Chapter 145 The deaf old lady stayed in Silly Zhu’s house, and Yi Zhonghai promised to steal something.

When the police returned with Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady, Aunt Yi listened clearly to the movements in the courtyard in the house.

She could never have imagined that her good poor peasants married to the glorious working class, how could she be involved with the black five categories now!

Although she had long had enough of Yi Zhonghai’s beast, this situation still made Aunt Yi a little unacceptable. When she heard that the whole hospital meeting was going to be held, Aunt Yi was embarrassed, so she didn’t participate directly.

Although she did not participate, her home is in the middle courtyard, and she can hear the movement clearly when she stands at the door.

When she heard that Zhang Shengli asked Yi Zhonghai to move away, Aunt Yi was excited in her heart, this is her own family’s house, and others can’t take it away.

If Yi Zhonghai was driven away, would she be able to live by herself? Unexpectedly, they actually said that they could use fines instead…

Unexpectedly, Yi Zhonghai, the bastard, actually paid a fine for that black five-category old bustard! Aunt Yi turned her head angrily and sat on the bench, and slapped the table fiercely!

“Dog things, inseparable from that black five category!”

When Yi Zhonghai entered the door, the deaf old lady followed behind,

“Old lady, I really don’t have a place to live in my house.”

Yi Zhonghai did not plan to let the deaf old lady live in his own home.

The fine for her was because Yi Zhonghai felt that the deaf old lady should still have money. Sooner or later she will have to give the money to herself.

But living at home is different, deaf old women are black five, such a person lives in his own home, isn’t that a good component of his working class?

“But I don’t have a place to go…”

“Boss Yi, you also know that I have no relatives in these Four Nine Cities, if you don’t take me in on such a cold day, then you will let me die…”

“Old lady, can you stop talking about death every day?”

Before Yi Zhonghai could speak, Aunt Yi, who had always been silent, actually spoke.

“You are a black five, what do you say about living in my house?”

“I told 05 you, don’t think about coming to our house! If you dare to live in, I’ll throw it out for you!” ”

Seeing Aunt Yi say this, Yi Zhonghai’s face changed greatly!

Why is this slut so incapable of talking?

“What do you say? We don’t have a place to live at home, what are you doing with anything else? ”

“What am I doing with something else? There is no place to live, you live with her! Anyway, you don’t care about the black five category, do you? ”

“You still have a job yourself, you don’t want a job, do you?” Look at what you do yourself, I don’t even have the face to go out and meet people! Yi Zhonghai, you are too humiliating you! ”

Yi Zhonghai didn’t expect that his daughter-in-law would dare to talk to herself like this!

“You ate the ambition leopard and dared you! Who are you talking to, you! ”

“I just said what’s wrong with you! Yi Zhonghai, I’ve had enough of you for so many years! Look at what you’ve done! You deserve to be like this now! ”


Yi Zhonghai slapped down!

“See who you are! You eat and drink mine, and you dare to talk to me like that! ”


The deaf old man was so shocked! Yi Zhonghai was even more shocked!

Aunt Yi actually returned Yi Zhonghai with a slap in the face!

“Eat yours and drink yours! I don’t serve you every day as a cow and a horse! You bastard! ”

“Good! Good! Lao Tzu will kill you today! ”

“Who is afraid of whom! You have the ability to kill me! You’re going to jail too! ”

Yi Zhonghai and Aunt Yi began to fight, and the deaf old lady wanted to fight, but thinking of Aunt Yi’s words just now, she felt that it was nothing to let Yi Zhonghai clean her up properly.

Turning her head, the deaf old lady walked out of Yi Zhonghai’s house.

As soon as she went out, the deaf old lady saw Silly Zhu He Daqing and they returned.


When the deaf old lady saw the stupid pillar, she immediately pounced, and tears flowed!

Listen to the deaf old lady talk about today’s affairs… Of course, it was after she added oil and vinegar and said that she had been wronged or something. He Daqing said directly: “We have no place at home. ”

It would have been.

The He family only has one and a half houses, half halls and one bedroom.

There is also a small ear room, which is He Yushui’s house. He Yushui locked the door here, no one can enter.

Therefore, Silly Zhu and He Daqing are now in the same bed. This old thing is coming, how who? Therefore, He Daqing directly refused.

“You can’t leave grandma alone.”

He Daqing looked at the stupid pillar that was pulled, and rolled his eyelids: “Anyway, let me tell you, if there is no place to live, there is no place to live.” ”

As soon as he finished speaking, He Daqing went home directly.

