Chapter 56: The Failed General Assembly, Collectively Blaming Yi Zhonghai.

After hours at the rolling mill.

Yi Zhonghai hurried back to the courtyard. He knew that Su Yu was difficult to deal with.

So, before the plenary assembly. Some preparation is required.

Yi Zhonghai immediately found the deaf old lady. As the oldest person in the courtyard and generation. Deaf old ladies have a pivotal position.

Every time Yi Zhonghai can’t get things done, as long as the deaf old lady comes out, it can be smoothed out. Deaf old ladies usually prefer silly pillars.

When she heard that she wanted to help Silly Zhu avenge and deal with Su Yu, she immediately agreed. Next.

Yi Zhonghai greeted Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui respectively. After all, the plenary meeting was presided over by the three of them.

He was worried about being dragged down by Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui. So get a vaccination in advance.

Avoid making mistakes in meetings.

After Qin Huairu returned home, he also told Jia Zhang about what happened.

“Deal with Su Yu together and let him lose money to our family?”

“Okay! I’ll definitely help when the time comes! ”

Jia Zhangshi also agreed.

Except for Xu Damao, the other beasts of the courtyard were all united under the leadership of Yi Zhonghai. I plan to deal with Su Yu collectively after dinner!

“Uncle Yi, I will go to every household to inform me now!”

“After letting everyone have dinner, hurry up and come to the middle courtyard for a meeting!”

The silly pillar looked excited!

He was beaten several times by Su Yu recently.

Today, not only the murdered in public, but also fined to the sand turning workshop to carry molten iron ladles. He hated Su Yu in his heart.

I can’t wait to bite Su Yu’s flesh off.

Today finally had the opportunity to teach Su Yu a lesson, and Silly Zhu grinned happily.

All the birds and beasts shot together, such a big scene, he believed, he would definitely be able to clean up Su Yu! Yi Zhonghai touched the white stubble on his face with his hand.

Seeing that the attitude of the silly pillar towards him regained his respect.

He felt that even if he was tough with Su Yu, it was worth it.

“Okay, pillar, you go to each house to inform.”

“Remember not to inform Su Yu first, we can’t let him prepare in advance!”

“And Aunt He in the front yard, don’t notify, she has recently been close to Su Yu, and she also introduced Su Yu to the object.”

“If Aunt He knows, she will definitely help Su Yu!”

“And Xu Damao, don’t notify either.”

“This guy is shivering all day, and he doesn’t have a door on his mouth.”

“If he knew that he was going to hold a plenary meeting, he would most likely tell Su Yu in advance!”

Yi Zhonghai is also a grade eight fitter in a rolling mill and a master in the courtyard, and he is still very capable. In the blink of an eye, several precautions came to mind, and then told the stupid pillar one by one.

“Uncle Yi, don’t worry! I’ll do it now! ”

Silly Zhu smiled and went door-to-door to inform.

Several beasts in the middle courtyard had smiles on their faces. In their opinion, Su Yu will definitely die tonight. Not only must he publicly apologize to the stupid pillar, but also lose face.

It is also necessary to lose money to the Jia family and compensate for the loss of the suspension of the stick terrier.

Because they were in such a good mood, the coarse grain nest head and pickled cabbage dumplings in their mouths all tasted sweet. After dinner.

The residents of the courtyard rushed towards the middle courtyard.

“Zhang Guoqiang! Did you just go to the middle court for a meeting? Don’t move a stool either? ”

“What are you doing with moving a stool, I usually hold a plenary meeting, I never move a stool!”

“Tonight’s full assembly is different! There must be a good show to watch! Go back and move the stool! ”

“What’s the show? Brother, do you know any insider information? Hurry up and listen! ”

“Hey, hey! I work in a rolling mill and today something big happened in our rolling mill! ”

“Stop selling lawsuits! Pick the point! ”

“Silly Zhu is not from our rolling mill canteen, when he gave Su Yu a large pot of dishes at noon today, he deliberately put a package of laxatives in it!” Want to harm Su Yu! ”

But Su Yu, this guy is smart! And the eyes are good! Unexpectedly, I found the hands and feet of the stupid pillar!

