Chapter 101: Shock! Secrets in the warehouse, stupid columns collapse!.

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, two people, today in the rolling mill, can be said to be better than death. Forget that no one in the entire workshop gives a good face, and whoever sees them has to point fingers.

Yi Zhonghai went to catch a boiling water, and someone could deliberately squeeze him. All this made Yi Zhonghai unbearable.

Listening to others mouthful of a dog man and woman, opening his mouth is messing with the relationship between men and women, Yi Zhonghai suddenly thought of a way to clean up Zhang Shengli!

When she returned to the workshop, Yi Zhonghai pretended to pass by Qin Huairu inadvertently and whispered to her to go out to find herself. Qin Huairu turned around cooperatively, pretending not to see Yi Zhonghai, but he had already written it down in his heart.

Yi Zhonghai waited for three minutes in the back of the workshop, a corner that no one could see, and Qin Huairu came over,

“What’s the matter, you see that the whole factory is full of rumors now, it’s better for the two of us not to be alone.”

Qin Huairu said and looked back carefully, for fear of who would come.

“Don’t worry, there’s no one over here at this time…”

Yi Zhonghai pondered for a moment, and then looked up at Qin Huairu: “Qin Huairu, yesterday’s incident, we can’t just forget about it!” ”

Qin Huairu sighed when she heard his words, and sneered in her heart.

Can’t just forget it, can’t count what he can do?

Stupid Zhu is only beaten in front of Zhang Shengli, he Yi Zhonghai plus himself, he can’t do Zhang Shengli.

“I also hate him, this Zhang Shengli just can’t get by with us~”

“What can you do to clean him up, you say…” But don’t let me fight with you, I can’t beat him. ”

Qin Huairu said.

Isn’t she drilling into the cellar with Yi Zhonghai? How did Zhang Shengli see it? Everyone still knows that now she can’t lift her head in the rolling mill.

Therefore, if Yi Zhonghai wants to clean up Zhang Shengli, Qin Huairu is in favor… Just don’t let her go wrong with herself. Yi Zhonghai looked around cautiously: “What kind of fight…” Did you beat Zhang and win or did I beat him? ”

“I’m planning, let’s make a set for him.”

Yi Zhonghai sneered, looked at Qin Huairu and said in a low voice: “Since Zhang Shengli, this dog thing can catch us, let’s give him a way to treat him with his human ways!” ”

“He blocked us in the cellar, then today you will find a way to get him to the small warehouse in the back, and then you will pretend to be forced by him Zhang Shengli, when the time comes…”

“Will you go get him then?”

Qin Huairu frowned, she was afraid that this matter was unreliable.

“What if Zhang Shengli is not fooled? This immortal jump always has to be going, right? And… If a victory comes to beat me up…”

Hearing Qin Huairu say this, Yi Zhonghai’s face sank: “Are you stupid?” Whether he goes or not, it depends on your means! As for what if he beats you? ”

Yi Zhonghai sneered when he came here, and said to Qin Huairu: “If he beats you, wouldn’t this be better?” Zhang Shengli used violence to coerce you to follow him, and you swore to death! At that time, the reputation of the two of you will be lost! ”

Yi Zhonghai said this, Qin Huairu finally understood!

Together, Yi Zhonghai asked himself to deceive Zhang Shengli, just to make Zhang Shengli angry? Using her Qin Huairu as a tool person is…

“I don’t want to be beaten, Zhang Shengli beats people so hard, don’t you know, what if I can’t go to work at that time?”

Yi Zhonghai scolded Qin Huairu in his heart, didn’t he just want money?

Although he thought so in his heart, Yi Zhonghai still gave Qin Huairu 10 yuan: “Don’t be too little, anyway, you figured it out yourself, if Zhang Shengli is fine today, then we must go for a blood test…”

“··· Not only that, if he doesn’t have an accident, as soon as his daughter-in-law marries in a few days, he will be even more comfortable in this courtyard. ”

Yi Zhonghai’s face was gloomy: “You have a rotten reputation with me, and the stick terrier was killed by him and left a criminal record!” We were all killed so miserably by him, and you are willing to watch this dog thing live happily? ”

When Qin Huairu heard Yi Zhonghai’s words, his face really changed.

If Zhang Shengli, this beast, has a good life, then how many of them are not unlucky?

“Okay, I’ll find him in a moment.”

Qin Huairu immediately nodded, and then pulled out the 10 yuan in Yi Zhonghai’s hand: “Uncle Yi’s money, I also received it for the stick terrier to buy meat to eat.” ”


Zhang Shengli was working, and found that there was a person standing here on the lathe.

“Zhang Shengli, I’ll go to the small warehouse in the back later, I have something to tell you.”

Zhang Shengli raised his head and glanced at it, and saw that it was Qin Huairu, and his eyes flashed: “What are you looking for me for?” ”

Qin Huairu deliberately glanced around, and then said to Zhang Shengli with a nervous expression: “It’s not clear in one or two sentences about this, it’s about the stick terrier and Yi Zhonghai…” I beg you, you give me a chance, let’s go to the small warehouse and I will explain it to you carefully, okay? ”

Zhang Shengli sneered in his heart, this Qin Huairu is afraid that he doesn’t want to harm himself with this old thing Yi Zhonghai, right? Zhang Shengli deliberately looked embarrassed and said: “I work here, I can’t leave if I have time, if you have anything, just say quickly, I’m busy.” ”

He wanted to see, Qin Huairu was in no hurry!