I washed my stomach last night, and I still don’t have much energy, so let’s go home and rest.

“Our house really has no place, or you should go elsewhere…” Or you go and rent a house. ”

Silly Zhu also does not plan to deal with the deaf old lady, their family is three generations of poor peasants!

Why can’t you take in a black five category, can’t you? What if you delay yourself to say daughter-in-law?

“Pillar, grandma really doesn’t want to leave this courtyard, you know, grandma, I have no relatives in Sijiu City, out of this courtyard, where can I go?”

“Then I can’t help it…”

Silly Zhu said and planned to leave, anyway, he was not willing to take in this old thing. But he could hear that the property of this old thing had been confiscated. There is no benefit in being with her.

Unexpectedly, the deaf old lady grabbed him!

“Pillar, grandma can count on you, don’t worry, grandma will not live in your house in vain, idiot your meal.”

Hearing the deaf old lady say this, the silly pillar stopped.

Seeing the reaction of the stupid pillar, the deaf old lady sneered in her heart, but said on her mouth: “After so many years, I have also praised a little bit of a treasure or two in the family!” ”

“As long as you are good to the old lady and me, my stuff is your thing.”

Silly Zhu was excited in his heart, yes, the deaf old lady is so old, how can she save something to come out? In that case…

“Look at what you said, what baby is not a baby, you will live in my house first, and the rest, let’s talk about it later!”

No matter how Silly Zhu persuaded He Daqing, anyway, the bed in the deaf old lady’s house was moved out and got Silly Zhu’s house. Two men and an old lady, just live like this.

After Yi Zhonghai and Aunt Yi had a big fight, they felt that the only advantage was that they didn’t have to deal with the deaf old lady anymore. The deaf old lady lived in the silly pillar’s house, which couldn’t be better.

As for the fight between himself and his daughter-in-law?

Yi Zhonghai glanced in the direction of the bedroom. This, after fighting, actually locked himself in the house.

What happened to the lock again? If you have the ability, don’t come out!

Thinking so, Yi Zhonghai drank to himself. Isn’t it just not cooking for yourself?

What’s great! He fried his own plate of peanut rice, and hot two steamed buns were also a meal!

“What about people?”

At this time, the deaf old lady came in.

She asked Yi Zhonghai with a gloomy face, and Yi Zhonghai knew that this was to ask his daughter-in-law.

“It’s lying in the house.”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai say this, the deaf old lady snorted coldly, Yi Zhonghai and his daughter-in-law have become more and more unseemly recently. But after all, it has nothing to do with herself, and she can’t let Yi Zhonghai divorce her, so she can only endure it.

“Are you going to put up with it again?”

The deaf old lady pointed to the backyard.

Yi Zhonghai understood that he was talking about Zhang Shengli.

“Or else? If you want to take revenge, you have to have a chance. ”

Yi Zhonghai took a sip of wine fiercely, Zhang Shengli this dog thing, he didn’t want to clean him up? But now the question is do you want to clean him up?

There is no chance!

When there is no chance, everything is for nothing!

“Zhuzi said, I heard others say that Zhang Shengli will make something alone from tomorrow…”

Yi Zhonghai didn’t understand what the deaf old lady meant: “He is an eighth-level worker, and it is normal to make some high-precision spare parts alone.” ”

The deaf old lady shook her head: “Do you remember what I told you last time?” ”

“That thing for 2,000 yuan! Now it seems that Zhang Shengli should have done it… After all, he is the youngest eighth-grade worker in your rolling mill, and it is very possible to do it for him. ”

Yi Zhonghai frowned, he felt that the deaf old lady should still have words behind.

“What the hell do you want to say, just say it.”

The deaf old lady hooked the corners of her mouth sinisterly, looked at the backyard and said, “Aren’t we trying to kill Zhang Shengli?” Now is the perfect opportunity! ”

Yi Zhonghai raised his eyebrows, what does it mean?

“These spare parts are all confidential, as long as you steal them after Zhang Shengli is done, others can publish them first, at that time, even if Zhang Shengli does not die, he will have to be guilty of treason!”

The deaf old lady laughed strangely twice when she thought of this: “Think about it, treason!” At the lightest, you have to let Zhang Shengli sit in prison for more than ten or twenty years, right? ”

Hearing the deaf old lady say this, I thought of Zhang Shengli’s self-demotion and cleaning the toilet and fining him! Think about your current reputation, and! Even his daughter-in-law dares to look down on herself! As long as he thought about it, Yi Zhonghai felt that Zhang Shengli had to die!

