Chapter 68: Su Yu Acts in the Middle of the Night! Yi Zhonghai was slapped in the face!.

After Qin Huairu washed the clothes of the stick terrier, he dried them on the clothesline in the courtyard.

…… Late at night.

The residents of the courtyard fell into a deep sleep. Su Yu slipped out of the house.

With the help of his strong hearing, he listened carefully. It was found that everyone in the courtyard was asleep.

So he tiptoed and quietly came to the middle courtyard. Su Yu took off the clothes of the stick terrier. Then he felt a bottle of potion in his pocket.

I smeared it on the clothes of the stick terrier and put the clothes back on the clothesline. Su Yu returned home.

Playing with the small bottle in his hand, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Inside the small bottle is a special potion.

After writing with it. It will not appear for a short time.

But after six hours, it will be revealed!

When the sports meeting is held tomorrow, it will definitely give the birds a big surprise!…..

The next morning. Su Yu held an enamel jar.

Come to the sink in the courtyard to wash.

But it was found that Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu and the stick terrier were all next to the sink. The three birds of the Jia family got up so early and washed together.

This scene is too rare.

Especially Jia Zhang’s mouth, smelly and poisonous, has never brushed his teeth and washed. I don’t know what kind of wind was pumped today, but I got up so early to brush my teeth.

Su Yu felt a little curious. But.

After breakfast, he understood what was going on.

He saw with his own eyes that Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, and the stick terrier left the courtyard together and went straight to the direction of Hongxing Primary School.

“It seems that the last scarf incident made Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu wary and no longer trust others.”

“The two of them are going to watch the stick terrier go to the sports day.”

“Avoid other surprises.”

“These two fools, who knows, I have already moved on the clothes worn by the stick terrier in advance.”

“The manifestation time of the special potion is 6 hours.”

“And I wrote on the clothes of the stick terrier at three o’clock last night.”

“When the Games start at nine o’clock, those words will be revealed!”

Su Yu chuckled.

And then hummed a song and went to the rolling mill.


Morning. Eight-fifty-five. Red Star Elementary School.

With five minutes to go, the school sports day begins.

Many students have already entered the stadium and stood on the field of the sports they are participating in.

The parents of the students sat in the stands, looking at their children with smiles on their faces, cheering for their children. Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were also among them.

The teachers of Hongxing Primary School, led by Lu Qing, also came to the stands. After settling.

Lu Qing announced the official start of the Games.

Ran Qiuye was looking at the playground with interest, looking at the children in her class. Suddenly!

Her brow frowned!

I found that the stick terrier is also there!

Ran Qiuye quickly stood up, came to Lu Qing’s side, and whispered.

“Principal Lu, Jia Terrier, who was suspended by us, is also participating in the sports day.”

“I didn’t sign him up at all, isn’t he fooling around?”

“Do you want me to call the guards and drive Jia Terrier out?”

Lu Qing seemed to have known about this for a long time.

After listening to Ran Qiuye’s words, she was not surprised. Instead, he nodded and said.

“I know that.”

“In the list of the sports meeting, there is indeed no name of Jia Terrier!”

“We didn’t invite Jia Terrier’s grandmother and mother to watch the sports day.”

“But I didn’t expect that the three of them came in directly over the wall!”

“And went straight to the playground!”

“With so many students and parents in front of me, I can’t let the guards arrest them, can I?”

“That has a bad impact on our school!”

“There is no way, I can only adjust the list in time and add Jia Terrier to the 400-meter running event.”

“After the sports meeting is over, let’s find them to settle the score!”

Lu Qing looked flat.

But you could tell from her tone that she was very angry.

It’s just that for the image of Red Star Primary School, she is suppressing her anger.

After being the principal for so many years, she also saw the parents of students sneaking over the wall into the school for the first time! Ran Qiuye also felt a little incredible.

But since Lu Qing had already said so, she was embarrassed to say anything more. The Games officially began.

Soon it was the turn of the 400-meter dash.

The stick terrier followed the other students and stood on the runway together! Swish!

In front of thousands of people present.

The stick terrier directly took off his coat! The clothes inside were exposed!

The season has just entered autumn, and the weather is still very hot, and there is no need to wear a jacket. But there was writing on the back of the stick terrier’s clothes, and he was afraid of losing people, so he deliberately got a coat to wear. Now the run starts right away.

Everyone was already focused on him. He knew the time had come.

It’s time for everyone to see the words on his back!

Seeing this, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi sat in the stands and immediately laughed proudly. The stick terrier was followed by words praising Lu Qing and Ran Qiuye.

Although the compliment is a little embarrassing.

But as the saying goes, reach out and don’t hit the smiling person.

After Lu Qing and Ran Qiuye saw the words of praise, they couldn’t punish the stick terrier anymore, right?

That’s what they’re really for!

“Look at that student! His clothes are different from others! ”

“There are two lines on it!”

“It’s too far away to see clearly!”

“It seems to be how is Teacher Ran, and how is Principal Lu!”

