Chapter 279: Breaking into the courtyard with a gun.

“Brother Yu hung a piece of bacon in the courtyard last night, and he planned to dry it and eat it until the New Year.”

“But the bacon disappeared early this morning.”

“It must have been stolen by the occupants of the courtyard.”

“Brother Yu is worried that the people who go to work in the morning are gone, and if you take the bacon out, it will be difficult to find it in the future, so that’s why I ran over so early to inform you.”

“I hope you can…”

Before Xu Damao finished speaking, Li Da interrupted.

“Okay, I see!”

“Xiao Qin! Immediately go to the staff dormitory to inform Su Da and Su Er! Let them each take their own team and follow me to No. 56 Tongluoguxiang! ”

Li Da shouted!

Xiao Qin hurriedly ran to inform.

In less than five minutes, Su Da and Su Er arrived with people.

Knowing that someone had stolen Su Yu’s things, Su Da and Su Er were furious. 703

“! Let’s go! ”

Sue shouted.

Li Da didn’t waste time, and quickly got on the bicycle with Xu Damao and set off. Su Da and Su Er led the people to split into two teams and ran forward in the back.

It was still early, and a few passers-by happened to pass by on the street. Seeing this position of the security section, he quickly hid on the side of the road in fright.

Forty or fifty guards, each with a gun, this formation is really scary!..


The young occupants are still sleeping.

Occasionally, a few older residents wander around the yard and breathe in the fresh air. Suddenly, I heard a neat running sound.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the guards divided into two teams and entered the courtyard with guns. Followed by Director Wang of the Street Office.

As for Yan Bugui and Xu Damao, they rushed to the backyard to inform Su Yu.

The residents of the courtyard were a little frightened when they saw this formation, where had they seen this.

“Bang! Bang! ”

“Dad, wake up!”

“Something happened in our yard!”

The second eldest of the Liu family, Liu Guangtian woke up with urine in the morning, and he went to the public toilet.

After returning to the courtyard, I happened to meet the guards entering the courtyard. Frightened, he slipped into the backyard to inform his bangs.

“Shout for what? Don’t let me sleep anymore? Are you itching again? Wait for me to get up and give you a tight skin! [DBAB Liu Haizhong was sleeping, was suddenly woken up, and was very unhappy in his heart. ”

If you get up, you will hit someone.

He is an absolute authority in the Liu family.

This old official fan has no skills, he can’t be an official outside, he can only be powerful at home to his wife and children. Several children, except for his eldest son Liu Guangqi, were all afraid of him.

Hearing Liu Haizhong’s words, Liu Guangtian subconsciously shrunk his neck in fright. He quickly explained with a wry smile.

“Dad, don’t rush to do it first, you put on your clothes first and go out to see, there are many people in our yard!” Everyone was scared silly! ”


Only then did Liu Haizhong put down the chicken feather duster in his hand and became interested.

Since Yi Zhonghai was removed from the position of Uncle One, Liu Haizhong has always dreamed of taking over the position of Uncle One.

Now that something has happened in the courtyard and outsiders have broken in, it is just a great opportunity for him to show off his might and establish an image!

“Guangqi! Broad daylight! Come check it out with me! ”

Liu Haizhong quickly put on his clothes, and then came to the front yard with a cigarette. After seeing the people guarding the section, he was also a little vain.

But in front of everyone in the courtyard, he couldn’t admit it, and he had to take out the identity of Uncle Two.

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