Chapter 185: Stupid Pillar Fight.

The commissioner frowned.

Why is there so much going on here?

Everyone knows in their hearts that your jewelry cannot have as much as five hundred dollars. You old woman, why don’t you know to accept it when you see good?

“You don’t want him to raise him, he can’t lose you money!”

“You’d better think clearly, or you’ll handle it yourself!”

The deaf old man panicked.

She grabbed the commissioner’s sleeve.

“Comrade Committee member, if you don’t care about me, I really won’t have a way to live!”

“I can only follow you, I hope you can help me deal with it!”

There was a lot of talk.

As we all know, the deaf old lady is planning to become a member of the committee. When the 06 members of the committee heard this, they immediately panicked.

So he followed the words of the deaf old lady and looked at the stupid pillar: “You must deal with the deaf old lady now, otherwise you are committing a crime!” ”

“I don’t care what kind of way you use, in short, let her stop making trouble.”

“Now, you first pay the old lady twenty yuan, so that the old lady has a place to live no matter what.”

“Why should I give her!”

The stupid pillar is going crazy.

That’s twenty dollars, his salary a month. Exhausted, that’s all for the money!

Deaf old lady, why take this money!

The deaf old lady is also not happy, what can twenty dollars be used for? Zhang Shengli gave her fifty yuan in the morning.

Zhang Shengli didn’t deal with her so much, and gave her fifty yuan, what does this mean? It shows that she is an ancestor, and everyone has to hold her.

Silly Zhu, this guy actually dared to do this to her in the morning, he must take out more money to apologize! The two of them directly got into trouble.

You say yours, I say mine, the voice is louder than the wave.

Unfortunately, when the committee members saw this battle, their hearts became even more restless.

After he ordered the fool to give money again, he quickly pulled his colleagues and left the compound. He was afraid that if he stayed, he would not be able to leave at all.

Only the deaf old lady and the stupid pillar were left with wide eyes and small eyes.

“Anyway, I won’t care about you!”

The silly pillar cursed and pushed away the deaf old lady who came forward to pay for him. The deaf old lady beats and scolds, so old, and the strength of a young shrew.

“I don’t care, the commissioner said, you give me twenty yuan first!”

The deaf old lady knew that as soon as the commissioners left, there would be no one to support her.

So, no matter what she said, she had to get the money first.


Everyone in the compound did not disperse.

Still watching the silly pillar and the deaf old lady tearing up. When the New Year is bigger, there is no entertainment.

Suddenly, the stick terrier laughed badly and pushed open the door of the compound. Outside the door, dozens of pairs of eyes looked over in unison.

They all saw the silly pillar fighting with an elderly woman on the ground. I couldn’t help but make a disdainful sound.

“Gee, such a big young man, actually 980 made a move on the old lady.”

“That’s right, although that old lady is not very good, but no matter what, you can’t directly hit people.”

“This kind of person, if you meet on the street in the future, you must go around the point.”

Because the deaf old lady has been sparse recently.

Her clothes and pants were all dirty.

Get the stupid pillar’s face, the stupid pillar only feels embarrassed and disgusting. His whole person fell into a state of extreme anger.

Regardless of what others said, he directly ripped off the deaf old woman’s hand, and then pushed hard. Get the deaf old lady to the ground, and can’t get up.

But ginger is still old and spicy.

The deaf old lady took out dozens of dollars from his bag in the process of tearing with the stupid pillar.

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