Chapter 151: Yi Zhonghai’s family is broken.

“I can’t figure out why this money, I won’t lose it.”

Yi Zhonghai really didn’t want to lose money, after all, Jia Dongxu didn’t stab himself to death.

Who is to blame for his own bad luck?

Now let yourself lose 500 bucks………… It’s just vexatious, isn’t it!

“What do you mean by indirect liability?”

Hearing that Yi Zhonghai actually wanted to play tricks, the policeman’s eyes were cold!

“Yi Zhonghai, don’t quibble here, since it was caused by your fight with him, you are jointly and severally liable! It’s okay if you don’t want to lose money.”

Yi Zhonghai’s eyes lit up, and as soon as the policeman’s next sentence came out, Yi Zhonghai was instantly stunned.

“Then come with us, let’s ask why Qin Huairu wants to divorce, and whether the two of you have anything to do with each other……… Don’t worry, don’t close you for a long time, at most the whole factory will report to be closed for another three or five days to punish some money. ”

The police have said this, what else does Yi Zhonghai have to say?

He could only admit it.

Everyone in the courtyard testified that Yi Zhonghai had to lose 500 yuan to the Jia family, and he had to bury Jia Dongxu, and this matter was over.

“Trouble you uncles in charge to supervise, if you have any problems, you can find us at any time.”

After the police said the decision and explained to Liu Haizhong and left the courtyard.

And the melon-eating masses saw that this matter had a result, and it was considered that the melon was ripe and landed.

The groups scattered, and then gathered in small piles in the courtyard to point and talk to the Yi family and the Jia family.

“Yi Zhonghai, I tell you, my son’s coffin cannot be made of cedar, and cannot be made of willow! You have to buy him the best cypress coffin, or I won’t bury anyone!” ”

Jia Zhang’s eyes have become a boat, although he is not convinced here, he can’t wait to kill Yi Zhonghai, the dog thing, directly to pay for his life, but she can’t just let Jia Dongxu’s body go, doesn’t it?

Since the police let Yi Zhonghai, the beast, be responsible for the funeral, then of course Jia Zhang’s had to toss Yi Zhonghai well!

“Moreover, my son died young, and the sky was jealous of the talent! He has to walk pompously! Therefore, you who help in the courtyard have to be responsible for the dinner, and you can’t lose two pounds of meat on a table! ”

Hearing Jia Zhangshi say this, Liu Hai nodded his head!

He supports this!

Who wouldn’t want to eat a banquet!

“This is as it should be! Although it is said that there are old people in the family, young people should not make a big deal! But now is a new era, Dongxu, this child died so tragically, he can’t just let him go so humiliated. ”

“Yes! Liberation, you guys hurry up and get a door panel, and first place Dongxu! This can’t be sloppy! ”

Yan Bugui’s abacus is even more excited!

If you calculate this well, you may be able to eat a whole day for nothing!

“So, Yi Zhonghai, you hurry up and withdraw the money! Run errands, order something, and let my son come with you! Lest you be sorry Dongxu to get some inferior products! If you run errands, you can drive it according to half a day’s salary…”

After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he quickly turned his head to look at Jia Zhangshi: “Jia Zhangshi, don’t worry, although your family has a bunch of problems now, we uncles will not sit idly by!” What’s the matter, we also have to let Jia Dongxu bury the scenery! ”

Jia Zhangshi and Yan Bugui have been fighting with them all their lives, how can they not know that they want to take advantage?

But Jia Zhangshi knows even better, no matter how much money it costs to bury Jia Dongxu, Yi Zhonghai will only lose 500 yuan to his family, since this is the case, let Yan Bugui come out and pit Yi Zhonghai Jia Zhang’s can’t ask for it!

“Then it’s all handed over to him, uncle one, uncle two, Oh, our family is unfortunate, Qin Huairu, this is unreliable, woo, this matter is counting on you two…”

Jia Zhangshi was just unwilling to exert a little strength, and directly pulled the bench to the door panel where Jia Dongxu was placed, and directly guarded his son’s soul.

