
After watching Zhang Yan leave, Lin Fan did not delay at all, and followed the wild boars directly.

It didn't take long for the wild boars to arrive at the outskirts of Kaoshan Village.

Looking around, there were farmlands everywhere.

Now they were covered with snow. If it was harvest time, they would probably be destroyed by these wild boars.

And it seemed that the goal of these wild boars was very clear, that is, to come to this piece of farmland.

Unfortunately, these wild boars were obviously going to be disappointed this time!

At this time, this piece of farmland was already covered with a thick layer of snow.

Even if these wild boars searched in the fields, there was nothing else except the thick snow.

"Hello, Hello, Hello..."

Not finding the food they wanted, the wild boars seemed to be losing their minds.

A trace of blood suddenly appeared in their pupils!

"Oh no, these beasts are going to attack the village..."

Seeing the changes in the eyes of these wild boars, their pupils gradually turned blood red, Lin Fan secretly cried out in his heart that something was wrong.

At this time, Lin Fan did not hesitate at all, raised the Type 38 rifle in his hand, and started shooting directly.

Bang, bang, bang.

In an instant, only the sound of gunfire was heard, and the Type 38 rifle in Lin Fan's hand instantly spewed out flames.

In just a breath of time, the few bullets in the magazine were directly shot out by Lin Fan.

Looking at the wild boars again, they were originally thick-skinned, and coupled with the layer of resin and mud on the bodies of these beasts, which was like armor.

Lin Fan's few shots did not pose much threat to these beasts!

Not only that, Lin Fan's actions even completely angered these wild boars.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

Although the bullets did not cause much damage to the wild boars, and did not even leave the slightest wound, the force of the bullets hitting them also made the wild boars feel a little pain.

At that moment, the wild boars roared and roared, and their ferocious heads and bloodshot eyes fell directly on Lin Fan.

Boom, boom, boom...

As the wild boars locked onto Lin Fan's figure, the mountain-like figure immediately began to charge at him.

"Be careful, Lin...."

Just as the beasts were charging towards Lin Fan like tanks, footsteps were heard from the village. Zhang Laosan led some villagers armed with guns and rushed to the scene.

When they saw the wild boars charging towards Lin Fan, Zhang Laosan waved his hand without saying a word and signaled everyone to shoot.

Bang, bang, bang...

Suddenly, only the sound of gunfire could be heard, and bullets were fired at the wild boars.

Under the crazy shooting of the crowd, the resin and mud on the wild boars, which were like armor, gradually broke apart.

Although these beasts had thick skin and flesh, they were covered in blood in just a few breaths under the siege of the crowd.

In the end, before these beasts could rush to Lin Fan, they fell one by one on the road.

The wild boar closest to Lin Fan only rushed to a position several meters away from Lin Fan!

"You seem so smart, why are you so reckless now?..."

"If we hadn't arrived in time, would you have wanted to fight these beasts head-on?..."

Looking at the wild boars lying in a pool of blood, Zhang Laosan, who had brought people to support, breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he walked a few steps to Lin Fan and started to teach him a lesson without saying a word.

Although facing the impact of those beasts, Lin Fan was confident that he could dodge them.

Even with bare hands, with his current strength in the Ming Jin realm, he was enough to fight with these beasts.

But seeing Zhang Laosan's concerned look, Lin Fan opened his mouth and swallowed the words that were on the tip of his mouth.

Finally, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and then he nodded and said,"Yes, yes, yes...Uncle San taught me..."

"If I encounter this situation again, I will never be reckless again...."

"I saw these beasts were about to attack the village, and I was anxious, so I had to take this measure...."

"Fortunately, you, Uncle San, came to my aid in time, otherwise I would be in great danger...."

Seeing that Lin Fan's attitude was quite good and he had no intention of quibbling,

Zhang Laosan wanted to lecture him a little more, but when the words came to his lips, he finally sighed and patted Lin Fan on the shoulder.

Zhang Laosan's expression changed, and he seemed to have become a different person in an instant.

A trace of gratitude appeared on his face and he said,"This time, thanks to you, kid...."

"If these beasts were allowed to rush into the village, without any doubling of their numbers, the village would suffer heavy losses...."

PS: I beg all the big guys to support my new book by giving me collections, flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets....

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