Some parents and teachers have found the words on the back of the stick terrier. After everyone’s reminder, Lu Qing and Ran Qiuye followed and looked towards the back of the stick terrier.

“Teacher Ran is the most beautiful…”

“Principal Lu is the best…”

When you see the first few words. The two were quite happy.

Because in front of so many students and parents, Yucheng praised them. This gave both of them a glow on their faces.


When Lu Qing and Ran Qiuye finished reading all the words on the stick terrier. Immediately became furious!

“Teacher Ran is the most beautiful and weird!”

“Principal Lu better die!”

These are curse words! And cursed Lu Qing to die!

“Who is this child! How is it so rude? ”

“That’s it, what a hatred with teachers and principals, scolding the street in front of so many people on their clothes!”

“It’s so bad at a young age, and when you grow up, you have to get it!”

The surrounding parents and teachers turned their eyes to Lu Qing and Ran Qiuye, wanting to see their reactions. At the same time, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi were also dumbfounded.

“No, the words that Uncle Yi personally helped me write are obviously words of praise, how did it become swearing?”

Qin Huairu cried with a sad face.

Jia Zhang’s eyes were usually quite arrogant in the courtyard, and he couldn’t jump up at this time, and he also stood in place with a confused face. Lu Qing and Ran Qiuye were about to explode at this moment.

In front of thousands of students and Jia Zhang, he was actually scolded by the stick terrier! It’s also too humiliating!

“Disqualify Jia Terrier!”

“Jia terrier! Bring your parents to my office! ”

When this happened, Lu Qing couldn’t stay at the scene. She instructed a vice principal to organize the sports day to continue.

And she herself brought Ran Qiuye, the stick terrier, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi to the principal’s office together!

“Principal Lu! Teacher Ran! Listen to me! ”

“The words on the clothes, I really don’t know what’s going on!”

“Earlier, the words of praise for you, we wrote it!”

“But the last two words were added by others, and they have nothing to do with me!”

After Qin Huairu entered the house, he quickly explained!

Lu Qing suddenly sneered!

“Qin Huairu! Do you take me for a big fool? ”

“As the saying goes, two more than three!”

“How many times has Jia Terrier made mistakes?”

“For the first time, he scolded the teacher on homework!”

“The second time, the scarf you sent caused me and Teacher Ran to have a pimple on our necks!”

“For the third time, at the All-House Games! In front of thousands of students and parents! On the clothes of the stick terrier, there were words that insulted me and Teacher Ran! ”

“Do you want to tell me that all three times are coincidences?”

Lu Qingqi’s chest kept rising and falling.

The buttons of the shirt are about to be undone! Ran Qiuye also said angrily on the side.

“We’ve given the Stick Terrier two chances.”

“But you don’t know to cherish it!”

“Then you can’t blame me!”

“In the future, as long as I am in Ran Qiuye’s class, it will be impossible for Jia Terrier to come to class!”

Hearing this, Lu Qing sneered again.

“Don’t talk about Teacher Ran’s class, even if it is other classes, they will not accept Jia Terrier again!”

“I announce that Jia Terrier has been expelled from school!”

“You paid five dollars in tuition, this semester has just begun, I will return the money to you in a moment.”

“I will also give you the punishment notice for Jia Terrier!”

Hearing this, Qin Huairu seemed to be stupid.

She never imagined that the stick terrier would actually be expelled from school!

The stick terrier doesn’t go to school at such a young age, only has a primary school education, and can’t find a good job in the future!

Jia Zhangshi was also frightened, completely without his usual arrogance, and did not know what to do at all. The stick terrier cried with a wow!

This time, neither Lu Qing nor Ran Qiuye were soft-hearted.

Soon the notice of expulsion and the refunded tuition were handed over to Qin Huairu. And let the guards, kick all three of them out of school!

Walk the empty streets.

Qin Huairu’s heart had sunk to the bottom.

“Qin Huairu, you did say something!”

Jia Zhang rolled his eyes.

Qin Huairu smiled bitterly: “Mom, what else do I have to say until now?” ”

“What does it mean to have nothing to say? Did you just watch the stick terrier get fired? Do you want him to be as uneducated as the two of us? ”

Jia Zhang said angrily,

“Since you have no way, then you go to Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu!”

“Especially go to Yi Zhonghai, that old immortal!”

“Writing on clothes worn at the sports day was his idea!”

“Now the stick terrier has been fired! Who to look for without him? ”

Qin Huairu had no way.

I can only let Jia Zhang go back with the stick terrier first.

She herself came straight to the rolling mill with a stick stalk!…..

Red Star Rolling Mill! Door of the seventh fitter workshop! Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai leaned against the wall and chatted.

“Pillar, you hurry back to the sand workshop, otherwise when the workshop director finds out that you are not there, be careful to remember that you are absent from work!”

Yi Zhonghai said with a frown.

The silly pillar smiled,

“Don’t worry, Uncle Yi, I won’t be remembered for absenteeism.”

