Chapter 194: Stupid Pillar Became a Eunuch.

Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu are here you non my nong, these two anti-bone boys, Zhang Shengli will definitely not let them have a good time. Unexpectedly, Silly Zhu became a eunuch that night!

The reason is that Silly Pillar has been playing bare for so many years. Reward yourself often.

Moreover, he did not act on women either. So, it’s time to fight with real guns.

He simply can’t do it!

Zhang Shengli originally planned to use his wall-piercing technique to influence the silly pillar. After all, human souls have magnetic fields.

However, I didn’t expect it.

There is no need for any planning at all, the stupid pillar himself will not work.

Walking through their room, Zhang Shengli saw Silly Zhu angrily lying on Qin Huairu’s body. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t do anything to Qin Huairu.

Instead, it was Qin Huairu who comforted him over and over again.

“Silly pillar, it’s okay, it’s not once, it’s nothing.”

“No, Sister Qin, today is our wedding night…”

The silly pillar beat his head angrily. Then, as if he remembered something.

Suddenly got up and rummaged through the cabinets.

He had already made preparations for today. In the cabinet, there are some spring brother medicines!

Silly Zhu’s hands trembled and he found these medicines. Then, a stream of brains was sent into his mouth. That hideous look even scared Qin Huairu. After a while, the soft silly pillar stood for a moment. He came over laughing.

At this moment, I finally have a daughter-in-law who can have a good pain! However, there is no two-second time.

Silly Zhu’s eyes suddenly widened.

At the corners of the mouth, some foam flowed!

Then with a bang, the whole person fell straight to the ground.

“Silly Pillar, don’t scare me Silly Pillar!”

Qin Huairu on the bed was so frightened that she quickly got up.

She stepped forward to see that the whole person of the stupid pillar was unconscious. Qin Huairu couldn’t help but secretly curse Qi.

“This stupid pillar can’t do it, it’s still clean!”

However, she can only say so in her heart.

Qin Huairu quickly sent the stupid pillar to the hospital and rescued him. After spending two or three hours in the hospital, Silly Zhu woke up slowly.

Qin Huairu guarded in front of Silly Zhu’s bed, held Silly Zhu’s hand, and said softly: “Silly Pillar, how are you feeling?” Your injuries are so severe that you must stay in the hospital for some time. ”

“Sister Qin…” Silly Zhu’s eyes were filled with tears, and he looked at Qin Huairu…

“Silly Zhu, you don’t have to worry, it will be fine, I’ll wait with you.”

“Thank you.”

Silly Zhu looked at Qin Huairu gratefully. The two chatted for a while longer.

“Sister Qin, I want to drink some water, my stomach is hungry.”

Qin Huairu said, “I’ll pour water for you right away.” ”

She quickly poured water on the silly pillar.

“You wait.”

Qin Huairu carried the water and walked downstairs.

On the other side, Zhang Shengli set a trap and successfully lured Yi Zhonghai to hook. At this time, he was preparing to take someone to capture Yi Zhonghai and expose his crime.

In this era, treason is a felony, and one person can drown you with a bubble of foam. 3.7 But Zhang Shengli is not afraid, he has prepared all the evidence.

On the other side, Qin Huairu also came to the hospital payment office.

“What? A dollar? It’s too much. That….. Comrade, do you see if you can reduce it? Just collect a dime. ”

At the payment office, Qin Huairu was very unsure when he heard that the financial officer who collected the medical fee asked for ten yuan for the medical fee. She immediately shouted and began to bargain.

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