Su Yu is not a master who likes to suffer losses! He broke open the mouth of the stupid pillar on the spot, and poured the cauldron dish with the laxative into the mouth of the stupid pillar!

You know what!

The stupid pillar made a fuss, couldn’t help it, unexpectedly in our factory canteen, in front of thousands of employees, began to!

It just laughed us off!

Later, the leaders of the factory found out, and punished the stupid column to go to the sand turning workshop to carry molten iron packets!

“Silly Pillar suffered such a big loss, and Uncle Yi treated Silly Pillar as a thousand sons! Tonight’s plenary assembly, they will definitely deal with Su Yu! ”

“Su Yu is not so easy to deal with!”

“That’s why I said there is a good show tonight! Why don’t you hurry back and move the stools? ”

“Yes, yes, go back and move the stool, run faster, and take a good position in a while!”

Most of the residents are watching the excitement and not being too big.

They followed suit.

After a while, the middle courtyard was packed. There was not even a place to stay.

Seeing so many residents coming, even the three uncles Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui were a little confused. No wonder they were surprised.

Usually, when the general meeting is held, each family will have a representative. A maximum of two people per household.

If you play a full fight, there are only thirty or forty people.

Today I heard that there was a good show to watch, and almost all of them came.

“Uncle Yi, there are a lot of people tonight!”

Silly Zhu leaned over to Yi Zhonghai and whispered. Yi Zhonghai smiled slightly: “It’s good if there are many people.” ”

“The more people, the more face you will have when Su Yu apologizes to you!”

Hearing this, Silly Zhu also grinned: “That feeling is good!” ”

Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu’s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are also exchanging ears.

In their mouths, words like “ten pieces” kept coming out. There was also laughter from time to time.

It seems that there is a discussion about how much to let Su Yu compensate.

“Hey! Looking at this situation, Uncle Yi and Silly Pillar have already been prepared! ”

“Yes, didn’t you see that the deaf old ladies came in person? Her old man usually doesn’t attend the conference! ”

“The deaf old lady loves Silly Pillar so much, she must have come out for Silly Pillar this time!”

“Uncle Yi alone is already difficult to deal with, and now with the addition of the deaf old lady, Su Yu is going to plant it this time!”

“Well, who says it isn’t! Although Su Yu is also quite strong, his arms can’t twist his thighs! ”

Seeing this, everyone discussed it in private, and they all felt that Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu had an absolute advantage. Right at this moment.

A disgruntled voice shouted.

“Silly pillar! What do you mean! ”

“Opening a plenary meeting is such an important matter!”

“You don’t notify me!”

“Did you mean to target me!”

This is Xu Damao’s voice. His favorite thing is to join in the fun.

For him, it didn’t matter who Yi Zhonghai and Su Yu lost or who won. As long as he can see the joke.

Anyway, he doesn’t think it’s too big to see the excitement.

“Fortunately, my ears are smarter! Hearing that you were in a meeting, I quickly ran over! ”

“Otherwise, I would have missed this conference!”

In Xu Damao’s view, if you miss this opportunity to see the excitement, it is equivalent to losing 100 million! Faced with Xu Damao’s loud questioning.

Silly Pillar sneered!

“Xu Damao! Just because you look like this donkey face! You’re kind enough to attend the whole house assembly! ”

Xu Damao was anxious,

“Silly pillar, you are attacking personally, aren’t you! I fought with you! ”

“Okay! Xu Damao, don’t argue! Be quiet! ”

Yi Zhonghai scolded. When the stupid pillar sprayed Xu Damao just now, I didn’t see him make a sound.

Now Xu Damao verbally attacked the stupid pillar, and he immediately stood up to stop it. It can be seen that it is a double-standard dog.

