
Seeing Zhang Laosan's expression at this moment, Lin Fan opened his mouth and tried to test him:"Uncle San has given an order, how can I refuse?..."

"Sister Yan, I'm going to the county town with my uncle...."

Standing up and saying hello to Zhang Yan, Lin Fan did not delay any longer and turned around and left the yard with Zhang Lao San.

On the way, Lin Fan could not help but ask,"Uncle San, why don't you tell me what we are going to do in the county town?..."

"What are you afraid of, kid? Do you think I can eat you?..."

Zhang Laosan first glared at Lin Fan unhappily, then without hiding anything, he spoke directly:

"This year's educated youth went to the countryside, and the superiors asked us to pick them up at the station..."

As they were talking, the two of them had already arrived at the entrance of the village, and saw that the ox cart in the village had already been prepared.

Lin Fan didn't hesitate to sit on the ox cart.

Then he smiled and said,"It just so happens that the tiger bone wine at home has almost been used up. It's a good opportunity to go find old man Zhu...."

Speaking of tiger bone wine, Zhang Laosan, who was driving the ox cart, couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Fortunately, there was Lin Fan's tiger bone wine, otherwise he would have been unable to hold on after two months of hard work.

Before Lin Fan came, most of the villagers in Kaoshan Village would have looked tired after two months of hard work.

But with Lin Fan's tiger bone wine, after a tiring day, they drank a few coins before going to bed.

When they got up the next morning, not only did all their fatigue disappear, but they also felt that they had endless energy.

In addition, with the nourishment of tiger bone wine, even if they were tired all day, those men could still make their wives cry for their parents at night, and they became more and more courageous!

"Fortunately, thanks to the tiger bone wine you made, the atmosphere in Kaoshan Village is much more harmonious than before...."

Only after truly experiencing the effect of Lin Fan's tiger bone wine, can you know the importance of this tiger bone wine.

Hearing that Lin Fan's tiger bone wine was about to run out, Zhang Laosan also hurriedly said:"The effect of the tiger bone wine you brewed is indeed beyond imagination...` 」` 」."

"Is there any old man who can help? Just ask...."

"Are the tiger bones and those medicinal herbs enough? If not, I will ask Uncle Li and the others to go into the mountains...."

Zhang Laosan looked as if he would immediately send people into the mountains to look for materials if Lin Fan nodded.

Tiger bones or medicinal herbs were not very precious to Kaoshantun.

As long as he spent some time and effort, he could gather what Lin Fan needed!

Facing the look Zhang Laosan gave him, Lin Fan was actually a little amused.

"Don't worry, Uncle San. The last time we brewed tiger bone wine, we only used up one-third of the tiger bones...."

"I have already gathered all the medicinal materials, now all I need is old man Zhu's strong liquor...."

"As for the remaining tiger bone wine, it is enough to support the next batch of tiger bone wine...."

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Zhang Laosan nodded in satisfaction and secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"Good, good, good...When you guys are doing the job, I, an old man, feel relieved...."

"If the educated youth who went to the countryside this time had half the ability of you, I, an old man, would not have to worry at all...."

Zhang Laosan felt a headache when he thought of other educated youth!

Those old educated youth were fine before. After being beaten by the society, they became very honest one by one.

But every time he took back those educated youth who had just gone to the countryside, they were all unruly and arrogant.

Facing these people, Zhang Laosan would have a headache every time!

Only Lin Fan, this outlier, not only did not give Zhang Laosan a headache, but even solved a lot of troubles for him.

Zhang Laosan did not ask the educated youth who went to the countryside this time to reach the level of Lin Fan. If they could have half of his ability, they would not cause trouble for themselves.

Seeing the headache on Zhang Laosan's face when he talked about the educated youth, Lin Fan couldn't help but smile secretly.

Lin Fan knew how chaotic the educated youth were.

Not to mention having half of his ability, even if there were educated youth who followed the rules like Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan, it would be considered lucky.

If you are unlucky, there will be a bad seed who steals chickens and dogs, and a rat shit spoils the whole pot of porridge, and the whole village may not be at peace.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the county town.

At this time, Lin Fan didn't say anything and jumped off the ox cart.

"Uncle San, please go to the train station first. I'll go talk to Old Man Zhu about the wine...."

"Once I have dealt with the wine issue, I will meet you at the train station...."

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Zhang Laosan nodded at first, but then he said with a serious look on his face:

"¨」 ¨」 You better be careful, old man Zhu is not a good person, you better be on your guard..."

"Don't worry, I know what to do...."

After hearing Zhang Laosan's reminder, Lin Fan knew what was going on, but his face showed no emotion.

After saying hello, Lin Fan didn't delay any longer and went straight to Old Man Zhu's residence. After passing through alleys and twists and turns, Lin Fan finally arrived outside Old Man Zhu's yard.

Bang, bang, bang.

When he arrived at the gate, Lin Fan stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.


After waiting for a while, the tightly closed door opened a crack as footsteps were heard.

When Old Man Zhu in the yard saw Lin Fan in front of the door, he quickly opened the door.

"It's Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin, please come in...."

Although he had not seen Lin Fan for several months, Old Man Zhu still remembered him vividly.

Seeing Old Man Zhu's attitude at this time, Lin Fan did not say anything polite and stepped directly into the yard.

"I don't know if Lin Ye...

Seeing the old man Zhu's test, before he could finish his words, Lin Fan said,"How much wine do you have here?"..."

"500 kg..."

Old Man Zhu hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to speak directly.

Hearing that Old Man Zhu had 500 kilograms of wine, Lin Fan said without saying anything,"I want all of them. How much is the price?"..."

When Old Man Zhu heard this, a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes, then he changed his mind and revealed a look of heartache.

"I will give Mr. Lin a discount of one cent per pound at most...."

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Tagged: Cachepxanh2002

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