After dealing with school affairs.

Su Yu rode his bicycle and returned to the factory to make errands.

The other side.


Middle Court.

A few aunts were sitting together chattering.

The three aunts are also among them.

She chatted idly.

And every now and then, glance at the backyard.

This was the task that Yan Bugui had given her.

When Su Yu is not at home, he must help to look after Su Yu’s house.

A few days ago, because of the fear of the stick terrier stealing things, the spirit of the third aunt has been very nervous.

Later, it was found that the stick terrier did not dare to steal the Su family again.

The third aunt relaxed a lot.

“Hey, recently there have been more and more homework left in school, and every time Yan Xiekuan and Yan Xiedi write homework, they have to write until eight or nine o’clock in the evening.”

“What a waste of electricity!”

Aunt San sighed.

Fortunately, with Su Yu’s help, their Yan family’s life gradually improved.

Otherwise, consuming so much more electricity every night, Yanbu is so expensive that it hurts to death.

Hearing this, the other aunts echoed.

Only Jia Zhang sneered.

“Jia Zhang, what are you laughing at?” Aunt San asked angrily.

Since the last incident, Aunt San and Jia Zhang have not dealt with it.

Jia Zhang rolled his eyes.

Then sneered.

“I’m laughing at you stupid?”

“If your child can’t finish his homework, won’t you find a way!”

“My family stick terrier finished his homework early and went out to play!”

“Compared to my good grandson, your children are really waste!”

Jia Zhang doesn’t speak human language at all.

Come up and openly mock.

It caused other aunts to glare angrily.

“Jia Zhangshi, put your mouth clean! Your children are waste! “The three aunts are the first to be unhappy!

Aunt Yi also echoed: “Jia Zhangshi, if you can’t speak human language, just shut up?” ”

Among the people, Aunt Yi’s expression was better.

She and Yi Zhonghai have no children, so they are not within the scope of Jia Zhang’s ridicule.

In the face of the rebuke of all the aunts.

Jia not only did not admit his mistake, but was even more proud.

She stood up directly!

“What’s the matter?”

“Call your children stupid, and you’re still not convinced?”

“My stick terrier is smarter than your children!”

“The homework of the stick terrier last night, let Su Yu write it directly!”

“He didn’t write a word himself!”

“What’s like your silly kid who still does his own homework?”

Jia Zhangshi raised her chin, she was proud of the stick terrier.

The other aunts were stunned when they heard this.

I thought that Jia Zhang’s is not a neuropathy!

The child does not write homework, you do not smoke him with a big ear scraper, and praise him for being smart?

For Jia Zhang’s strange logic, everyone felt speechless.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Jia Zhang was even more proud.

“Why don’t you talk anymore?”

“It’s useless to admit that your own children are useless?”

She was about to spray the spit star on everyone’s face.

The third aunt was a little annoyed and was about to reprimand Jia Zhang.

Right at this moment.

In the direction of the gate of the courtyard, there was a cry.

Jia Zhang’s face suddenly changed.

Because she found out that it was the cry of a stick terrier.

Gu couldn’t pretend to be with a few aunts anymore, she quickly got up and ran towards the door.

The other aunts looked at each other.

They all showed a look of schadenfreude.

Just now, Jia Zhang’s pretended for a while, but it made them angry.

Now I can watch the jokes of Jia Zhang and the stick terrier, and they are very happy.

“Go! Let’s take a look! “Three aunts take the lead.

Other aunts echoed.

Everyone rushed to the gate of the courtyard, and saw the stick terrier being held in Jia Zhang’s arms, crying!

The three aunts leaned in and asked with a smile.

“Why do you cry so sadly?”

“Did you not write your homework last night and were overjoyed?”

“What’s the word?”

Aunt Yi continued: “Crying with joy!” ”

All the aunts laughed.

Jia Zhang, who was angry, rolled his eyes.

She touched the head of the stick terrier to comfort.

“Good grandson, don’t cry, tell grandma well, who bullied you.”

“Grandma go and avenge you!”

Dare to bully her grandson of the Jia Zhang clan, really tired of living!

The stick terrier replied wiping away tears.

“I gave yesterday’s homework to Teacher Ran.”

“After Teacher Ran saw it, he was very angry!”

“She went to the principal to sue me, saying that I didn’t write my homework well and insulting the teacher!”

“The principal punished me for suspending classes for ten days, so I should reflect at home!”

Jia Zhangshi was immediately furious!

Immediately shouted!

“That teacher Ran, did your whole family die?”

“Your homework last night was done by Su Yu!”

“Su Yu went to college!”

“Can there be problems with his homework?”

She was so angry that she spewed feces all over her mouth.

The stick terrier took the homework out of his pocket and handed it to Jia Zhang.

“Grandma, look, the position of scolding the teacher was drawn by Teacher Ran.”

The first word of the Tibetan poem was drawn in a circle by Ran Qiuye with a red pen.

Jia Zhang leaned over to look at the workbook, but she was confused because she couldn’t read.

Then a young literate woman came up and said, “I’m literate, I’ll show you!” ”

She looked at the words in the red circle.

Then laughed.

“These words are ‘Teacher Ran is not a person’!”

“The stick terrier really scolded the teacher!”

The third aunt laughed and coaxed: “Oh hey, the stick terrier is really powerful!” ”

“Not only don’t you have to do your homework! Also scolded the teacher! ”

“Now it’s even better, I don’t even have to go to school!”

“Our kids can’t compare to stick terriers! They are so stupid that they can only honestly go to school! ”

Knowing that the stick terrier was suspended from class, the third aunt was very happy.

The other aunts also laughed.

“Yes, yes, this kid is smart when he is young.”

“How nice it is that you don’t have to do your homework or go to school yourself!”

“Oh, my child doesn’t have this blessing!”

“Jia Zhang! Go buy something delicious, set a table in the evening, and celebrate as a family! ”

Just now, Jia Zhangshi sprayed feces indiscriminately, offending everyone over and over again.

Now the stick terrier has been suspended.

All the aunts laughed.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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