
Although Lin Fan specifically reminded Zhang Jianjun to pay special attention to Banggeng, the white-eyed wolf.

But with his understanding of Zhang Jianjun, Lin Fan was very clear in his heart that as long as Banggeng did not commit any crime.

Even with Lin Fan's reminder, Zhang Jianjun would probably not take special care of this kid.

But Lin Fan didn't care in his heart!

As the saying goes, a dog can't change its nature. Since Banggeng, the white-eyed wolf, was driven to the countryside, sooner or later he would reveal his true nature. Next, Lin Fan had plenty of time. Since God had sent Banggeng to Kaoshantun, Lin Fan would naturally play with him slowly.

Unconsciously, Lin Fan's figure had returned to the outside of his yard.

Looking at Zhang Yan in the yard, she was holding a medical book in her hand and reading it with relish.

Lin Fan did not disturb her, but with a thought, he waved his hand and took out the 500 kilograms of liquor in the storage space.

Swish, swish, swish

In an instant, five large wine jars appeared one by one beside Lin Fan.

It was only at this time that Lin Fan 28 turned to Zhang Yan in the yard 28 and said,"Wife, open the door quickly!"..."

Hearing Lin Fan's voice, Zhang Yan, who had originally focused on the medical book, immediately came back to her senses.

"Husband, you're back...."

Zhang Yan put down the medical book in her hand, and then stood up and came to greet him without saying a word.

As Zhang Yan opened the gate of the yard, she saw the five large wine jars beside him, and her face was slightly stunned.

"These are the wines your husband bought, a full 500 kilograms..."

"I will use 300 kilograms of it to make tiger bone wine, and the remaining 200 kilograms to make bone and blood wine..."

While talking, Lin Fan didn't say anything. He reached out and picked up a wine jar, and immediately walked straight into the yard.

At this time, Zhang Yan, who had come to her senses, didn't say much, and then easily picked up a wine jar and followed.

After two or three times, five large wine jars, a full 500 kilograms of white wine.

Just like that, they were carried to the room where the wine jars were specially stored.

Lin Fan glanced at the five wine jars and didn't say much.

He directly distributed the processed tiger bones evenly into three of the wine jars.

Then he threw three ginsengs with a medicinal age of 50 years and more than ten kinds of other precious medicinal materials into the wine jars one by one.

He threw all the medicinal materials for making tiger bone wine into the wine jars without missing anything. After making sure that there was nothing left out, Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction.

After sealing the three jars of tiger bone wine again, Lin Fan turned his eyes and fell on the remaining two wine jars.

Although Lin Fan had no shortage of exotic animal bones, the medicinal materials needed to brew bone and blood wine were much more precious than tiger bone wine.

Wild ginseng that was hundreds of years old was not something that ordinary people could obtain. Even though Lin Fan had harvested a batch of wild ginseng last time, there were only two ginseng plants that were hundreds of years old.

Lin Fan waved his hand and threw the two plants, which were also the only two hundred-year-old ginseng plants he had left, directly into the remaining two wine jars.

Although he felt a little heartbroken, compared to the help that bone and blood wine had given him and Zhang Yan, two ginseng plants were nothing.

Then, all kinds of medicinal materials that were at least several decades old were thrown directly into the wine jars by Lin Fan.

If you pay close attention, you will find that compared to the medicinal materials used to brew tiger bone wine, there are only eighteen kinds!

To brew the last two jars of bone and blood wine, Lin Fan actually threw a total of thirty-six kinds of precious medicinal materials into the wine jars.

In order to brew these five large jars of medicinal wine, Lin Fan used up all the remaining medicinal materials in his storage space, except for some decades-old ginseng.

However, with these 300 kilograms of tiger bone wine and 200 kilograms of bone and blood wine, it was enough for Lin Fan to consume for a while.

At least for one or two years, Lin Fan didn't have to worry about anything!

"Finally solved it..."

Looking at the five jars of medicinal wine that had been brewed in front of him, Lin Fan couldn't help but let out a breath of foul air at this time.

The next step is to wait for a while, until the power contained in the tiger bones and exotic animal bones, together with the medicinal power of the medicinal materials, are completely integrated into the wine.

At that time, these medicinal wines will be ready!

And just when Lin Fan focused his attention on brewing the five jars of medicinal wine.

His eyes fell on the educated youth point at this time. Lin Fan's figure had just left not long ago.

As Zhang Jianjun placed Han Chunming and others in the educated youth point one by one.

I saw that the educated youths before, one by one, looked at them.

I don't know who leaked the news, and their eyes on Banggeng became a little weird.

In the end, it was one of the prestigious educated youths who asked,"I heard that this batch of educated youths are all from the Sijiu City...."

"Hello, fellow educated youth. We all come from the old city...."

Facing this person's question, everyone looked at each other, not knowing what this person meant.

Finally, Han Chunming gritted his teeth, smiled slightly, and politely stepped forward to greet everyone. 743

743"I don't know what you call me, comrades. My name is Han Chunming...."

"By the way, I wonder if you guys know Brother Lin Fan, the one who just sent us to the Youth League Center...."

The educated youth who were originally looking at everyone, when they heard Lin Fan's name, all of their eyes fell on Han Chunming. After looking at Han Chunming, the educated youth who just spoke became much kinder.

Then he asked,"Do you know Lin Fan?"..."

Han Chunming opened his mouth and said:"Recognize, know...I guess we know each other...."

"When Brother Lin Fan left just now, he told me to go to him if I had any difficulties...."

When they heard what he said, the educated youth at the scene looked at each other.���But one thing can be seen, Lin Fan thinks highly of Han Chunming, otherwise he would never treat him differently!


"Now that I know Lin Fan, we are all friends from now on. If you have any difficulties, just ask...."

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Tagged: Cachepxanh2002

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