Chapter 162 Public Opinion.

Zhang Shengli was naturally woken up.

Sitting with everyone in the compound.

He was also happy to watch this farce, Xiaodang and the deaf old lady fighting to see who was more skilled. He couldn’t help but turn his head to look at the deaf old lady, and his heart sighed more and more.

Because in the deaf old lady’s demeanor, the sadness and anger did not seem to be pretended at all. Looking at Xiaodang again, he sat back obediently, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the deaf old lady’s eyes dripped and turned.

“It’s our family, Xiaodang has recently moved in, and Xiaodang’s child lives very close to me.”

“Xiaodang, did you see anyone enter my old woman’s yard recently?”

“Otherwise, you go and find it for me, in case the old woman makes me dizzy.”

Qin Huairu glanced at Xiaodang nervously.

Knowing that this child, like himself, has an idea.

Xiaodang returned Qin Huairu’s look, nodded to the deaf old lady with concern, and said, “Grandma, I’ll see if I can help you find it.” ”

Yi Zhonghai also said to everyone at this time: “Not only Xiaodang, but you also have to go together to help the deaf old lady find such a big thing.” ”


“I didn’t expect that there was a thief in our compound, and 200 must find this person.”

Zhang Shengli yawned.

Follow in the footsteps of everyone and go door to door. Because he was the last to go.

So at the end, I heard Qin Huairu whisper to Yi Zhonghai: “If you really find it in Xiaodang, you will be then…”

“Well, I know, let’s go, don’t say it.”

Zhang Shengli smiled and shook his head.

After tossing and turning like this for most of the day.

In the direction of the He family, suddenly came the sharp voice of the deaf old lady again.

“Well, it’s actually here in Xiaodang! I found it! ”

Everyone was shocked.

All his gazes shifted to Qin Huairu’s body.

Qin Huairu’s face turned white, and she clutched the locust tree tightly: “It’s impossible, we Xiaodang are not that kind of children.” ”

The voice of the deaf old lady over there was even louder, followed by Xiaodang’s aggrieved shout: “I didn’t steal, I didn’t steal!” ”

This conspiracy also officially reached a fever pitch, and Zhang Shengli soon came to the courtyard of the He family with the mood of eating melons on the first line. What caught the eye was the deaf old lady next to the wall, crying while patting her thighs: “Yuzhu, you are kind, but you took in a thief.” ”

“This baby is only so old, he has learned to steal money, what can he do?”

The people around also pointed at Xiaodang, who was standing there: “What’s the matter with this kid, who actually steals so much money, and he is not afraid of going to jail.” ”

“It’s all her mother who didn’t teach her well, this is good, such a small thief baby, what can I do.”

He Yuzhu stood in front of the door stunned.

He glanced back at Qin Huairu, who was standing beside Yi Zhonghai.

Qin Huairu’s acting skills are also first-class good, and tears suddenly flowed down.

“It’s impossible, Xiaodang is not that kind of child.”

“Isn’t it? Now that everyone has already obtained the stolen goods, what else to quibble! ”

Yi Zhonghai turned his face blue.

As Uncle Yi, when such a thing occurs, of course he has to come out and organize the overall situation. It is even more necessary to educate Xiaodang, and even give Qin Huairu punishment.


Yi Zhonghai glanced at Qin Huairu awkwardly. Just when the scene is deadlocked.

He Yuzhu said directly: “I don’t think this can be a small dang stealer, besides, old lady, you said that you lost more than two hundred yuan, there are only dozens of yuan here, how can it be a small dang steal.” ”

“Maybe you put it here and forgot.”


The deaf old lady was stunned: “Only a few dozen dollars? ”


The deaf old lady stood up at once and threw away the silly pillar like crazy.

“My money, how can it be dozens of dollars, obviously more than two hundred yuan…” Just a few old tickets, the deaf old lady looked over and over. ”

Xiao Dang showed disdain on his face and gloated on the side.

But it was only for a moment, and no one saw it.

“That’s right! It’s obviously two hundred yuan lost! ”

It was clear that he had lost the money, but Silly Zhu was as happy as he wanted to pick up the money, and even breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t want his cheap girl to really steal the deaf old lady’s money.

Otherwise, Xiaodang is likely to be kicked out of the compound.

Then how can he use Xiaodang’s relationship to connect with Sister Qin at that time.

“It’s impossible, it’s a little dang stealer!”

The deaf old lady kept screaming.

Hearing this, Zhang Shengli’s eardrums were uncomfortable.

He glanced at the other side of his room, don’t wake up his daughter-in-law. After these pictures, Zhang Shengli also figured out what Xiaodang’s plan was. It is nothing more than stealing the money of a deaf old lady and then deliberately putting it in your own place.

If the number is not right, it makes people suspect that the deaf old lady deliberately wants to drive Xiaodang away and frame her. However, where did the rest of the deaf old lady’s money go by this little girl?

Zhang Shengli touched his chin. Mental power moved.

Instantly, there were several crackling sounds in the distance. The figure of the big black rat shuttled under the moonlight.

After doing this, Zhang Shengli slowly spoke: “Old lady, Silly Zhu is right, this money is really not right, you think again, what is going on.” ”

The silly pillar is a little strange.

The moon hit the west and came out today?

Zhang Shengli actually spoke to himself. The deaf old lady glanced at Zhang Shengli coldly: “That’s right, in case it’s Xiaodang, this girl stole it.” ”

“She may think that the number is too large, and she has divided several places to hide!”

“I see, that’s it! Help me find this old woman.” ”

“Could it be that you all have a leg with Qin Huairu, this little slut? All help Xiaodang this mean girl speak! ”

Don’t say that others are upset when they hear this.

Stupid pillar, it was simply poked in the nest of the heart.

Our Lady, like him, is also very dissatisfied with the deaf old lady.

“Okay, old lady, you must have lost it yourself, otherwise, we will help you find it together, otherwise, you don’t talk nonsense!”

The deaf old lady fainted on the spot. It’s obviously her… Never mind.

The people around him are still persuading: “When this child is still so young, do you know what it means to steal money, don’t think about it.” ”

“That’s right, today I watched me play in the mud at the door all day.”

“Everyone saw it.”

At this time, Xiaodang pouted and looked aggrieved. That eye contains a pool of water.

Just like Qin Huairu’s eyes, it was simply my pity. However, she is still a small child, and naturally looks pitiful.

“If grandma doesn’t like me, I won’t live in Uncle Zhuzi’s house in the future…”

“Grandma, I really didn’t steal anything from you.”

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