Chapter 269: Jia Zhang’s Aggressiveness.

“Qin Huairu, why don’t you speak? Dumb? ”

Seeing Qin Huairu’s red face and silent, Jia Zhangshi had to step forward and continue to be aggressive. The stick terrier on the side couldn’t stand it.

He rolled his eyes like Jia Zhang. Then muttered.

“Grandma, you almost got it, don’t be unforgiving, it’s already very good that my mother can get these delicious foods back, if you go in person, you are not allowed to have my mother, you will stand and talk without back pain.”

“I look at these things pretty well.”

“What’s wrong with the roast chicken with only chicken breasts left? Other people don’t even have chicken breasts. ”

“It’s nothing if the egg is only dregs, eat it in the mouth, haw it, it’s no different from a large piece of egg.”

“Another 250 sausages, isn’t there still three slices? If you can’t see these three pieces of sausage, give them to me.” ”

“Finally, this bacon, although only the leftovers of Huba, but the bite in the mouth as the same oil, okay?”

“Okay grandma, I won’t waste spit with you, if you don’t want to eat, just lean aside, I still want to eat!”

The words of the stick terrier left Jia Zhang speechless.

He said these things, and Jia Zhang knew all these things.

Jia Zhangshi is not unwilling to eat, nor is she disgusted with these scraps, but she wants to hit Qin Huairu. I didn’t expect to be stuck in a bar by a stick terrier.

This made Jia Zhang a little embarrassed.

She had just counted these leftovers one by one, and if she had to eat them, wouldn’t it be a punch in the face, and it would be too faceless.

But if she didn’t eat it, she couldn’t help but be gluttonous.

Fortunately, Qin Huairu was accustomed to Jia Zhang’s virtue, and she did not see it with her.

“Stick terrier you kid, how to talk to grandma, there is no politeness at all, you are not allowed to do this in the future, our family has good food, how can you not give grandma food?”

After saying the words, Qin Huairu picked up a piece of sausage and handed it to Jia Zhangshi,

“Mom, you eat sausage.”

She broke her shoes in the cellar and Yi Zhonghai last night, and almost killed Jia Zhang.

This also led to great contradictions and rifts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. After all, life will go on.

You can’t keep this deadlocked, can you?

Qin Huairu deliberately took a piece of sausage for Jia Zhangshi, the purpose was to give Jia Zhangshi a step down and ease the contradiction between the two.

Jia Zhangshi quickly took it and stuffed it into his mouth.

She also knew that she would not be able to live without Qin Huairu, and although she cursed very much, she did not dare to let Qin Huairu go. Of course, Qin Huairu is also inseparable from Jia Zhang.

The joint property of the husband and wife in later generations belongs to the public property of the husband and wife, and after the husband burps, the inheritance mainly belongs to the wife. But in this era, the marriage law has not yet been promulgated, and everyone is still a traditional idea.

So after Jia Zhangshi hung up, although Qin Huairu took his place as a worker.

But if Qin Huairu runs away from Jia’s house, then not only will she lose her job as a worker, but even her urban hukou will be taken back. She didn’t want to go back to the countryside to earn her share of work, and after getting used to life in the city, she couldn’t accept the hard life in the country. So Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi are a community of interests.

Neither side can do without the other.

Some people may ask, since the silly pillar is Qin Huairu’s licking dog. Why didn’t Qin Huairu take her three children and remarry Silly Zhu?

In that way, there is no need to be angry with Jia Zhang.

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