Siheyuan: Cut Hu Qin Huai Ru, It Is Quite Fragrant

66. Jia Dongxu's Curry Favor With Zhang Youcai Is Doomed To A Sad End

Li Fanghong then continued to study with Wang Fugui.

It was noon.

At this moment, Qin Huairu had lunch and came to sit beside Li Fanghong.

There is a tree on the construction site, where Li Fanghong enjoys the shade.

At this moment, Li Fanghong smiled slightly, and asked Qin Huairu: "How is it? Is the job of the counter easy?"

Qin Huairu replied: "Well, it's very relaxing, just take a notebook and a pen, sit on a brick for a day, and get 80 cents, so happy......

"As long as you are happy, there will be better jobs for you in the future," Li Fanghong smiled and shaved Qin Huairu's face with his hands.

At this moment, Li Fanghong suddenly thought, if Qin Huairu knew that he had a way to be quickly promoted to become the deputy director, how shocked would Qin Huairu be?

At this time, Jia Dongxu was exhausted all morning, and went to cook like a walking dead. After finishing the meal, he sat on the ground numbly and ate.

At this moment, Deputy Director Zhang Youcai wandered around the construction site.

Therefore, Jia Dongxu noticed Zhang Youcai.

But Jia Dongxu didn't know Zhang Youcai, but looking at Zhang Youcai's attire, he must be the leader of the construction site.

At this moment, Jia Dongxu asked a worker beside him: "Hey, brother, who is that fat man? Do you know him?"

The worker who was questioned glanced at Zhang Youcai, and said, "This fat man is Deputy Director Zhang at the construction site.

"Deputy Director Zhang?" Jia Dongxu was thoughtful when he heard this.

Nowadays, Jia Dongxu feels that the gap between himself and Li Fanghong is getting bigger and bigger. If he doesn't take some shortcuts, it will be very difficult to surpass Li Fanghong.

So Jia Dongxu wanted to curry favor with this deputy director Zhang.

Now, if Li Fanghong knew that Jia Dongxu wanted to curry favor with Zhang Youcai, he would die of laughter.

First of all, when Zhang Youcai wiped his mouth after eating, he acted as if nothing had happened. Simply put, he just took money and did nothing.

If Jia Dongxu flatters Zhang Youcai, then the money is doomed to be wasted. If the money is spent, there will be no benefit at all.

Second, Zhang Youcai has been designated as a promotion experience package by Li Fanghong, and he will be reported by Li Fanghong in a short time.

Therefore, Jia Dongxu's fawning on Zhang Youcai must have cost him money in the end, but he won't get anything.

But right now, Jia Dongxu didn't understand.

Now Jia Dongxu's plan is to try whether Zhang Youcai can be flattered by Jia Dongxu first.

So Jia Dongxu immediately put down the rice in his hand and walked towards Zhang Youcai with a smile on his face.

Jia Dongxu came in front of Zhang Youcai, then hurriedly got down, and used the corner of his clothes to check the mud on Zhang Youcai's leather shoes.

At this moment, Zhang Youcai was a little stunned.

At this moment, Jia Dongxu smirked like a dog and said: "Deputy Director Zhang, your shoes are dirty, I'll wipe them for you, hehehe〃〃.H

Zhang Youcai looked down at Jia Dongxu, and immediately knew that Jia Dongxu wanted to curry favor with him and take a shortcut.

Zhang Youcai sneered in his heart, another fool gave money for nothing.

But Zhang Youcai would not refuse anyone who came, so Zhang Youcai smiled and said: "Well, you young man, you are very good, and you are worthy of training."

"Hey! Thank you, Deputy Director Zhang, for your praise! You are so discerning!" Jia Dongxu immediately burst into joy.

At this moment, Zhang Youcai smiled again, and said: "Recently, I really want to eat more than ten catties of mutton. It would be great if someone could give me some."

Pay attention to the phrase "ten catties of mutton".