“The leader invited guests today, let me go to cook and eat, the sand turning workshop can’t control me this morning!”

“I’m not an ordinary workshop worker!”

He looked proud, feeling that he was a head taller than the average worker in the sandturning workshop.

Yi Zhonghai nodded,

“Well, then it’s good, you hurry up and find a place to rest for a while, you will be busy at noon.”

After that, he wanted to turn around and go back to the workshop to work.

Yi Zhonghai was pulled out by the stupid pillar early in the morning to chat, and his own work was not finished yet. If you don’t rush to work, you will have to work overtime at night.

“Hehe, Uncle Yi, what are you in a hurry, let’s talk with me for a while?”

The silly pillar had a playful smile and had no intention of leaving.

“Pillar, your real purpose is not to chat with me, is there something else?”

Yi Zhonghai narrowed his eyes and said.

He is a smart man, and he can’t hide it from him with the little tricks of the stupid pillar. Silly Zhu scratched his head and smirked,

“Uncle Yi, you can see it.”

“Didn’t you help Sister Qin come up with an idea yesterday and let her praise Principal Lu and Teacher Ran on the clothes of the stick terrier.”

“As soon as the two of them are happy, they will definitely let the stick terrier go back to class.”

“At that time, Sister Qin will definitely be very happy, I haven’t seen Sister Qin smile for many days.”

“Wait at the door of your workshop, when Sister Qin comes back in a while, I can just see the smile on her face.”

Imagining Qin Huairu’s smile like a flower, Silly Zhu couldn’t help but flow water.

Seeing Silly Zhu’s pig-like expression, Yi Zhonghai understood that the emotional Silly Pillar was here to wait for Qin Huairu to come back, so that he could go up and kneel and lick.

“Okay, then I’ll talk to you for a while and wait with you for Huairu to come back.”

Yi Zhonghai said with a smile.

“Uncle Yi, you are still good to me, hehe.”

Silly Zhu laughed, and then said,

“Uncle Yi, thanks to your help this time, I came up with such a good idea, and Sister Qin will definitely thank you after she comes back.”

“It’s nothing to raise your hand.”

Hearing the praise of the silly pillar, Yi Zhonghai couldn’t help but get proud, touching the white stubble on his face, and laughing from time to time.

Two people are laughing happily here.

Then he saw Qin Huairu coming from a distance.

“Sister Qin is back!”

When Silly Zhu saw Qin Huairu, he quickly ran up!

“Sister Qin! Stick terriers can go back to school! You’re good to go! Let’s set up a table to celebrate in the evening? ”

Qin Huairu was worried in his heart when he heard the sound of the silly pillar chirping.

She couldn’t help but get angry.

“Happy for what?”

“Which of your eyes can see that I’m happy?”

“Stick terriers are still going back to class? He’s fart! The school directly expelled him! ”

As soon as these words came out, Silly Zhu suddenly couldn’t laugh, and was stupidly stunned in place. Yi Zhonghai, who was standing not far away, was also stunned.

Just now, he bragged with Silly Zhu, saying that the stick terrier could go back to school, and he was slapped in the face so quickly.

“Huairu, what happened at the school sports meeting? Tell me about it! ”

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly asked. Thinking that the stick terrier was expelled and could not go to school in the future, Qin Huairu cried directly!

“I did as you said, and on the clothes of the stick terrier, I wrote words of praise for Teacher Ran and Principal Lu.”

“Teacher Ran is the most beautiful” and ”

“Principal Lu is the best.”

But after the sports meeting began, the stick terrier exposed the words on his clothes, but the content became “Teacher Ran is the most beautiful and strange and “Principal Lu better die!” ”

“Principal Lu and Teacher Ran were very angry and fired the stick terrier on the spot!”

“Even the tuition fees were returned to me!”

“Uncle Yi, silly pillar, what do you say I should do?”

Qin Huairu said that when it came to the sadness, the more she cried, the greater the movement.

This caused many workers in the seventh workshop to come out and watch.

“There’s nothing to do, right? What to do, what to do! Don’t make fun here! ”

Yi Zhonghai was upset, and directly scolded, dispersing everyone.

Then took Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu to a secluded corner toilet.

He frowned and analyzed: “Someone must have done something wrong with this and moved on the clothes of the stick terrier!” ”

“Huairu, let me ask you, why did you leave your clothes in the yard last night?”

Qin Huairu answered truthfully: “Because the new clothes of the stick terrier were stained with bird, I washed my clothes.” ”

“When the clothes were sticky to the bird, who of the three of them was present Su Yu, Yan Bugui and Xu Damao?”

Yi Zhonghai asked again. Qin Huairu recalled the scene last night, and immediately replied: “At that time, Su Yu happened to come back from outside. ”

Yi Zhonghai snorted coldly,

“Su Yu just came back, and the clothes of the stick terrier just stuck to the bird, how could there be such a coincidence?”

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