She hated Zhang Shengli in her heart, so she deliberately omitted Zhang Shengli and did not mention it.

And Zhang Shengli didn’t take these things to heart at all, and had already taken Yang Weiwei back home.

“Unexpectedly, such a thing happened before we got married.”

Yang Weiwei sighed.

It’s all in one courtyard, and it’s awkward to think about funerals and happy events.

“It’s okay, the Ming’er people are buried.” Besides, as far as people like Jia Zhang, thanks to her son’s early death, if he dies after we get married, maybe we have to blame him for rushing his son to death. ”

Zhang Shengli said and snorted coldly, Jia Zhang’s old godly woman was too likely to say this.

Just look at how she criticized Qin Huairu.

Jia Dongxu, a fool who can’t pass the third-level worker, can blame Qin Huairu for his decline, and it is impossible for a person like Jia Zhangshi to find the reason from himself.

“Actually, thinking about her is also unlucky… The man died early, and now the son is…,……”

For Yang Weiwei’s idea, Zhang Shengli said that he wanted to!

“Stop your daughter-in-law, don’t let the Virgin tell you.”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words were spoken, Yang Weiwei gently pinched him angrily!

“I know she deserves it! It’s just a little embarrassing~”

Zhang Shengli listened and smiled: “There is nothing to be sorry for her, people are watching.” If it weren’t for Jia Zhang’s old thing stealing people by himself, how could Jia Dongxu and his father be angry with her? ”

“She herself lost her husband at an early age, and she was entirely to blame… If we say unlucky, it is better to say that Jia Dongxu and his father are unlucky, married such a daughter-in-law, and the family is unlucky for three generations. ”

Yang Weiwei listened and nodded, Zhang Shengli said this she agreed with very much.

“As for Jia Dongxu…”

Zhang Shengli shook his head: “Jia Dongxu is the same as the stick terrier, if you say change your parents, let good people be raised.” Maybe he won’t become such a selfish and violent person. ”

“He himself covets beauty, and he doesn’t see clearly that he married Qin Huairu such a water-based poplar thing……… After marrying, he wanted his daughter-in-law and majesty, and he wanted Qin Huairu to kneel and lick him, beating his daughter-in-law every day to abuse his daughter-in-law and teach a bad son, and now he deserves it. ”

Listening to Zhang Shengli’s head, Yang Weiwei couldn’t help but stop and look at him with adoration.

“Zhang Shengli, I believe you must be a good father in the future.”

Hearing Yang Weiwei say this, Zhang Shengli pinched her face: “It’s the two of us, a happy family is too important for children, if we are both good, the children can be fine.” ”

“Anyway, I listen to you, and the child listens to you, it must not be wrong~”

Yang Weiwei said, hugged Zhang Shengli’s arm, and the two of them went back to the house intimately.

Silly pillar home.

The deaf old lady looked at He Daqing and Silly Zhu who were gray-faced.

I can’t help but want to scold my mother!

If it weren’t for the fact that she couldn’t help it now, she wouldn’t have been able to live with these two idiots!

For the sake of a woman, tossing yourself into this is really a worthless thing!

Although he thought so, in order to control Silly Zhu and He Daqing, the deaf old lady still chatted with them bitterly, so that they could clearly understand who the enemy was.

“You can’t think it’s Boss Yi’s fault like Zhang Shengli about this!”

The deaf old lady sighed and looked at He Daqing and Silly Zhu: “I know, you hate Yi Zhonghai for tinkering with Qin Huairu’s divorce, but this matter is Zhang Shengli’s speculation, it can’t be said that it is Yi Zhonghai’s idea, right?” ”

Hearing the deaf old lady say this, He Daqing snorted coldly: “You treat him Yi Zhonghai as a son, of course you speak to him!” ”

“I’m not stupid about this! Who is fooling the front and back feet? Old lady, if you eat inside and outside, hurry up! Our family can’t afford to raise such a big Buddha as you! ”

Silly Zhu was originally a little moved by what the deaf old lady said, and He Daqing also figured it out when he said this!