After all, if there was really any secret to tell herself, Qin Huairu could have waited.

If it is a snare set up to drill yourself, this dog thing must be in a hurry!

Sure enough, when Qin Huairu heard Zhang Shengli’s refusal, he was so anxious that he almost cried: “There are so many people in the workshop, I really can’t say… This is really urgent! Zhang Shengli, I beg you! You see, I didn’t ask you for anything when you made such a big battle yesterday, and if it’s not too urgent today, I can’t beg you so much, can’t I? ”

Zhang Shengli sighed, stood up straight and scanned the workshop.

Sure enough, Yi Zhonghai’s old thing was looking at his side.

I saw Yi Zhonghai see his line of sight passing, and he was so scared that he quickly lowered his head to work! Zhang Shengli snorted coldly in his heart, such a dog is a thief’s heart.

“Okay, I’ll come and find you later.”

Qin Huairu closed his mouth happily!

“Well, the small warehouse in the back, I’ll go over now, you hurry.”

Yi Zhonghai watched Qin Huairu come out of the workshop, and then watched Zhang Shengli out of the workshop, and his heart was excited!

This is it!

However, he also knew that he could not be relieved because these two people went out. Isn’t that an example of what happened last night.

Last night, the dangerous police did not take themselves and Qin Huairu away, except because of the deaf old lady, a five-guarantee household. More importantly, because he and Qin Huairu were both neatly dressed and had nothing to do.

In that scene last night, even if Qin Huairu or himself had a button open, then the police would have to take themselves away for interrogation for half a day! Yi Zhonghai looked at the time.

The time he asked Qin Huairu to ask Zhang to win was when everyone came out to rest and drink water. As long as he shouts loudly later, Zhang Shengli won’t be able to say clearly!

Thinking so, Yi Zhonghai hurriedly walked back.

In the small warehouse, Qin Huairu was spinning around in a nervous manner. Why hasn’t Zhang Shengli come yet?

If you wait any longer, it will be too late to call people later.

In case everyone comes late, Zhang Shengli’s violent temper is uncertain what to do with himself! At this time, the door of the small warehouse opened, and a person walked in.

Qin Huairu’s surprised people were stupid!

In other words, Zhang Shengli went out of the workshop and went directly to the small warehouse. But when he arrived at the door of the warehouse, he did not go in.

Instead, he climbed to the nearby gable and hid behind a tree. After a while, he saw Yi Zhonghai, an old thing, tiptoeing over with a nervous face.

The corner of Zhang Shengli’s mouth hooked a sneer, watching Yi Zhonghai look inside through the small window of the small warehouse.


Zhang Shengli’s fingers moved slightly, and a joyful talisman turned into a barely visible stream of red smoke attached to Yi Zhonghai’s back, and then suddenly penetrated into Yi Zhonghai’s body.

This talisman was still the first few times to be rewarded, and Zhang Shengli always thought that it would be useless. As a result, I didn’t expect that it would actually come in handy.

Yi Zhonghai looked through the window, but only saw Qin Huairu alone. He was wondering, what about this Zhang Shengli?

Yi Zhonghai remembered that he saw him come out with his own eyes?

“This dog thing won’t go to the bathroom, will it?”

Yi Zhonghai was about to quickly hide, so as not to be hit by Zhang Shengli. Suddenly, there was a heat in my body.

He didn’t know what was wrong, and suddenly felt that Zhang Shengli must be afraid and didn’t dare to come!

Since he didn’t dare to come, wouldn’t it be such a waste that he and Qin Huairu had arranged such a good place?

Thinking like this, Yi Zhonghai felt that he was getting more and more excited, looking at Qin Huairu who was anxious to circle back and forth in the room, Yi Zhonghai couldn’t help it!


Yi Zhonghai rushed into the small warehouse in a few steps, and then quickly closed the door and arrived in front of Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu was taken aback by Yi Zhonghai!

“It’s not! Uncle Yi, what’s wrong with you? Hurry up, Zhang Shengli is coming in a while! ”

Qin Huairu was very anxious, and as a result, Yi Zhonghai hugged her: “Zhang Shengli is not coming!” This kid is afraid that we will set a trap for him, so he provoke~”

Saying this, Yi Zhonghai buried his face in Qin Huairu’s neck.

Qin Huairu’s legs were a little soft when he tossed him like this, who let him Jia Dongxu waste?

“In case a victory comes…”

“Let’s wait or else~”

Qin Huairu whispered two sentences, but was speechless by Yi Zhonghai’s actions.

