Chapter 288: Stupid Pillar Calls for Help.

This statement came out.

The silly pillar was even more afraid.

He has also heard that when new prisoners come to prison, there are many rules inside. These rules have to be tried one by one on newcomers.

Even sleeping at night has to be next to the toilet, and if you disobey, you will be beaten to death.

Silly Zhu has been covered by a big Qing since he was a child, and when he grew up, he was covered by Yi Zhonghai, and he was arrogant and used to it, if he went to prison, how could he eat that bitterness.

Say nothing goes!

He crawled to Su Yu and grabbed Su Yu’s pant leg with his hand.

“Su Yu, Brother Yu, Uncle Yu, Grandpa Yu! I used to be wrong, I didn’t understand things, please help me! ”

“Our hospital is your smartest, you hurry up and help me think of a way, as long as it can keep me from going to prison, I can promise anything!”

Seeing this virtue of the silly pillar, Su Yu was overjoyed in his heart.

He deliberately said how hard it was in prison, in order to scare the stupid pillars. I saw Su Yu smile slightly.

“Silly Zhu, you don’t want to go to prison, it’s not that there is no way, but this way, I’m afraid you won’t agree to it.”

“Promise to agree, as long as I don’t squat in prison, I can promise anything!”

Silly Zhu said quickly.

He was like grasping a life-saving straw.

“Okay, then I’ll tell you the idea.”

Su Yu smiled again.

“The reason why the security department wants to twist you to the police station and let you squat in prison is because you corrupted the social atmosphere and broke your shoes.”

“But what if you didn’t break your shoes? There’s no need to squat in prison. ”

Silly Zhu scratched his head: “So many people have seen me sleeping with Jia Zhang, I am a hundred mouths of Mo argue.” ”

Hearing this, Jia Zhangshi also rolled his eyes.

If it had been left in peacetime, she would have rushed up and cursed. But she also feared jail.

Listening to Su Yu say that there was a way to prove that the two were not breaking their shoes, she was also interested, and listened carefully with her ears upright, not daring to make trouble again

“If you two go to the street now to get a certificate, and then go to get the certificate, won’t others have nothing to say?”

“Although it is indeed illegal to live together before marriage, everyone can understand it.”

Su Yu said.

In this era, messing with the relationship between men and women is indeed a fatal thing. But young men and women can’t help but eat the forbidden fruit is not a few.

As long as the two parties really love each other, do not mess around, and quickly pull evidence to remedy what happens, they can still be spared from prison. Generally everyone will be unable to hold back, and the street office and the security section will also turn a blind eye.

Even if there is a disturbance, the above will open the net, and it will be detained for a few days, so as not to squat in prison.



Silly Zhu and Jia Zhangshi spoke in unison! At the same time shouted out!

“I disagree! I can’t look at the stupid column! I don’t want to marry him!” ”

Jia Zhang shouted.

Usually, Qin Huairu treats the stupid pillar as a fool to deceive, and these Jia Zhang’s are all in his eyes. She often scolds the silly pillar for being a big fool.

How could a person who was taken for a fool by her marry him? This is almost making the stupid pillar vomit blood.

You can’t see me?

I can’t look at you yet! Don’t look at how old you are!

And the figure is seriously out of shape, and the fat one looks like an old sow.

“I don’t agree, even if I marry, I have to marry a yellow flower girl, what is the matter with an old woman?”

“If I really marry her, will I have any face to go underground to meet the ancestors?”

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