“Okay, I’ll do it.”

Yi Zhonghai nodded firmly.

Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, since he let himself live so miserably, then he is ten times more than a hundred times more recovered, it is not excessive!

At this time, Jia Dongxu was also pulled back by the tricycle.

Jia Zhang asked the tricycle driver to help, carried Jia Dongxu into the house, and just carried it in, the door curtain behind him was lifted again. Jia Zhangshi turned his head and saw that it was actually Qin Huairu, this rotten thing!

“Slut! Why are you here? What about the police! ”

Qin Huairu lowered his head: “The police have investigated, saying that Dongxu is not a big deal, and I was in legitimate defense that day, so this matter will be settled”

“What? What nonsense are you talking about! ”

Jia Dongxu was lying on the bed, and when he heard Qin Huairu’s words, he was angry!

He hadn’t made a move that day, why did Qin Huairu become a legitimate defense?

“Dongxu, I was wrong that day, you forgive me, let’s live a good life?”

Qin Huairu stepped forward and took Jia Dongxu’s hand.

Of course, Qin Huairu couldn’t say that she was beaten by Zhang Shengli that day, and she was stung by a wasp at Zhang Shengli’s house.

The police were frightened when they saw it, and then took out the bruises that were beaten on their bodies, Qin Huairu said casually, and the police believed that it was Jia Dongxu who beat her and had to fight back.


Jia Dongxu doesn’t eat Qin Huairu’s set, he has been married for ten years, and he has long been immune to Qin Huairu’s routine!

“Go to the mud horses! I’m going to go to the police to make it clear, I didn’t touch you that day! It’s you who suddenly goes crazy! ”

Qin Huairu hurriedly held Jia Dongxu, this waste can’t move, what else to toss!

“Dongxu, I was wrong, just forgive me, I serve you as a cow and a horse~”

“Serve, 143 you slut, how do you serve my son!”

Jia Zhangshi looked at Qin Huairu and was angry!

This poisonous woman actually dared to use a knife on her son!

“Our Jia family married you, but it’s really unfortunate!”

“This is a broom star! How did Mader Laozi marry you back! ”

Qin Huairu entered the kitchen to prepare dinner amid the scolding of Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang. And the result.

When cooking, Qin Huairu didn’t see the stick terrier, and after cooking or didn’t see the shadow of the stick terrier, Qin Huairu couldn’t help it,

“Mom, where’s the stick terrier?”

Jia Zhangshi just took a bite of steamed buns, thinking that he finally didn’t have to work by himself. Unexpectedly, Qin Huairu mentioned the stupid thing of the stick terrier!

“Why do you mean stick terriers? How can I put him ah me! ”

Jia Zhang snorted coldly,

“That little wild species of yours, he poisoned Silly Zhu and He Daqing last night! The stick terrier is afraid that he will not dare to go home again. ”

What is a thunderbolt on a sunny day?

This is a thunderbolt on a sunny day! Qin Huairu people are stupid!

“Why is that? When I was taken away the day before yesterday, wasn’t he okay! ”

Qin Huairu couldn’t care about eating, and as soon as she put the bowl away, she questioned Jia Zhangshi!

“Mom, you can’t say this nonsense, the stick terrier is your grandson!”

“Get out! He’s a mongrel! ”

Jia Zhang’s angry blah-sip!

What is her grandson, what does this little beast have to do with herself!

“Just tell me, where the hell did he go~”

Qin Huairu still felt that what Jia Zhang just said was impossible.

“You tell me, the stick terrier is a good boy, he can’t do such a thing!”

The more Qin Huairu looked, the more he collapsed!

If the stick terrier really killed Silly Zhu and He Daqing, how could he live!


“You said it quickly!”

Qin Huairu slapped the table angrily and asked fiercely!

She is such a son, if something happens to the stick terrier, what can she do!


Seeing that Qin Huairu actually dared to slap the table on himself, Jia Zhangshi directly slapped Qin Huairu’s face! Half of Qin Huairu’s face quickly swelled, and Jia Zhangshi was still chattering and scolding: “You still have the face to say!” It’s not that you, the mother, yourself are not right and crooked! You dare to murder your husband! It is not surprising that the little mongrel of the stick terrier poisoned He Daqing, that was also taught by you, a slut! ”

“Qin Huairu, you are a, you are a dead star! See for yourself! You didn’t marry into the Jia family before you killed Old Jia! We Dongxu married you, and we haven’t been a third-level worker for seven or eight years! What now? Your son is a murderer! ”

“These are all sins created by you Qin Huairu!”

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