“He can’t come! I looked! This kid came out with you, nine times out of ten, he ran away~”

Zhang Shengli glanced in from the small window, looking at the inextricable holding of these two people, and couldn’t help but shake his head. This Qin Huairu is really a, obviously knowing that he has made an appointment, but his legs are soft because of Yi Zhonghai’s few words, and his brain is muddy. It was really too simple to deal with these two people, Zhang Shengli went to the workshop, and as soon as he said to Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan, Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan’s eyes lit up! Then they also understood what Zhang Shengli meant, this is to borrow their own horn!

“Dear workers! Hurry! Something happened to the small warehouse! Hurry up everyone! ”

Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan’s soldiers shouted in two ways, and in less than two minutes, a bunch of people gathered at the door of the small warehouse, and some people, according to Zhang Shengli’s orders, went to various places in the factory.


In order to be afraid of scaring the grass, Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan didn’t say a word after they arrived, and directly kicked the door of the small warehouse open!


“Gee… This broad daylight~”

“.. Awesome! ”

“As for being in such a hurry? You two are really thick-skinned…”

After Zhang Shengli left, Qin Huairu was still a little afraid of being discovered.

After all, today is different from the past, and he made an appointment with Zhang Shengli today.

If a victory comes in a moment…

Therefore, Qin Huairu did not agree very much, and refused, and just after this time he was relieved and ready to obey, he heard the door opening. When everyone came in, Yi Zhonghai’s pants had been unfastened, and he was holding Qin Huairu in his hand!

And Qin Huairu did not have the slightest intention of resisting. The cotton coat was unbuttoned twice.

The workers who came in saw two people hugging each other at a glance. Suddenly so many people came in, Qin Huairu screamed in fright!

Quickly hugged yourself and turned around and hid in the warehouse to button the buttons!

“Yi Zhonghai, you really can! When everyone talks about it today, we still watch it as gossip…”

“I didn’t expect it, this thing is actually true!”

“Are you two in such a hurry? I was caught breaking my shoes yesterday, but I dare to meet today? ”

Yi Zhonghai glanced at the many victories in the crowd, and the whole person was shaking with anger! He pulled up his pants with trembling hands, and then glared at Zhang Shengli: “This is a conspiracy!” This is Zhang Shengli, this dog thing framed me! ”

“You know…”

Zhang Shengli laughed when he heard his words, and frowned: “Yi Zhonghai, you have nothing wrong, right?” You two are here with the door closed… So what. ”

“How did I frame you? I took your pants off? I know? I know that Qin Huairu is in the warehouse, but did I let you let others see the melon? You’re really shameless. ”

“That’s it! What’s wrong with Zhang Shengli, we know, just now Qin Huairu made an appointment with Zhang Shengli, but Zhang Shengli said that he would not hesitate to ignore you… I didn’t expect it, you two actually ~”

Hearing Zhang Shengli and Li Daqiang say this, everyone felt that they suddenly realized.

“The feeling is that Qin Huairu wants to hook up with Zhang Shengli, and Zhang Shengli can’t look at her?”

“So, she made another appointment with Yi Zhonghai?”

“I think Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are used to dating here…” So~”

“Qin Huairu, this person is really a cheap thing, one can’t see it, immediately pull one over to fill the pit…”

“I didn’t, you guys don’t talk nonsense!”

Qin Huairu pulled out from behind several female workers, her face was pear-blossomed: “Don’t be wronged~”

Who can believe Qin Huairu’s words now? After all, this is almost in bed.

When everyone was still blocking the door of the small warehouse, this matter had already been planted and flew in the entire factory. The silly pillar is pulling in the toilet.

I heard a rush of footsteps outside!

“Why are you running so fast?”

Although he is in a bad mood, this person also likes to watch the excitement, and prefers to mix things! Seeing everyone running towards the workshop, he was anxious!

What happened? The silly pillar put the broom away and ran over there!

“What’s wrong? What are you doing? ”

The silly pillar opened his mouth again and asked others, otherwise there would be nothing to do if he ran over, wasn’t it a waste of legs?

“Two people were caught there in a workshop! Cheating in the warehouse! ”

After the person caught by the stupid pillar said a word, he quickly got rid of him and continued to rush forward! If you go late, you can’t see anything, isn’t it a loss?

Silly Zhu felt a little wrong when he heard it, this Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were both in the same workshop!

“Definitely not…”

Silly Zhu swallowed his spit nervously.

Last night, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were blocked by everyone, no matter if they have anything to do, they can’t be stupid today, right?

Although he thought so, the two legs of the silly pillar involuntarily increased their speed. His heart is no longer just watching the excitement of the excitement, he is afraid now!

Ten million, it must not be Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu! No!

It must not be Qin Huairu!

“Gee, I really can’t think of it, it’s so old.”

“These two are still masters and apprentices…”

“Shame on you…”

“······ I can’t steal in my own home, and I run into the factory. ”

“This Yi Zhonghai, I really don’t want an old face…”

The silly pillar is getting closer and closer to the small warehouse.

There are more and more people around.

The information he heard naturally became more and more accurate! At such an age, he is still in a workshop, master and apprentice!

Later, Silly Zhu directly heard Yi Zhonghai’s name! Silly Zhu suddenly felt that the people in front of him had become abstract. A black poplar in front of you!.

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