“Master, your physical strength is really good.”

He followed Su Yu around the village.

Lin Baohua’s tired back ached.

But on the other hand, Su Yu still stood straight and walked with the wind.

Tiredness doesn’t mean anything at all.

Su Yu couldn’t help but smile.

It’s not that his physical strength is good.

It’s the Cleansing Pill that is too powerful.

Since taking the Essence Cleansing Pill, his endurance has also increased fivefold.

Don’t say go around Baiyun Village.

Even if you go around three or five times, you won’t feel tired.

“Sit down and rest.”

There is a discarded millstone in the corner.

Su Yu motioned for Lin Baohua to sit down and rest.

He moved and opened the system mall.

Slide your index finger gently to look through the items in the store.

Eventually, his gaze stopped at a plastic box.

The box is unpretentious, like it is made of low-quality plastic.

But what is put in it is priceless.

“One hundred weakened version of the Essence Cleansing Pill can enhance twice the physical fitness.”

Each Essence Cleansing Pill is taken outside and sold for tens of thousands of yuan easily.

He spent three dollars and bought three boxes of weakened version of the Essence Cleansing Pill from the system mall.

A total of 300 pieces.

Turn back and give one to each of the convoys and materiel.

When they are physically fit, they are better able to do their jobs.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu took out a weakened version of the Essence Cleansing Pill and handed it to Lin Baohua.

“Baohua, you took this pill.”

Looking at the white pill in Su Yu’s hand, although Lin Baohua didn’t know what it was, he immediately took it and swallowed it without hesitation.

With the medicinal power entering the body, Lin Baohua felt that the exhaustion of his whole body disappeared instantly.

Not only that, but he also feels energetic and his body is full of strength.

Knowing that it was the credit of the pill just now, Lin Baohua quickly bowed to thank him.

Su Yu waved his hand to signal Lin Baohua to get up.

Then asked.

“Baohua, we just circled around and also observed the situation of the escort.”

“You come to evaluate the current arrangement of the escort.”

He sat on the millstone.

Lin Baohua quickly replied respectfully.

“Master, I don’t think Lin Shan is doing well enough.”

“The convoy is doing things too fake.”

“The members of their team guarding the edge of the village seem to be doing farm work and hiding their identities.”

“But at this stage, there is no farm work to do in the village.”

“They just stand stupidly in the ground and wave their hoes, and if outsiders pass by, they will definitely find abnormalities.”

“Also, the few people who guarded the secret warehouse also made the same mistake.”

“On such a hot day, they sit in the open space next to the warehouse and play chess, and they don’t know to find shade, which is also too unreasonable.”

Although Lin Baohua is Lin Shan’s father.

But he was more loyal to Su Yu.

So the shortcomings of the convoy were immediately pointed out.

Lin Baohua is worthy of being the secretary of the village branch, his eyes are really vicious, and he wandered around casually, and pointed out all the mistakes made by the guards.

Su Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Then said.

“Well, the two mistakes you pointed out just now, hurry up and let Lin Shan correct them.”

“Lin Shan is a little young, you teach him more.”

“I have one more thing to add about the convoy.”

“Behind our Baiyun Village is a barren mountain.”

“Although under normal circumstances, no one will break into the village from the barren mountains.”

“But everything is afraid of what happens.”

“You ask Lin Shan to strengthen the protection over there, a group of people is simply not enough.”

In fact, Su Yu’s heart was thinking further.

This barren mountain also belongs to the scope of Baiyun Village.

Later, a variety of fruit trees can be planted inside.

“Yes, master, I’ll go tell Lin Shan now.” Lin Baohua quickly agreed.

He was about to leave.

Suddenly, I heard a roar from the direction of the barren mountain!

It was loud and rough.

Like a beast.

“Go! Go check it out! Su Yu shouted!

The two came to the foot of the barren mountain.

Then you see a giant wild boar on a rampage!

There are ten members of the convoy who are trying to drive the wild boar away with sticks!

Soon, Lin Shan arrived with two other groups.

“You guys tie big nets to trees!”

“Tighten up!”

“Others! Give me the wild boar and drive it into the net! ”

“The wild boar must be caught today!”

A total of three groups of people under his command immediately followed Lin Shan’s instructions.

Soon the wild boar was crecked.

Lin Shan was overjoyed when he saw this.

Being able to catch the wild boar in front of Su Yu made him feel very proud.

He was about to ask Su Yu for instructions on how to deal with the wild boar, when he heard a stinging sound!

The wild boar actually tore a big hole in the net, and rushed out of the hole and went straight to Lin Shan!

“Shan’er!” Lin Baohua was startled, and he immediately rushed towards the wild boar.

Don’t look at him in his forties, but under the strengthening of the weakened version of the Essence Cleansing Pill, his strength and speed are stronger than those of young people.

However, Su Yu was faster than him.

At the moment when the wild boar broke free of the big net, Su Yu’s body started.

He streaked through the air and instantly came to the wild boar.

In the face of the rampage of the wild boar, he does not dodge, but raises his arms.

A punch smashed into the boar!

“Master!” Lin Shan and Lin Baohua were so frightened that they both mentioned their throats!

In the eyes of the two, a trace of killing intent flashed at the same time.

If Su Yu had an accident, they would unload this wild boar in eight pieces and execute Ling Chi!


Su Yu’s fist hummed and bombarded the boar’s head!

A loud bang.

The wild boar instantly flew upside down two meters!

Hit a big tree hard!

And, a large amount of blood gushed out from the boar’s body.

Lin Baohua and Lin Shan thought that the wild boar had been beaten and vomited blood.

When they looked closer, they couldn’t help but gasp.

Because the bone on the boar’s forehead was blasted out of a blood hole by Su Yu!

The blood and water just now were all gushing out of this hole!

“The host! Are you all right? The two quickly stepped forward and looked Su Yu up and down several times.

Su Yu smiled and waved his hand.

“It’s just a wild boar, it can’t hurt me.”

“Lin Shan, let people carry the wild boar back.”

“The whole village eats pig-killing dishes tonight!”

This wild boar is very large, about a thousand pounds.

It can make the whole village eat meat!

“Thank you host!”

“The host was so nice!”

“You can eat wild boar!”

Everyone present immediately cheered.

Look at the smiling faces and sincerity on everyone’s faces.

Su Yu’s heart was touched.

In those animal neighbors in the courtyard, he had never felt this way.

In the afternoon of the same day, Lin Baohua led people to unload eight pieces of wild boar.

Except for the four thighs, they were reserved for Su Yu.

All the others were cut into pieces, dozens of cauldrons were set up, and the dishes were made in large pots.

The entire Baiyun Village was shrouded in the smell of meat.

The people of Baiyun Village ate pig-killing dishes, and their faces were full of happy and contented smiles.

(Writing here, are there still readers reading it.) )

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