The whole assembly is ready.

Just waiting for Su Yu, the protagonist, to appear.

Yi Zhonghai, Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu were waiting with a smile on their faces at first. But over time.

The smiles on their faces disappeared. Because Su Yu didn’t appear at all.

“What’s going on? Why didn’t Su Yu attend the meeting? Isn’t he scared? ”

Qin Huairu frowned.

Yi Zhonghai shook his head slightly: “Su Yu’s personality is very strong, he is not the kind of person who is afraid, he will definitely come to the meeting!” ”

“Uncle Yi, do you say that it is possible, Su Yu didn’t know about the meeting at all, didn’t you let me inform Su Yu and Xu Damao just now?”

Silly Zhu scratched his head and said.

Yi Zhonghai said in a deep voice: “That shouldn’t be, their house is closer to the middle courtyard than Xu Damao, Xu Damao heard it, he has no reason not to hear it.” ”

“What’s more, when you and Xu Damao scolded each other just now, the shouting was so loud that even the neighbors in the courtyard next door could hear it, how could Su Yu not hear it?”

At this moment, the deaf old lady came up.

“Zhonghai, silly pillar, do you say that Su Yu is not at home at all?”

Hearing the reminder of the deaf old lady, Silly Zhu quickly ran to the backyard to take a look.

“Uncle Yi! Su Yu’s family is really nobody! ”

Yi Zhonghai’s face suddenly became a little ugly. His side is so well prepared.

Even the atmosphere is set off.

Just wait for Su Yu to appear, and then output to him. Now tell him that Su Yu is not at home at all.

Isn’t this horse pulling a calf?

Yi Zhonghai felt like he had punched with all his strength, and it ended up hitting cotton. It’s uncomfortable.

Silly Zhu was also a little depressed.

He was holding his breath, and he wanted to take advantage of tonight’s plenary meeting to vent it. Now that Su Yu is not there, he vents.

Yi Zhonghai groaned. Then said.

“Pillar, don’t worry first.”

“Let’s wait patiently a little longer.”

“Su Yu is not at home at this time, and it is estimated that something has temporarily stumbled in the factory.”

“He didn’t go to the countryside today to carry out procurement tasks, and he will definitely go home in the evening.”

“It is estimated that it will not be long before he returns.”

“At that time, let’s catch him off guard!”

Silly Zhu tilted his head and thought about it, feeling that what Yi Zhonghai said made sense. The birds continued to wait.

Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. An hour. Two hours.

It was all about eight o’clock in the evening.

He hadn’t even seen Su Yu’s shadow.

At this time, even if the birds are patient, the residents are impatient.

“Uncle Yi! What the hell are you up to! The whole assembly made us wait two hours before it started! ”

“That’s it! It’s past eight o’clock, it’s time for us to wash and rest! Work will start tomorrow! ”

“If you want to criticize Su Yu at the whole hospital meeting, then you should communicate with Su Yu in advance!” People Su Yu didn’t know that there was a meeting tonight, you let us wait here, didn’t you treat us as fools! ”

“Uncle Yi, it’s a bit too much for you to do this!”

“That is, I already knew that this was the result, and it was uncomfortable for me to lie at home after eating?”

Everyone spoke out to accuse Yi Zhonghai….

At this moment, Yi Zhonghai’s heart was also very depressed.

He didn’t expect that Su Yu wouldn’t go home so late. Yan Bugui sat at the table, his eyes rolling around. Since sitting here tonight.

In his heart, he had been thinking about how to sabotage this plenary assembly. After all, he was Su Yu’s person, and he couldn’t let Su Yu be knocked down by the birds. Now I see the crowd buzzing.

He knew his chance had come.


Yan Bugui stood up and stretched exaggeratedly. Immediately said.

“Uncle Yi, or forget about tonight, right?”

“We preside over the whole hospital meeting to help the majority of residents solve problems.”

“It’s not about creating problems for everyone.”

