Chapter 154: Attack Qin Family Village! Let’s go!.

“This is a copy of the certificate that the bureau gave you a gun.”

“In my office, there is also an official document.”

“This gun, you just put it away.”

“For self-defense.”

“When you’re okay, you can practice more.”

Zhang Feng finished explaining with a smile.

Put the gun and the copy of the certificate into Su Yu’s hands, and continue to take Li Da to rectify the team. Su Yu turned his back.

A copy of the certificate of possession of the gun in his hand suddenly disappeared. He was taken into the system space.

Next, Su Yu played with the gun in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face. The bureau even specially approved him to carry a gun.

That’s a good thing.

It was a real surprise to qualify for a gun.

With the deterrence of this object, who would dare to be presumptuous among the beasts in the courtyard in the future?

When Su Yu was almost familiar with the pistol, Zhang Feng also put the team in order. Everyone waited in line.

Soon three large trucks drove up. Zhang Feng had already instructed in advance.

So everyone climbed into the car in a very 667 order.

Zhang Feng, Li Da and Su Yu, the three of them as leaders, naturally did not have to squeeze behind with the other guards, but sat in the co-pilot’s seat.

Three cars, exactly one for each person. Three vans set off.

After leaving the abandoned construction site, he immediately headed for the countryside. Not long after gone.

Three more vans appeared ahead. It is also full of people.

It seems that they are people in the bureau, and everyone has a spear on their shoulders, one by one. In this era, whether it was the police officers in the bureau or the security officers of the security section.

Most are veterans.

Therefore, both the mental head and the combat effectiveness are very strong. After an hour or so.

Six trucks left and arrived on the outskirts of the capital.

Twenty miles away from Qinjia Village, the truck stopped, then hid in a hidden position, turned off the fire and turned off the headlights.

All police officers and guards were divided into four groups. Walking towards Qinjia Village.

However, in order to avoid scaring the grass and snakes, he did not get too close to Qinjia Village, but hid first, intending to wait until dawn before making a move.

The Security Section was also divided into two teams. A team was led by Li Da. The other team was led by Zhang Feng.

Su Yu also followed Zhang Feng’s team.

“There is a village called Baiyun Village next door to Qinjia Village, let’s hide in the crop field of Baiyun Village first.”

“Pay attention, don’t step on the crops.”

“Whoever steps on the crops, see how I will clean you up when I go back!”

Zhang Feng took the guards and hid in the crop field of Baiyun Village. Along the way, he did not find any abnormalities in Baiyun Village.

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he informed Lin Baohua in advance and temporarily shrunk the guards on the edge of the village into the village. Otherwise, if the two sides encounter, it will be dangerous.

After everyone has laid an ambush.

Zhang Feng raised his wrist and looked at his watch, it was already half past five. The sky is already dark.

Everyone sat on the ground slightly confused for a while.

By six o’clock, the sky was already bright, and it didn’t affect the view at all.

“Go! Let’s go! ”

“All remembered for me! Don’t do anything when things happen! Protect yourself! ”

“When you encounter an enemy that cannot be solved, don’t be strong, and call others to support!”

“I don’t want to see any of you drop your lives here!”

After Zhang Feng made a simple instruction, he took the lead and rushed towards Qinjia Village! At this time, the spy on the night shift is already sleepy.

And the sky has already dawned, and the other party has also relaxed their vigilance. And the day shift has not yet got up.

Most of the spies are still asleep. It’s the perfect time to sneak attack!

The four teams divided into four directions, surrounded the Qin Family Village, and quickly advanced towards the village!

“All optimistic!”

“Those houses are full of spies!”

“Rush over and grab people directly in a while! The other party resisted and killed directly! ”

“Don’t be soft!”

I don’t know if it’s the reason why the spies are all asleep.

Everyone had already touched the position less than a kilometer away, and the other party had not reacted at all. At this distance, everyone arrived in a sprint!


Zhang Feng took the lead, directly kicked open a gate, and rushed in with twenty people.

There were more than a dozen spies in this house, and before they could react, they had been completely pressed to the ground! However, the other groups apparently did not go so well.

Soon, gunshots rang out one after another in Qinjia Village!

“Not good! Listen to the gunshots, it was Li Da’s side who had an accident! ”

“Solve our side as soon as possible, and then go to support Li Da!”

Zhang Feng’s face suddenly changed.

As the section chief of the security section, he naturally didn’t want his people to have an accident! Quickly solve the backwardness of several courtyards here.

Zhang Feng and Su Yu took the guards and went straight to the area in charge of Li Da. When they arrived, they saw a fierce gun battle between the two sides!

“Li Da? What exactly is going on? ”

“How many of your men were injured?”

“Why did the other party prepare earlier?”

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