle Li is also the hunter with the most experience in Kaoshantun and the one who is most familiar with Niuxinshan...."

"Rumor has it that Uncle Li once fought against the Japanese invaders, but after liberation, he retired and returned to Kaoshantun...."

PS: I beg all the big guys to support my new book by giving me collections, flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets....

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