“He’s right, these two divorced together, saying that they didn’t discuss it, that’s a fool!”

Silly Zhu said in his heart that it was really unpleasant.

Although it is said that there are scars on Huairu’s face now.

But he himself is still a eunuch………… Therefore, Silly Zhu thinks that now he and Qin Huairu can also be regarded as a door-to-door pair.

Of course, if you calculate it, Qin Huairu is not worthy of him He Yuzhu in all aspects.

First she didn’t have a job, and then she got married for the second time and had children.

But who let him He Yuzhu be good to Qin Huairu, so he can ignore these.

As a result, Silly Zhu could not have imagined that Qin Huairu mentioned divorce, and it was actually because of medicine and Yi Zhonghai’s old thing to live with!

This is a great shame for the stupid pillar!

Could it be that he He Yuzhu’s seven-foot man is a young and strong man who can’t compare to an old man?

The deaf old lady knew that these two people were holding their anger towards Yi Zhonghai in their hearts at this time, so she no longer spoke for Yi Zhonghai: “I didn’t say that Yi Zhonghai must be right!” I mean, you guys have to figure out who’s to blame! ”

“Think for yourselves, why is it so difficult to find a job when He Daqing came back now?”

The deaf old lady only poked He Daqing’s pain point: “Of course, your level is the chef of a big hotel!” But just because Zhang Shengli, this dog thing let you wander the streets, you just came back and got a bad reputation in Sijiu City! So it’s not easy to find a job! ”

“And what about our pillars?”

The deaf old lady said, and grabbed the hand of the stupid pillar: “The pillar has been working diligently in the factory for so many years, just because of a little grain, just because he offended Zhang Shengli, this beast, now sweeps the toilet every day……… Alas. ”

“It’s still like this, it’s hard to find a daughter-in-law!”

“Look at the Jia family again!”

The deaf old lady pointed to the door of Jia Zhang’s house.

“Even if you say that this matter was instigated by Yi Zhonghai, can Yi Zhonghai kill Jia Dongxu? If it weren’t for Zhang Shengli, a beast who provoked trouble, could Jia Dongxu die? ”

Hearing the deaf old lady say this, Silly Zhu and He Daqing looked at each other.

The deaf old lady’s words are right, if it weren’t for Zhang Shengli’s mouth, Jia Dongxu really wouldn’t have died.

“I kind of understand now. Zhang Shengli, this beast, he doesn’t plan to make us have a good time! ”

The deaf old lady slapped the table hard!

“It was Jia Dongxu who died today, and Ming’er may be me, or Zhuzi, or you He Daqing!” Anyway, this dog thing, he just wants to make us more and more miserable, he is happy! ”

He Daqing was completely encouraged by the deaf old lady this time, he felt that the deaf old lady was right, isn’t it because of Zhang Shengli that his family is so miserable now?

“So what do you say?”

Hearing He Daqing say this, the deaf old lady sneered in her heart………… That’s right, believe her old lady, it will be easier to clean up Zhang Shengli in the future!

“Don’t worry, you guys……… I’m figuring it out! Wait until the time comes when I need your help. Just don’t push back. ”

The words of the deaf old lady came out, and Silly Zhu and He Daqing quickly shook their heads!

“That can’t be! As long as you can clean up this dog thing Zhang Shengli! We’ll listen to you! ”

“Yes, Zhang Shengli, this dog thing can’t be kept, otherwise who of us is unlucky!” Old lady, just talk, we will listen to you! ”

When He Daqing and Silly Zhu were encouraged by the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai also returned to his home.

There is no way, you need money to do the funeral, and you have to take the money out of the 500 yuan loss to the Jia family.