“It’s late, the adults have to work tomorrow, and the little ones have to go to school tomorrow.”

“Let’s all go back and rest?”

After he finished speaking, he did not sit down.

Instead, he picked up the enamel jar and drained the water inside, looking ready to go. Boom! Boom!

Bangs also possess knocking on the table. In an official tone.

“Uncle Yi, it’s not me who said you.”

“You’re doing something so ill-considered.”

“Who is related to this plenary meeting, you must notify people in advance.”

“Don’t toss all of us, people don’t know!”

He stood up and waved his hand directly.

“Okay! It’s all dispersed! ”

“Let’s all go back and rest!”

See that Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong said so. Everyone got up and carried their stools home.

Soon, only the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai, Silly Zhu, Qin Huairu, and Jia Zhangshi remained in the middle court.

“How did you guys do it?” Say yes, let Su Yu pay our family’s money? ”

“Since Su Yu hasn’t come back, then you can scrape together your own money for me!”

Jia Zhang shouted in dissatisfaction.

Yi Zhonghai immediately glared angrily!

He had just lost such a big face at the plenary meeting, and he was already unhappy in his heart. Jia Zhangshi also ran over to nag.

Isn’t this an underbelievable?

Touching Yi Zhonghai’s terrifying gaze, Jia Zhangshi shrunk his neck, a little afraid.

“Bah! What a thing, I don’t have the ability to let Su Yu come to the meeting, but I am angry! ”

Jia Zhangshi muttered softly and went home, and seeing this, Qin Huairu quickly followed home.

“Pillar, don’t be angry, although today’s plenary meeting did not open, but there is still tomorrow.”

“I don’t believe Su Yu will never go home!”

“Next time, let’s look good, when Su Yu is at home, we will hold a plenary meeting.”

Yi Zhonghai himself was also very depressed, but he had to endure it and comfort Silly Zhu.

After all, the stupid column was fined to the sandturning workshop half-iron 2.2 water pack, and he had a lot of responsibility. The next time must be made happy for the stupid pillar.

Just make up for the rift between the two.

“Well, Uncle Yi, I know.”

Silly Zhu went back to the house depressed.

All the beasts are depressed tonight.

But the culprit, Su Yu, was happy. He had no idea that tonight was going to be a plenary meeting.

After work, he pulled other companions and invited Zhang Feng to go to the restaurant for dinner.

When dealing with the stupid pillar today, Zhang Feng first held down a group of guards to prevent them from interfering, and then helped Su Yu speak in the factory director’s office, which can be said to be a great help.

Su Yu specially thanked Zhang Feng. Friendship between men is very simple.

After smoking and drinking together, you can quickly become brothers and brothers. After coming out of the hotel, it was already past nine o’clock in the evening. They staggered down the street.

Came to a fork in the road.

“Same brother! Brother Feng! You two go along the way, I won’t send it!” ”

Su Yu shouted drunkenly.

“Lao Tzu can go home with his eyes closed! Also send it with you! ”

Zhang Feng also shouted. After getting acquainted with Su Yu, he spoke more casually.

“Go home? Whose house to go back to? Don’t climb on the heads of other ladies and let the men beat you!” ”

Su Yu said with a smile.

“Dare to tease me! Look I don’t kick you! ”

Zhang Feng rushed over and kicked it.

was easily dodged by Su Yu.

Zhang Feng spun around in place and almost fell, but fortunately was helped by Qi Tong.

“Su Yu, you stinky boy, next time you drink, see how I clean you up!!”

“Don’t pour you into the climbing widow’s kangtou, I’ll take your last name!”

Zhang Feng shouted.

Seeing that Zhang Feng had drunk too much, Qi Tong quickly helped him home. Watch the background of the two disappear into the night.

Su Yu’s eyes suddenly returned to clarity, and the drunkenness just now completely disappeared!

His physical fitness is five times that of ordinary people, and drinking this little wine is nothing at all!.

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