At this moment, when Jia Dongxu heard it, he immediately understood the meaning.

So Jia Dongxu nodded and bowed his waist and said: "You always like to eat mutton. I happen to have it at home. I can't finish it. I will bring you ten households tomorrow.

"Yo! That's good, you boy is really a talent, you are a captain." Zhang Youcai smiled, but he cursed Jia Dongxu as a fool in his heart.

But at this moment, Jia Dongxu didn't know that he was going to be prostituted for nothing, so he smiled and said: Thank you for the compliment!

Just now Jia Dongxu heard Zhang Youcai say that he is expected to be the captain, the hidden meaning behind that is that he will promote himself to be the captain? Hahaha!

Jia Dongxu is so happy.

"Okay, I still have something to do, I have to go, you can find me in the office tomorrow," Zhang Youcai said to Cao Dongxu.

"Well! Go slowly!" Jia Dongxu smiled like a pug.

After Zhang Youcai left, Jia Dongxu jumped up and down happily.

"Hahaha! Li Fanghong, you can't think of it! I, Jia Dongxu, took a shortcut and asked Xianyu to turn around! Hahaha!" Jia Dongxu was overjoyed.

Jia Dongxu had already thought in his heart that he would replace Li Fanghong as captain soon, and then he saw Li Fanghong's anxious expression.

So next, brother Dongxu was very happy.

In the afternoon, go home from get off work.

Li Fanghong was at the exit of the construction site, waiting for Qin Huairu to pay the financial account and get off work.

At this moment, Jia Dongxu walked over happily. Jia Dongxu glanced at Li Fanghong, and then showed a disdainful expression.

"Hmph!" Jia Dongxu snorted coldly, then carried his hands on his back, and left happily.

Li Fanghong glanced at Jia Dongxu lightly, not knowing that Jia Dongxu was suddenly so happy.

Which big guy did you get next to?

At this moment, Li Fanghong didn't know that Jia Dongxu wanted to curry favor with Zhang Youcai.

Otherwise, Li Fanghong would be out of breath.

Afterwards, Li Fanghong continued to wait for Qin Huairu, and Qin Huairu soon left work.

Qin Huairu came over with a happy face, "`"Let's go! Go home, what do you want to eat today?"

Li Fanghong said: "I have eaten so much recently, I want to be flat for a while, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to lose weight when I am fat."

"Okay, let's make ordinary fried pork with sour chili." Qin Huairu smiled.

Afterwards, the two happily returned home from get off work.

After more than 20 minutes, Jia Dongxu returned to the courtyard, and immediately prepared ten yuan, planning to go to the vegetable market to buy mutton as a gift to Zhang Youcai.

At this moment, Jia Zhang asked curiously: "Hey, what are you doing with so much money?"

When Jia Dongxu heard Jia Zhang's question, he didn't intend to confess.

(Zhao of Zhao) Jia Dongxu wanted to keep it a secret.

Jia Dongxu thought in his heart, if he told Jia Zhang about his plan to curry favor, but if Li Fanghong found out about it, it would be a disaster, and Li Fanghong would definitely mess up Jia Dongxu's plan to curry favor.

So Jia Dongxu did not choose to speak out, but said perfunctorily: "Don't ask, you will know when the time comes."

After Jia Dongxu finished speaking, he went to the vegetable market to buy ten catties of mutton.

Mutton in the vegetable market costs about 70 cents a catty, and 10 catties of mutton costs seven yuan.

Since Jia Dongxu's father died, he had a funeral, and his deposit is now only thirty-five yuan. After spending seven yuan, Jia Dongxu's deposit will only be left at twenty-eight yuan.

Before Jia Dongxu left, he took a cloth bag and put it in the mutton, so that he would not be seen by others when he returned to the courtyard.

So, Jia Dongxu went out and spent two hours to buy ten catties of mutton from the vegetable market all the way. .

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