As a result, Yi Zhonghai opened the box and actually did not find the money!

Aunt Yi was sitting in the main room, eating.

She figured it out, since Yi Zhonghai was a beast, there was no need for her to be kind to him.

Divorce is a shame, and it is best not to divorce.

If you don’t divorce, you should be a neighbor in the house.

Eat and drink your own, and no one will take care of anyone.

If divorced……… Aunt Yi’s eyes flashed.

If she has to divorce, she can go to the backyard to find Zhang Shengli for help.

Aunt Yi found out that Zhang Shengli, this young man, had some skills. Still, it’s best not to get divorced.

Maybe in the matter of divorce, he can make himself not suffer!

Aunt Yi snorted coldly in her heart, it still looks good under one roof.

And at this time, Yi Zhonghai came out.

“1What about the family money?”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai ask this, Aunt Yi’s eyes flashed.

Of course, she knew that Yi Zhonghai was asked by the police to lose money and have to bury people.

But she knows that she fell out with Yi Zhonghai, and if she didn’t take the money, she would have a hard time in the future!

Yi Zhonghai, this beast, will definitely not give himself living expenses anymore.

Therefore, after Aunt Yi heard the police’s words, she took advantage of everyone’s lack of attention and entered the house to hide the money.

In the future, the money will be hers.

Yi Zhonghai, this dog thing, I want to take it!

“What money?”

Hearing Aunt Yi pretending to be a fool, Yi Zhonghai snorted coldly;

“What money do you say? The money and passbook in the cabinet are gone! You give me the money! ”

Although things have become like this today, Yi Zhonghai did not dispel the idea of divorce………… Certainly not now.

Since Jia Dongxu is dead, he has to post another 500 yuan, of course, he has to get it home!

It’s just that in order to gag other people’s mouths, it may be later.

As for this old woman……… Yi Zhonghai glanced at Aunt Yi with disdain.

The old thing in his fifties has gone back and forth from nowhere!

“I tell you, I earned all that money! You are not qualified to put it away! ”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai say that he was not qualified, Aunt Yi angrily wanted to pump him in the mouth!

“Whether you have qualifications or not is not up to you.”

Aunt Yi slammed the teapot on the table!

The movement startled Yi Zhonghai, this old thing took the wrong medicine, right?

He actually dared to blow his beard and glare at her!

“What are you crazy about!”

“What am I crazy about? I see it’s telling you, what you mean by money, I don’t know what it means…”

Aunt Yi also reacted at this time, and she couldn’t admit it.

If he admits that he took the money, Yi Zhonghai, the beast, will definitely not be spared.

As long as she dies and doesn’t admit it, even if she knows that she took the money herself, Yi Zhonghai also knows that she took the money herself, but as long as he has no evidence, he can’t care about asking for money himself!

“For these days, you have lost money every day, who knows how much you have lost?”

Aunt Yi snorted coldly and deliberately poked Yi Zhonghai’s heart nest.

“Maybe you lost all that money!” Find me now, what do I want? ”

“Didn’t you say that I don’t do anything at home every day, and I can’t earn money by doing nothing, don’t you care if I want money for nothing?”

Seeing Aunt Yi’s scoundrel appearance, Yi Zhonghai was really shocked!

This woman he has been with her for decades!

Every day honestly, when did she rebel against herself?

How did it become like this now?

“Don’t you talk nonsense with Lao Tzu! I tell you, if you don’t give me the money today, you will get out of here!” ”

Yi Zhonghai is really angry, this shameless cheap account!

Isn’t she afraid that she will find a young one who can have children?

She was thinking about breaking off their Yi family!

“You give me the money to take out today, Lao Tzu can still let you be a beast!” Otherwise, don’t blame me for being unkind to you! ”

Yi Zhonghai scolded viciously, Aunt Yi gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart but did not admit it!

“I said, I don’t know where the money you said is!”

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